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Everything posted by sassbs

  1. Does anyone have a good “fire green” picture I can have so I can upload it to my IG
  2. At this point i firmly believe the opposition are quite happy giving us a PP, it just means their top boys can rest and is pretty much a 2 min time out.
  3. Miller will prob demand a trade or in the off season of this continues. I don’t blame him.
  4. Real question is: do you really think he can afford not too? Or maybe the only time he will really care is if fans stop buying tickets to games
  5. I can hear greens speech now. “The other team played well, hats off to them. I thought we played great. Proud of our guys. We will win soon”
  6. The only reason they made the playoffs was because they were in the weakest division. Had it been reg format, Canucks would’ve missed the playoffs
  7. If we are winning that means we hired a brand spanking new coach and that, my furry friend, is fantastic!!!
  8. I hate how they lose. Nor do I believe in tanking for lottery. If they lose , green is fired. The reason I’m cheering for them to lose now is because this has to happen soon. why? Let’s say new coach comes replaces green by December. The players have time to adjust and adapt to his system. They then are in a position to make a strong case for playoff hockey. if green is with the team until February for example, ans assuming nothing changes in team performance, then by the time the team adjust to the new coach it may be too late to catch the playoffs, even if they do tear things up. That’s the way I see it
  9. The more they win, the less likely he will be fired. Players probably know this and simply are not giving a crap. Is Pettersson really that rusty? Lol. No one cares. At this point, this should be recognized by the GM and immediately fixed. If Jim can’t see this then he needs to go too.
  10. buddhahoodlum sassbs said: Spoken like a true fan. Not. HF boards are that way. ---> Everyone found this comment amazing yet I’m still baffled by it. Was I wrong? Green needs to be fired! The more they win, the more secure his job will be! At this point, bring back torts ! Anyone Is better than green. I’m not a homer fan, I’m a die hard fan, if losing means green will get fired sooner than later , then let’s lose. If things continue the way they are, and green gets fired in Jan/feb (if at all) , it may be too big of a hole to climb out of. He needs to go now!
  11. Why am I getting flamed for saying the same thing
  12. You misunderstood me. The only reason I want them lose is for green to get fired. Nothing to do with the team. I love these players. I’m even a fan of benning. I think he’s done a great job here. I just loathe green. So yes, call me a troll for hating green. I accept that. I want change. We will never get change with green running this team.
  13. That’s a negative. I’ve been following them far too long. Before bure even. Soo you’re stuck with me. Why are you reacting like I’m the only guy wanting green fired.
  14. Lmao. I am a true fan. But I also know that this team cannot achieve anything with green running them. Period. He is out coaches every single game. so yes, If it means them loosing more often than not just so we can get a new coach. Then I’m all for it. And the reason why I laughed is because you brought back some memories with the “not”, haven’t heard that since my college days
  15. Let’s go! Dump n chase boys! In all honesty, I hope they continue to lose so heads can roll.
  16. They have decent coaching. He went from a structured system to a country club system and it screwed him up lol. now he’s back to sound coaching.
  17. Didn’t I read on here how the crowd at Rogers started to make legit noise (good noise). And security literally kicked them Out!??
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