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Mafia: The Shadows of Beasts GAME ON~!

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5 minutes ago, NotMyBurroughs said:

That wasn’t the context of what we were talking about at the time at all. Read back and it’s clear as day.

The fact you’re so defensive and avoiding that fact (read back to that discussion) yum I like my vote more and more 

Av quotes all my recent posts accusing him.


 It posts 3 times after this point trying to bury or ignore this point?

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On 2/1/2022 at 5:54 PM, falcon45ca said:

DM said he'd start the game at 5, I didn't get a PM, so I thought the game was on.



I'm playing another game off site too jumping back n forth. 



I'd like to say I'm paying attention? But we all know that's a fib


On 2/1/2022 at 5:59 PM, luckylager said:

Uhh.. anyone else use dark.mode?

stoned puppet GIF


On 2/1/2022 at 6:26 PM, naslund.is.king said:

Not good bird

Not good.


On 2/1/2022 at 6:29 PM, falcon45ca said:

Ah, I started the post on the laptop, then copy pasted it from editor on my mobile, kids need the computer for homework.



It looks the same on mobile, I'll prolly see it later when I'm back on the laptop





On 2/1/2022 at 7:54 PM, Lewitelli said:

Guys does this make sense? The fact that no one followed up on it leads me to believe I’m missing something here, I know it’s been a couple years since I’ve played and all buuuuuut this seems sketch.

The Falcon copy/paste. LL and NIK jumped on this first, and I'm thinking scum falc would remember this would change the highlight behind it. Town falc doesn't necessarily think about whether or not his entrance is seen as incriminating, but if he's scum then that was incredibly stupid. Falc eventually responded to Lewt with sarcasm, and that was that.

On 2/1/2022 at 10:17 PM, Blue Jay 22 said:

SS ultra wolfy intro

On 2/2/2022 at 7:38 AM, falcon45ca said:

SS displaying frustration at town's loss last game is...towny.




Tho he's capable of faking it

Two different views of the same post. With Falcon's overall inactivity this game, I find it interesting that there's a theme to be found with his relatively soft pushes. While BJ hasn't necessarily played townie, he's definitely put himself out there with all of his different votes and scum reads. This is obviously a riskier play, and not one I think he chooses to make if he's in a team he feels like he has to carry. I think scum BJ only does this if he's on a good team.  

On 2/1/2022 at 11:17 PM, Sharpshooter said:

Town, just recall NIK, LL, BJ in this round.


If there’s anything they do sus down the road, remember these interactions. 

I quoted this after nightfall because I had read these interactions so many times trying to understand what was wrong with SS' first post, which I saw no issue with. This is the first that NIK's name has been thrown out. 

On 2/2/2022 at 7:33 AM, falcon45ca said:




BK fringing but not shyte posting. Reluctant to engage the thread?

Soft namethrow again, although he does have good reason to call out BK. 

On 2/2/2022 at 10:50 AM, luckylager said:

I think some players may be town and trying to read too deeply into early game $&!# posting, while other potential scum are playing into insecure townies need for a comfort blanket. Hard to say which is which atm but I think there's something in the AE/SS/Falc/NiK world that is sketch and needs closer attention.


 BJ and AV best town reads atm. Town leaning Lewitelli.

This was the post that I absolutely hated from LL, mainly because I couldn't understand why BJ and AV deserved town reads. Obviously, I was wrong. 

On 2/2/2022 at 11:20 AM, naslund.is.king said:

See when do we get posts like this from SS

Very towny but if you're scum my guess is you have a team you're really excited about

This was after a small recap post from SS, and it's the first we hear in thread of a super scum team. 

On 2/2/2022 at 1:38 PM, AngryElf said:

I guess I'm a more paranoid person, I look for people not to trust; those with a hidden agenda they're trying to push.


It's a bit disingenuous though to say I haven't tried to find town at all. I gave reasoning behind a town lean on Lewi, and a conditional that two of you, AV and BJ could very much be scum. Sure you can say that's not terribly unlikely given the numbers of the game, but I also gave my own reasoning behind it. I don't think AV outs your playstyle if you're both scum, and I think your decision to make BJ one of your early town leans was undeserved. I currently have you as a scum lean, hence the vote, so it could easily be an attempt to make a teammate less scummy. 


