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Posts posted by ruilin96

  1. Just now, Vanisleryan said:

    I can see some guys here are pretty bummed if Sven goes on waivers. I like the guy too but our team is improving and some tough decisions are being made. In the end it’s a business and these players are compensated quite well.

    Baertchi has outplayed Eriksson imo he should not be the casualty of the numbers game.

    • Upvote 4
  2. 1). Wake up feeling excited because there is Canucks hockey.


    2). Go to work.


    3). Go on CDC to check updates and participate in GDT.


    4). Try to see positive stuffs throughout the day as I believe a positive attitude could lead towards good result.


    5). Get off work, get home and try to make sure to make dinner before the drop of the puck.


    5). Watch the game.


    6). I either go to sleep happy because we won or pissed off because of either a loss or losing key players to injuries.

    • Like 1
  3. 39 minutes ago, canuck73_3 said:

    Drouin isn't terrible, on our roster he is redundant. He doesn't add anything we don't already have/potentially have. Not a fit for either team. 

    Right now our top-6 is:




    If you replace the 2nd line LW with Drouin, I feel this improves the overall quality and skill of the team's top 6. Not saying we should trade for him, but I think we are not in a position that would be make him redundant on our roster. I also think when Drouin initially got drafted (and when Montreal made the trade for him in 2016), he was seen as a potential 1st line center who you can build a team around. This ship has sailed, and we know he isn't that #1 guy. However, I think if he comes to a place like Vancouver, where we already have some really good/elite players in the top 6 in Petterson, Boeser, Horvat, Miller and Ferland etc. Drouin can come in and just be one of the guys and he doesn't have to be counted on for everything and it could actually benefit him playing in more of a secondary role.

  4. After watching Hughes played in the pre-season, I think we can get a really good balance between Olli and Quinn. Because Olli does not take riskis, and he is the safe plaer that calms things down. Quinn is more of a risk taker, and as he gets better he will put up the points but he will still make plays that will really scare you. I look forward to see Olli playing at some point this season when he gets his condition back. Hopefully he can just play the full year injury free.

  5. Any body interested in participating in the scavenger hunt tomorrow? I am on the fence on whether or not I should make the trip to Vancouver, but I also don’t have a team and would like to see if anyone is interested and we can be a team of some sort. 


    PM me if you are interested :)

  6. 1 minute ago, DarthMelvin said:

    So no step up? 

    I wouldn’t say 46 SOG is no one stepped up. Just Ottawa capitalizes on almost all their scoring chances and Anderson really shut the door after the first 2 goals. We have already seen what the team on full force can do, and right now I don’t care about wins or losses for the rest of the pre-season as long as we get Brock back for the start of the season.

    • Cheers 2
  7. Gaudette on the wing with Sutter or Beagle to start the season. Either are great models for him to learn from as they can show him how to get better as a well-rounded player. I love that idea of having 2 Centers on a line as in a Faceoffs situation, if one gets waived out, you get another center ice man come in for a draw. Gaudette makes the team.

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