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Mafia: The Shadows of Beasts GAME ON~!

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4 minutes ago, LeafsfanV said:

vote Aladdin

I never had to vote LL to get him lynched I could have just done like you and almost everyone else did and that was nothing at NF if I was scum to blend in. Why would I deliberately vote to lynch someone I knew to be town who was most likely going to be lynched anyways without my vote? That makes zero sense as a scum move.


I have no idea who you are but if you know me my scum game is not that weak.

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6 minutes ago, Aladeen said:

I never had to vote LL to get him lynched I could have just done like you and almost everyone else did and that was nothing at NF if I was scum to blend in. Why would I deliberately vote to lynch someone I knew to be town who was most likely going to be lynched anyways without my vote? That makes zero sense as a scum move.


I have no idea who you are but if you know me my scum game is not that weak.

So you're saying that your scum game is not that weak by saying that you're a predictable scum player :emot-parrot:


vote Lewi


I misunderstood what MR was saying (yes, I'm role fishing)

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5 minutes ago, LeafsfanV said:

So you're saying that your scum game is not that weak by saying that you're a predictable scum player :emot-parrot:


vote Lewi


I misunderstood what MR was saying (yes, I'm role fishing)

That’s what I’m saying ole predictable scum Aladeen 

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21 hours ago, naslund.is.king said:

with how lucky has played this game tho if he really was caught early im not sure his teammates would be eager to come rescue him

Just rereading last nights events.. NIK you went off on everyone last night for lynching Lucky but said this even yourself.. He didn’t scream town, especially at the end. Personally I didn’t think lucky warranted the noose and went for BJ as 95% of his posts have stunk so far.


lucky didn’t help himself though at the end by resigning defeat and posting gifs. He didnt want to save himself, let alone trying to get others to help save him. 


Hindsight is a wonderful thing and if he had flipped red, it would hardly have been the craziest thing in the world. At least with him being one of the most active players R1, we can dig deeper and there’s info to be found here.

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19 hours ago, AngryElf said:

If Lucky is bad then look at BJ and AV, one of them are probably bad along with one of qwags/leafy. 


If not, look at the Falc, Deen, MR, SS, AV, BJ group. 


Ily all. 

Wait so regardless of Lucky’s alignment, we should look into BJ and AV? Why?

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I’m sick sorry. Read nightfall onwards and will try to go further back.

So much pettiness. 

A few quick notes 


Aladeen, seems genuine with his frustration after getting called out after nightfall. Town lean for me. That’s real frustration in a first game back haha


AV, I’ve been pushing this for the start. The convenient factor they brought up early after backpacking my vote is very convenient. Surprised no one else picked up on it all.


BJ, so chaotic and so quick to revenge vote every game I’ve played with you recently.

Its become a character trait at this point.


MR, I really don’t like the first round more helpful then usual, then falling off but getting more defensive then usual when accused.



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4 minutes ago, NotMyBurroughs said:

I’m sick sorry. Read nightfall onwards and will try to go further back.

So much pettiness. 

A few quick notes 


Aladeen, seems genuine with his frustration after getting called out after nightfall. Town lean for me. That’s real frustration in a first game back haha


AV, I’ve been pushing this for the start. The convenient factor they brought up early after backpacking my vote is very convenient. Surprised no one else picked up on it all.


BJ, so chaotic and so quick to revenge vote every game I’ve played with you recently.

Its become a character trait at this point.


MR, I really don’t like the first round more helpful then usual, then falling off but getting more defensive then usual when accused.



Gotta remember your view and vantage point isn’t canon. Just because you see something as chaotic and vengeful doesn’t make it so.

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17 hours ago, AngryElf said:


I quoted you and explained why. I'm just trying to come with any information we can use to find these guys, wondering if there's a point to be made about BJ being in every single wagon (SS, then you, then me, then LL). Obviously the main guys who know what they're doing aren't really pulling their weight. Instead, you're relying on a guy that hasn't played in years who's neglecting his homework and is already exhausted from covid after one day to make a game winning read. Yeah I've been screwing around a bunch in this game, but if you can't see that I've been trying harder than anyone else here than you're either completely clueless or a scum trying to make an easy play on the relative noob. I've defended you and SS all game because of the asinine wagons you had and I was clearly right one of those two. I've had you as a town lean so far, but don't tell me I don't care. 


Provided I don't feel like complete and utter $hit when I wake up in the morning like I do now, I will go back and make a more informed read based on the information we have now. 

You have definitely been active and kept up to date throughout, that cannot be disputed. For me it’s the ridiculously quick turnaround time from SS being MK’d which didn’t have any forewarnings of happening to you finding a specific two day old post, like you had it prepped and ready to post straight after NF is what gets my spidey senses tingling.

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1 minute ago, Blue Jay 22 said:

Gotta remember your view and vantage point isn’t canon. Just because you see something as chaotic and vengeful doesn’t make it so.

Three games of you NIH, LL, SS chaotic haha


I do get you vote to get reactions ;) it’s just predictable and easily replicated as town or mafia. It’s your chapter trait in my detective eyes

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