If I continue calling you out, one could say that this post reeks of a pocket attempt, something you called out NIK for early on in this game. 


On 2/2/2022 at 1:50 PM, AV. said:

Finding town is always helpful.

See, this is why I said something was off with AngryElf.


On 2/2/2022 at 1:51 PM, AV. said:

Much better to go into a F5 or F3 when you can trust 1-2 people from that list rather than having to suspect all of them.

On 2/2/2022 at 2:07 PM, AngryElf said:

If you're in a final 3 that likely means you've already been duped a few times. Better to go in open and objective than having untouchable(s). 


Obviously you want to find town, and obviously you want to find scum. My rationale is you take a random player, and you've probably found a tp. Can't say that with maf, so spend the time trying to find the bad guys and let the connections they've made dictate who's seen as town. I think that's what you guys do anyways, no? I think we're arguing over semantics of the same thing. 

On 2/2/2022 at 2:10 PM, falcon45ca said:


It's D1...




Certainly finding town is useful, but this is a strange thought this early in the game.

This was an interesting exchange, and I don't think AV looks too good for it. Looking at who seems towny is an easy way to make a wrong call early, something AV has forced people into doing many times. In the games I remember AV winning as scum, he was a top town read and ended with a ta-da moment. If people stay more paranoid, he can't win that way. I wonder if that's a partial cause for inactivity? Falcon is correct, but with another soft call it could easily be seen as bussing. 

On 2/2/2022 at 2:04 PM, Blue Jay 22 said:

Lotta people talking bout me for some reason 


Unvote vote Angry Elf

Being relatively uninvolved doesn't mean you can't be seen as a scum target. 


On 2/2/2022 at 2:12 PM, LeafsfanV said:

vote: NIK


On 2/2/2022 at 2:29 PM, LeafsfanV said:

Who are the slankers? I'm not asking due to intent to slank, I just don't want to do the work.

Prime slank play. 

On 2/2/2022 at 3:23 PM, NotMyBurroughs said:

This is such a chaotic game already..

So many people have previous grudges that clearly come out.


Going to try and read through.

For now Vote AV


The most scummy post is the backpacking my sus on AE


Then posting with some reasons I really didn’t vibe with.


On 2/2/2022 at 3:27 PM, AV. said:

I gotta be honest - I didn't even know you were playing.

My suspicion of AngryElf is from my own observations and very independent from anybody else.

Another exchange to note, AV being uninformed and not caring isn't a good look for him I don't think. 

On 2/2/2022 at 4:17 PM, Blue Jay 22 said:

I don’t know anything, I’m just trying to avoid panic attacks by voting out the scariest players 


On 2/2/2022 at 4:18 PM, luckylager said:

What in the actual &^@# is this?





I figured BJ was being sarcastic in this, but I could be wrong. 

On 2/2/2022 at 4:31 PM, luckylager said:



If BJ is still alive on Day 3 he must either be investigated or lead to the gallows.


Investigate AE for sure, this is a must.


SS and Falc are sketchy but null sketchy.


Other than that, I think Lewitelli is town.


Townleaning AV.


And now I can rest.


Goodnight everyone


On 2/2/2022 at 4:34 PM, Blue Jay 22 said:

Unvote vote NIK

He's hopping on every wagon, but again, a risky scum BJ isn't trying to carry a group. He only does this if he's on a team with at least one other top player who can help if things go sideways. 

On 2/2/2022 at 4:53 PM, falcon45ca said:

BK, AV, NIK is s good POE for now

First time Falcon was authoritative, and it's still relatively safe, aside from NIK. 

On 2/2/2022 at 5:20 PM, AngryElf said:

Thoughts on Aladeen?


On 2/2/2022 at 5:24 PM, naslund.is.king said:

not to be trusted under any circumstances 

I asked NIK specifically for this read and got nothing of value back. 

On 2/2/2022 at 6:09 PM, Qwags said:

Have you considered getting a new CAPS key?

