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the last outlaw

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Everything posted by the last outlaw

  1. Roman Reigns is teasing The Rock at SummerSlam I could see Rock making the save on Roman and Ambrose after a new Wyatt family member interferes. Or if Ambrose turns on Roman. It also could be Sting who makes save since he will be at SummerSlam Fan Axxess. He could also show up post match Lesnar/Taker.
  2. JR commented on the incident calling the fan "Real Idiot".
  3. ESPN refers to Jays as beer league softball team. http://www.sportsnet.ca/baseball/mlb/gotta-hear-it-espn-refers-to-blue-jays-as-beer-league-softball-team/
  4. AA might not be done dealing. He's looking for depth OF's and starting pitchers. http://www.sportsnet.ca/baseball/mlb/anthopoulos-blue-jays-eyeing-outfielders-starters/
  5. Cost of briefcase is $150. Why would you have all the wrestlers sign it and then throw in the ring and hit someone in head.
  6. Security for WWE Events in Victoria is pathetic. Hasn't gotten any better since Jericho incident.
  7. This one is a winner. Claims the guy who owns the briefcase wasn't the one who threw it. First time i've seen a report of saying this. Regardless of who threw it they're completely in the wrong.
  8. This person who sent a report oft what happens claims they didn't hear anyone in the crowd urging him to throw the briefcase. Why would the crowd then chanting for him to throw it and then after he did throw it, they started chanting "kick him out". Each one of the reports seem to differ.
  9. He won't be charged because he apologized and uses the excuse that he was encouraged by the crowd. He's also banned from future WWE events for what that's worth. This guy is 31. He's not some kid. Lets have his name since he's such a tough guy. I'm truly disgusted with this considering Victoria's WWE reputation. http://www.ctvnews.ca/sports/wwe-fan-arrested-in-b-c-after-hitting-wrestler-with-briefcase-1.2509295
  10. Looks like the fan or one his friends sent in a report of what "really" happened Uh huh. "These guys were total fans that unfortunately got too excited" so that excuses the guy's actions. I like too how he says the guy and his friends are real WWE fans by talking to him during the show, and how the guy wasn't intentionally trying to hit anyone. What a joke.
  11. It made USA Today. Wow. http://ftw.usatoday.com/2015/08/wwe-fan-throws-briefcase-at-roman-reigns-during-match-in-canada
  12. WWE is in Vancouver tonight, can you guys redeem B.C. with good fan behavior after Victoria once again embarrassed and disgraced itself for the 3rd time in 4 WWE shows.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. the last outlaw
    3. goalie13


      Stunned? From where I was sitting it looked more like he barely noticed it and was forced to stay down on the mat so as to not break script.

    4. Baka


      What difference would it make goalie13? xD It's no better than a fan lobbing a briefcase off one of the Canucks players heads

  13. Saw this on twitter. This fan's name needs to be outed. https://twitter.com/PalisadesKid/status/630483363615281156
  14. WWE needs to stop going to Victoria. Period. 3rd incident in 4 shows. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V0ANPsOisiU http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G9Jm53Qe5Wc
  15. WWE had a meeting with Destination America. Can't be good for TNA.
  16. WWE is planning to push Eva Marie huge now as they've changed their plans and minds on Lana. Eva Marie can't even cut a promo without crying because of the fans giving it to her. Vince what are thinking
  17. WWE is considering adding Divas Tag Titles. TNA did it and it didn't work out too well.
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