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the last outlaw

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Everything posted by the last outlaw

  1. Too bad E&C couldn't do one more match. They could do a segment with Dudleys, Hardys and E&C.
  2. It was obvious the finish to Lesnar/Undertaker wasn't going to be clean, but what they went with was stupid. I wonder how the "who rang the bell" will play out and if it goes anywhere would say Kane is behind it. Helps out his brother and gets payback on Lesnar for taking him out. Jon Stewart costing and screwing Cena is WWE's version of David Arquette becoming world champion. I said and expected there would be a screwjob ending but not a celebrity getting involved. Not alot of positives to say about SummerSlam. Stephen Amell was pretty good, alot better then most celebrities. Nice to see Owens finally get a much needed win.
  3. I think it happens at SummerSlam after Cena/Rollins has ended.
  4. Daniel Bryan says WWE may never clear him to return. He said if he returns he wants to face Lesnar.
  5. Little girl who is a huge fan of Bayley, her reaction to Bayley becoming NXT Women's Champion. Heartwarming stuff. https://twitter.com/bonez216/status/635282511862607876
  6. Are the Jays anywhere near close to being the best offense of all-time?
  7. Bayley becomes NXT Women's Champion. What a match. Best women's/divas match since Trish/Lita.
  8. Jays should sign Tugboat playing for Canada at Little League WS. 16k's in 5 innings. Future MLB ace.
  9. Blue Jays should sign Tugboat. That kid can pitch. 16k's in 5 innings.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. *VaNcOuVeRCaNuCkS*


      how do you have 16k's in 5 innings

    3. Gstank29


      ^ one drop third strike

    4. *VaNcOuVeRCaNuCkS*


      Yeah you are talking about Wilkinson

  10. Wally seems to be in hiding. Why isn't management taking most of the heat.
  11. Lesnar does Make-A-Wish. The kinder and gentler side of The Beast. https://community.wwe.com/hope/gallery/circle-champions-brock-lesnar-meets-juan-photos
  12. There's going to be a screw job in Cena/Rollins and with Cena mentioning he would tie Flair's record that seem to really upset HHH on Raw. I'll say Cena beats Rollins but then HHH attacks Cena hitting a Pedigree, which then allows Sheamus to cash in and become the new Authority Champion.
  13. Here it looked as if pitching had turned the corner with the trades.
  14. Jays should have won the first game if Gibbons hadn't let Price go out for the 8th and then have Sanchez crap the bed giving Yankees the win. Is it too late to fire Gibbons and bring in someone who is competent, experienced and won before like Cito Gaston, Bobby Cox, Lou Pinella or Joe Torre (yeah I know he works for MLB)
  15. Ziggler is scheduled to return this week on Raw and Kane won't be returning until the week after the post SummerSlam Raw.
  16. This season is a write-off. Time for Wally to either be booted or he steps down. This team is terrible and clearly are in rebuild.
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