Wolfy entrance is wolfy, but Qwags entrance is qwags-like. From what I remember, he's done this from both sides. 

On 2/2/2022 at 6:12 PM, luckylager said:














Much better at reading who's who than I am, maybe he's got something in the birds claim? I'm not convinced they'd be together, but I can be persuaded. 

On 2/2/2022 at 7:06 PM, naslund.is.king said:

I havent played with falcon much but somethings off.

What happened to falcon who just sat back and drilled players/ asking questions 

what is he even doing.

unvote vote falcon

I agree with this, he's been too soft and playing too safe. 

On 2/2/2022 at 7:19 PM, Sharpshooter said:

LL’s attitude right now is moving him a little bit back to town for me. 

The caveat however is that I’ve seen him go full rage mode before and turn out to be scum. 

Im not 100% that I think he’s scum this game. 

Thw thoughts on Angry possibly being scum is an interesting take. Since we’re not voting tonight I’m going to wait to make any definitive decision. I did like their replies to me earlier though. Wait and see mode on him.


On BJ and his ‘scary’ justification for voting LL, I’m not sure if he’s trying to sway town to get rid of the loudest/most aggressive poster as being scum just for being loud and aggressive. LL posts this way wether he’s scum or town. 

MR is always sus, because he doesn’t do much the first couple rounds. 

Al, I’m going to give a full pass to for a couple rounds. 

AV, meh. He always try to get me out early even when we both end up being town. I think it’s a trust thing or maybe just a default setting for him, but I’ve learned to do the same as well with him. He doesn’t listen to me or care for my opinion so it’s best for me to just get rid of him early so I don’t have to deal with that $&!#. 

NIK always sounds scummy lol. I’m sure it’s not just me. 

BK is his typical slanker self. Better to get the slankers out of the way if they’re not participating. Better to deal with the doubt early on. 

NMB doesn’t come across as scum right now to me. 

I’ll give my opinion on others as I remember who’s playing again. 


On 2/2/2022 at 7:30 PM, naslund.is.king said:

SS big list there almost reads like a NIk nothing burger

This gained no traction, and it blissfully died. Attempted wagon gone wrong? 

On 2/2/2022 at 7:36 PM, naslund.is.king said:

I've been having a hard time finding town but righr now my biggest trust is AV I think I said this but he's either Lock town or has a team like him Aldeen and MR.

The only way I see him playing this way so early as scum is if his team is &^@#in deadly

Again referencing a super team. I'm not sure what I think about looking at the overall team rather than individual players in night one. Could he be trying to say as little incriminating stuff as possible with more than enough words?

On 2/2/2022 at 7:41 PM, naslund.is.king said:

i pray to &^@# you get investigated 1st

Bad feelings Deen

Bad feelings.

I did miss ya tho:wub:


On 2/2/2022 at 7:46 PM, Sharpshooter said:

I’m hoping I’m investigated first tbh. 


On 2/2/2022 at 7:53 PM, naslund.is.king said:

&^@# you just can't help your case

You've used this as both factions in the past

did you play with lewi in the good ol days

I'm reading this as someone who's posting a lot remembering there's a sherrif in the game, and trying to deflect as subtly as possible after realizing he's a prime candidate. 

On 2/2/2022 at 7:53 PM, Sharpshooter said:



I got the sense that you’re pocketing AV. 

Never say Lock. 

It exposes you. I think you exposed yourself. 

Said to NIK, who sharpshooter sussed a few times. 

On 2/2/2022 at 7:58 PM, LeafsfanV said:

vote leviteli


On 2/2/2022 at 8:17 PM, AV. said:

Nobody has a pocket on me.  That's mostly because I haven't read a single thing this match.

Anyways, are we voting AngryElf or should I switch on to somebody else?

Wolfy, but it's AV. 

On 2/2/2022 at 8:26 PM, AV. said:

AV posts are the best because nothing I ever say is alignment indicative.

But in serious, besides me, who is in the pool of e [what does the e stand for again?]. 

Wolfy, but it's AV. 

On 2/2/2022 at 8:30 PM, AV. said:

I'm pretty sure we could naslund.is.king/Lewitelli and it would be fine from a town perspective.

