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Mafia: The Shadows of Beasts GAME ON~!

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“It’s getting late, we need to make this quick the moon is coming!” yelled a villager. “Get ready to string him up!” shouted the Executioner.

“Lewitelli, I have known you for many seasons, you have been gone a long time, but you have come back a monster!”

“I am not a beast you claim!” shouted Lewit.

“Sir, the Moon!” Shouted a guard.

Just as The Executioner looked toward the night sky, a growl unlike any heard before bayed from Lewitelli.

“BEAST!” shouted the guard. 

Before Lewitelli could take full shape, he was strung up and burned alive. Screams with bits of howls echoed throughout Mount Currie.

As the beast hung now silent; howls from a distant could be heard. “He is not alone!” whispered the Executioner.





B.Knows started each evening fetching firewood from the woodpile. He wanted to be set for the night. “All locked up nice and cozy!” he said to himself.

As he came in from the brisk evening, he barred the front door. “You have to make sure everything is locked down tight!” He sed to Jazz, his furry friend of a cat.

What comfort it was turning out to be. His favorite chair is where he sat most nights. You see, this is where he had his visions. He began to look into the night through the eyes of a Raven that cawed like the Gate Lord.

But he heard a disturbance come from the back room.

As the moonlight shone through the bedroom door, a figure stood broadly in the doorway, and it snarled.

“Oh, my Lord, the bedroom window Jazz…” thought BoKnows.

While Jazz hissed at the beast, there was only gasps coming from the Seer.

“No!”He screamed in a whisper.

Some things cannot be unseen, and some things must not be seen at all.




Game on 


Next NF Sunday 10pm

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1 minute ago, NotMyBurroughs said:

I don’t think dead. And it was pretty easy to see that BK was sheriff claiming as everyone voted with.


I don’t see BJ being mafia with his doc save Bk post. 

MR is by far my top suspicions before a good read back.

Yah I think BJ is cleans. Also I think if the Angel has a self save left they should reveal. 

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