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the last outlaw

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Everything posted by the last outlaw

  1. Gonna be a long season for Lions. New coaching staff, most player turnover of any team in the league. Wally continues to ruin this team and needs to go. Lions like Canucks are in full rebuild mode.
  2. They need to make a move for a starter to help them now. Zaun is saying the same thing. Wake up AA. Sounds like this is Dickey's last season in Toronto Jays have interest in Jeff Samardzija Hamels would prefer not to be traded to Toronto.
  3. God help us U.S. has won the Women's World Cup. We'll never hear the end of it.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. the last outlaw

      the last outlaw

      End of how great the U.S. is. They wonder why their so hated around the world.

    3. Ghostsof1915


      Get back in the kitchen BanTSN, and make sure you do the dishes and laundry.

    4. BanTSN


      I'm currently curling my hair, so get off my back.

  4. Bellas Q&A Wizard World. It doesn't sound like they have all this backstage power and pull we all thought
  5. EC3 cuts a promo with some course language about becoming world champion. He takes some shots at WWE and calls himself the "the new game". https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kwDYQ5TZwEs
  6. Pretty funny. Ryan Kesler ‏@Ryan_Kesler Jun 30 Quack quack @kbieksa3 https://twitter.com/Ryan_Kesler/status/616004598592090113

  7. How can Boeser's favorite athlete not be Brock Lesnar.

  8. Seth Rollins congratulates EC3 on becoming TNA World Champion.
  9. Stardust returns to WWE TV next week. Here's hoping he drops the character with Dusty passing and goes back to being Cody Rhodes.
  10. Backstage Plans for WM32. 2016 and Vince thinks HHH vs. The Rock will sell the PPV and it was just last year that Vince was pushing for Sting vs. The Undertaker.
  11. AA keeps talking about wanting to add pitchers to rotation and bullpen. Talk is cheap. I'll be surprised if he does anything to address the pitching woes. If they miss the playoffs again he should be gone along with Gibbons. What a waste of a year by the offense and opportunity with the East anyone's to win. Stop expecting the offense to bail you out when the pitching craps the bed. Fed up of AA and his BS.
  12. quote name="Nicklas%2520Bo%2520Hunter" post="12844806" timestamp="1435447341"] so why no Mega powers lately?
  13. Eric Young tweeted following Slammiversary that anyone who didn't enjoy the PPV can GFY. He's since deleted the tweet. Dixie even re-tweeted it. Real world!!! If you watched #Slammiversary2015 and didnt like it GO frack YOURSELF #ProWrestling #proud #5thday #agame #teameffort
  14. Asking Price for Lucic Ben Kuzma ‏@benkuzma 6h6 hours ago Judging by Kings accepted offer, Lucic would have cost the #Canucks at least Markstrom, 23rd overall pick and prospect. Ouch.

    1. BanTSN


      Who cares? These reporters all focusing an crape that doesn't impact anything.

    2. Salmonberries


      I thought we didn`t like Lucic in this market anyway.

  15. Not buying Benning when he says a Bieksa deal wasn't close.

  16. Jeff Jarrett is rumored to buy TNA and rebrand it GFW.
  17. TNA has announced the other participants for KOTM Match: Jeff Jarrett, Bobby Roode, Matt Hardy, Eric Young and Drew Galloway. The winner of the match wins the new and debuting King Of The Mountain Championship.
  18. Nice to see other teams doing deals while as usual Canucks sit on their asses and do nothing. Thought Benning was better then this and Gillis.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. the last outlaw

      the last outlaw

      The way Benning was talking yesterday he said something might get down late yesterday or this morning. Unless he was BSing like Linden.

    3. Winter Soldier

      Winter Soldier

      Have you been watching the last two years? Jesus Christ.

    4. TheCammer


      Relax. Have a cookie.

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