None of them seem like important town players *at this junction*

Wolfy, but it's AV.

On 2/2/2022 at 8:51 PM, Aladeen said:

Qwags is solved… he town. It’s interesting that no one is talking about solving BK who is not.

I don't understand Aladeen's Qwags/BK reads. If I could have a bit of clarification, that's be great. 

On 2/2/2022 at 8:52 PM, AV. said:

Are we to vote BoKnows?

Wolfy, but it's AV. 

On 2/2/2022 at 9:02 PM, naslund.is.king said:

possible scum his entire game is off

the copypasta then for those paying attention would notice he's not being his normal question grill someone's ass player

I hate saying this to a player I'm very worried about tho

Said to LL about Falcon, definitely not wrong. Voted for BJ.

On 2/2/2022 at 9:46 PM, naslund.is.king said:

I'd like to pretend bj is testing stuff saying I'm scum but his whole gameplay he hasn't been doing his normal Thang.

Town bj finds town nik

I'm gonna keep saying this but I'm not finding town so far 

town needs to find itself here

Ends up finishing the round with a vote on BJ. 

On 2/2/2022 at 9:53 PM, naslund.is.king said:

we have new players(to me) who are all over the map. 

Qwags,MR/Bk  are all mute so far.

Both birds are acting weird falc had copy pasta early 

SS and av are being extremely active and townie out of the gate 

LL has been a wreck start to finish

Aladeen can never be trusted 

I'm not sure who I missed but you're all dog $&!# right now


I like these last three posts from NIK, the first two especially. 

On 2/2/2022 at 10:06 PM, Sharpshooter said:

Is NIK overposting in order to look like town? 

Is LL’s cap play a way to act twtbw? 

Is BJ and NIK team since I think they’ve avoided each other this first two days, iirc? 

Don't think scum are dumb enough to take out SS r1 when he had NIK pegged from the beginning.

On 2/2/2022 at 10:21 PM, Lewitelli said:

Leafs voted for me twice without unvoting for me inbetween with no explanation as to why, so there’s that. Lol

Not paying attention, leafy?


I ran out of quotes. 




Falcon has played oddly soft, especially compared to what I expect from him.

BJ is likely not on a scum team with two less experienced players. (BJ + two of NMB, Qwags, Leafy, Lewt)

NIK's sheriff deflection makes me uneasy, along with his posts made at roughly the same time. He followed that up with some solid posts, and I don't think SS dies if NIK is scum.


My pool based on the first few days of r1: 

Falc, AV, BJ in that order.

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22 hours ago, DarthMelvin said:

Final tally


BK – Falcon, LL, Qwags

LL – BJ, AE, BK, SS, Aladeen


BJ – Lewt, NiK

Lewt – LeafsFan



MR no vote


If this correct as per my search Lucky Lager will be hung

Damn there's almost nothing to be gained from this is there. I think deen is right that he was voting at too scummy a time to be scum, at least, the prime target. The BJ, BK and Deen group probably has at least one scum though. God I'm conflicted. 

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6 minutes ago, AngryElf said:





The Falcon copy/paste. LL and NIK jumped on this first, and I'm thinking scum falc would remember this would change the highlight behind it. Town falc doesn't necessarily think about whether or not his entrance is seen as incriminating, but if he's scum then that was incredibly stupid. Falc eventually responded to Lewt with sarcasm, and that was that.

Two different views of the same post. With Falcon's overall inactivity this game, I find it interesting that there's a theme to be found with his relatively soft pushes. While BJ hasn't necessarily played townie, he's definitely put himself out there with all of his different votes and scum reads. This is obviously a riskier play, and not one I think he chooses to make if he's in a team he feels like he has to carry. I think scum BJ only does this if he's on a good team.  

I quoted this after nightfall because I had read these interactions so many times trying to understand what was wrong with SS' first post, which I saw no issue with. This is the first that NIK's name has been thrown out. 

Soft namethrow again, although he does have good reason to call out BK. 

This was the post that I absolutely hated from LL, mainly because I couldn't understand why BJ and AV deserved town reads. Obviously, I was wrong. 

