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the last outlaw

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Everything posted by the last outlaw

  1. Province has interview with Bollywood Boyz talking about GFW and more. http://www.theprovince.com/sports/Burnaby+Bollywood+Boyz+take+their+wrestling+dream+Vegas/11226947/story.html
  2. Tigers may be sellers and might be looking to trade David Price. 1040 is talking about it saying the Blue Jays should be in there and making a real run for him.
  3. Summer Rae is dressed like Lana and has a bun too. This feud is so awful.
  4. Blue Jays have strong interest in starter Mike Fiers. Jays are being cheap if this is type of pitchers their targeting http://www.sportsnet.ca/baseball/mlb/report-jays-showing-strong-interest-in-fiers/
  5. Cena vs Rollins in Title vs Title at SummerSlam. Cena wins and Rollins can start feuding with HHH after SummerSlam.
  6. Undertaker and Lesnar had a big brawl and were separated by police and the entire locker room. Lesnar got put in handcuffs.
  7. This explains why Owens lost. Forces within WWE want to see Owens fail.
  8. That and the fact Sting, Owens and Rusev are missing.
  9. Undertaker has to be the heel with how he acted and low blow.
  10. Original Sting and Wyatt Family SummerSlam Plans Bo Dallas should be the new Wyatt Family member. He's going nowhere.
  11. Undertaker acted like a heel. The low blow and the mannerisms. Taker is named the new Director Of Operations
  12. Looks like MVP is gone from TNA from the looks of some of his tweets.
  13. Dudley Boyz can't understand why WWE won't bring them back. They could put over the young teams and even work with tag teams down in NXT.
  14. Sting vs Bray Wyatt is being considered for WM32 according to Bryan Alvarez on Wrestling Observer Live. He mentioned it wouldn't surprise him if the match is moved up to SummerSlam. That makes sense so they could give Sting a big named opponent for WM or if Vince decides to change his mind on having Sting vs. Undertaker.
  15. Looks like there's something to rumors of TNA being called by Destination America in September after all.
  16. DB says that was a fake interview where he supposedly said "his time is over".
  17. If "he" returns at Battleground and costs Lesnar the match, wouldn't that make "him" a heel.
  18. Sounds like Daniel Bryan's wrestling career is over
  19. Daniel Bryan talks about his "affair" with his Physical Therapist Chelsea Green (aka Megan Miller) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FNlyNJww3tw
  20. Why don't they pull a Ladybugs movie and have the Women's Team pretend their guys and play for the men's team
  21. Lesnar is currently not scheduled to win at Battlground, and there's a swerve planned.
  22. R-Truth is one of the wrestlers named in the suit and he didn't even work that event
  23. Why didn't they sign him in off-season. He ain't coming here, nor is any starters or a closer. Another write off and waste of a season. What a joke. Can only hope the AA and Gibbons era is over.
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