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Everything posted by JustABandwagoner

  1. Say NO to Virtanen with the 6th overall!!

  2. I predict hes a future 3rd liner. Just heard he has a high ego from some CDC posts.
  3. Do NOT go with Virtanen. His stats are inflated. Plays with overagers. Plus i heard he has a high ego. Future 3rd liner.
  4. I hope we dont draft Virtanen with the 6th overall pick.

    1. smithers joe

      smithers joe

      whoever they pick, i'll be happy with.i like ehlers but i don't have any expertise in the matter/

    2. viking mama

      viking mama

      No to Ritchie, too.

    3. Keslerific


      I want Virtanen but will be happy with whoever Trev/JB select and feel is best for the team moving forward.

  5. Virtanen= Future bust, 3rd liner or 4th liner. Just watch.

    1. Pears


      Virtanen = 6'1", 210lbs who can score, hit, and skate. Can I ask you again why you don't want that?

    2. Pears


      Sounds awfully familiar if you ask me

    3. JustABandwagoner


      Cuz there are better players available :)

  6. Your thoughts on Nylander and Ehlers? Who would you pick and why. Thanks. :D

    1. TheRussianRocket.


      I'd take Ehlers. Just cause Ehlers has a better defensive game, has more raw offensive skill, and has played at the North American level already. Not a shot at Nylander cause he's a gifted player as well but I'd take Ehlers just cause of that. Nylander scores a lot as he showcased in the WJ's but he tries a lot to make that happen and is somewhat selfish. Ehlers on the other hand let's the play come to him naturally and he makes things happen with ease and it seems it'...

    2. TheRussianRocket.


      It seems it comes to him naturally.

      Both players are very solid but I'd rank Ehlers at 6 and Nylander at 7. But I'd take Ehlers cause the reasons listed above and especially since he's proved he can dominate at the NA level. Nice meeting you btw

    3. JustABandwagoner


      Thanks for answering :D

      Nice meeting you too :)

  7. Watch us pick Nylander. Just watch. Theres nobody at that level for the 6th overall unless MDC falls. The only other 2 guys we will consider for the 6th overall is 1. Virtanen (BC boy) Lame reason to pick him. 2. Ritchie (cuz hes big)
  8. Benning said something about theres a top 6 in the draft. I think hes clearly referring it to Nylander as the top 6
  9. Whatever the canucks do.. DO NOT DRAFT VIRTANEN.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Pears


      Virtanen is more built for the West than Nylander or Ehlers. If we get the 1st as well as the 6th we have to take Virtanen if we're moving up to get Reinhart

    3. Gyllenhaal


      If we have the 1st and the 6th then I would be totally fine with Reinhart and Virtanen. I just dont like the idea of taking Virtanen at 6th just because he is the hometown kid. even after he said in an interview he likes Calgary more then his hometown. Thats a stupid reason to draft a player above players more worthy at 6th.

    4. JustABandwagoner


      Virtanen at 6th is a no no. At 10th then maybe.

  10. Whats with all the terrible mock drafts from analyst that have us picking Virtanen Should be clearly Nylander.
  11. Im a Virtanen hater.

    1. Go Faulk Yourself

      Go Faulk Yourself

      me2. lets hate together.

    2. Bruce Boudreau

      Bruce Boudreau

      Didn't realize the NBA and NHL draft are next week. Kinda came out of nowhere.

    3. JustABandwagoner


      I wouldnt mind Virtanen @ 10th as much but @ 6th hell no.

  12. Virtanen is awful for the 6th overall.... Absolutely AWFUL. AVOID Virtanen @ all costs.
  13. If we pick Virtanen with the 6th overall pick, Im done with this team.
  14. Any chance that Brian Burke is stupid enough to take Virtanen @ 4th lol
  15. As much as i hate saying this... If the top 5 are gone, and we choose to pick 6th its gonna be Virtanen.
  16. GG. 6-2 for the Storm in the 3rd period with 2 minutes left to play
  17. Burke isnt that stupid. Hes stupid but not that stupid to pass up on Reinhart.
  18. Ehlers, Nylander, Kapanen or one of the big 5's wouldnt be too bad. No Virtanen at this pick.
  19. Can we pick Ehlers and only Ehlers if the big 5 are gone.
  20. Watch Reinhart, Dal Colle, German, Ekblad, and bennet be gone at the 6th pick. We better pick Ehlers.
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