This was after a small recap post from SS, and it's the first we hear in thread of a super scum team. 



This was an interesting exchange, and I don't think AV looks too good for it. Looking at who seems towny is an easy way to make a wrong call early, something AV has forced people into doing many times. In the games I remember AV winning as scum, he was a top town read and ended with a ta-da moment. If people stay more paranoid, he can't win that way. I wonder if that's a partial cause for inactivity? Falcon is correct, but with another soft call it could easily be seen as bussing. 

Being relatively uninvolved doesn't mean you can't be seen as a scum target. 



Prime slank play. 


Another exchange to note, AV being uninformed and not caring isn't a good look for him I don't think. 


I figured BJ was being sarcastic in this, but I could be wrong. 


He's hopping on every wagon, but again, a risky scum BJ isn't trying to carry a group. He only does this if he's on a team with at least one other top player who can help if things go sideways. 

First time Falcon was authoritative, and it's still relatively safe, aside from NIK. 


I asked NIK specifically for this read and got nothing of value back. 

Wolfy entrance is wolfy, but Qwags entrance is qwags-like. From what I remember, he's done this from both sides. 

Much better at reading who's who than I am, maybe he's got something in the birds claim? I'm not convinced they'd be together, but I can be persuaded. 

I agree with this, he's been too soft and playing too safe. 


This gained no traction, and it blissfully died. Attempted wagon gone wrong? 

Again referencing a super team. I'm not sure what I think about looking at the overall team rather than individual players in night one. Could he be trying to say as little incriminating stuff as possible with more than enough words?



I'm reading this as someone who's posting a lot remembering there's a sherrif in the game, and trying to deflect as subtly as possible after realizing he's a prime candidate. 

Said to NIK, who sharpshooter sussed a few times. 


Wolfy, but it's AV. 

Wolfy, but it's AV. 

Wolfy, but it's AV.

I don't understand Aladeen's Qwags/BK reads. If I could have a bit of clarification, that's be great. 

Wolfy, but it's AV. 

Said to LL about Falcon, definitely not wrong. Voted for BJ.

Ends up finishing the round with a vote on BJ. 

I like these last three posts from NIK, the first two especially. 

Don't think scum are dumb enough to take out SS r1 when he had NIK pegged from the beginning.

Not paying attention, leafy?


I ran out of quotes. 




Falcon has played oddly soft, especially compared to what I expect from him.

BJ is likely not on a scum team with two less experienced players. (BJ + two of NMB, Qwags, Leafy, Lewt)

NIK's sheriff deflection makes me uneasy, along with his posts made at roughly the same time. He followed that up with some solid posts, and I don't think SS dies if NIK is scum.


My pool based on the first few days of r1: 

Falc, AV, BJ in that order.

This is MVP worthy posting. I wouldn’t be surprised if that is the scum team right there with the off chance of a slanker replacing one of those three.

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2 minutes ago, AngryElf said:

Vote Count: 


BJ - MR, Qwags 

Lewt - Leafy, BJ 

BK - Falc, Deen

AE - AV 



I don't like any of these choices. If you change to Falc or AV I'll gladly do that. I'm too paranoid on BJ, and too paranoid to lead another lynch.

And yes, I realize that I mentioned BJ in my pool of choices. I will vote him if nothing else changes. 

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13 minutes ago, Blue Jay 22 said:

I’ve noticed people have included me in like groups of 3s with other players in their chopping block. I think that’s fair so far. To make it simpler though, trust that I’m down and narrow your pools down to 2

I already made it simpler. NIK is my 4th choice but I didn't include his name because of his few important posts that I outline. I will vote for any of the three, although preferably Falc or AV, but I will not vote for NIK tonight. 

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2 minutes ago, AngryElf said:

Vote Count: 


BJ - MR, Qwags 

Lewt - Leafy, BJ 

BK - Falc, Deen

AE - AV 



I don't like any of these choices. If you change to Falc or AV I'll gladly do that. I'm too paranoid on BJ, and too paranoid to lead another lynch.

I think my VC is up to date, but without a consensus wagon/cw the scum can influence the vote too easily.

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