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the last outlaw

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Everything posted by the last outlaw

  1. First match announced during Raw for SummerSlam Heat Wave Tour in Victoria and Vancouver is Roman Reigns vs. Bray Wyatt.
  2. It's rumored that either Cena or Owens will face Undertaker at WM32. Cena/Taker is pointless at this stage with the streak being broken and they should have done the match sooner as it would have made alot of money. The same thing can be said for Owens/Taker. Owens would gain nothing by defeating Taker with the streak gone and since this most likely would be Taker's retirement match their not going to have him lose. They should go with Sting vs. Taker even if the match isn't great but it's still a dream match many fans want to see.
  3. Paige wants to feud with her mom in WWE. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IFjYrwQ5LMU Paige's mom
  4. A former security guard is suing WWE claiming a wrestler hit him with a steel chair at a live event in 2013. He believes it was Ambrose who hit it him. His lawyer and legal team haven't even reviewed the video from the event yet to know which wrestler it was. Security guard also claims since been hitting with a steel chair, he's been unable to have intercourse with his wife since the incident. WWE claims to have no knowledge of the incident.
  5. pwi reporting Kane will be returning as a babyface. Ziggler has finally re-signed with WWE and the reason he was written off TV is because he's filming a movie in Vancouver. Filming is expected to take 4 weeks, which means Ziggler should return to WWE TV before SummerSlam.
  6. Stamkos says TB would have beat Canucks in 2011. You got to the dance this year and you didn't get the job done, Stevie boy. http://news.nationalpost.com/sports/nhl/tampa-bay-lightnings-steven-stamkos-determined-to-make-the-most-of-his-moment

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. BanTSN
    3. PhillipBlunt


      Henrik Sedin will raise a Cup before Stamkos. Henrik is a true leader. Honorable, respectful, honest, and humble.

      Stamkos is a blowhard.



      Hell no! Canucks were too good back then compared to TB. I mean we had Torres and Oreskovich..

    1. Odd.
    2. Gstank29


      So they spent 2 months making mascots instead of fixing the gameplay..... Typical EA

    3. Odd.


      well I mean at least the fan physics look good but the puck bounces 50ft in the air still :/

  7. Expedia commercials with Jays mascot are hilarious. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9i5RYhe1oeY http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sz54ZFUCdcs http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VuKX5QIxxHs http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I-__padCFeU
  8. Charotte and Sasha Banks are scheduled for this week's Monday and Tuesday tapings. Can't see them debuting on the go home show of a PPV.
  9. mlbtraderumors says Jays are buying Dickey out after this season and that he may even retire.
  10. Zaun was on Tim and Sid and said the trade he would make is Encarnacion to Oakland for Josh Reddick and Scott Kazmir. He explained that what AA said sounded like AA is willing to part with one of the big bats for the pitcher they want. Zaun went onto to say Edwin is a one dimension player and isn't having a season like he's had it in the past. Trading Encarnacion could open up room to do other things and provide flexibility. Joey Bats could move to full DH and Smoak into the game at 1B. Zaun isn't a fan of rentals. http://www.sportsnet.ca/shows/tim-and-sid-show/the-trade-id-be-looking-to-make-is-edwin-to-oakland-gregg-zaun/
  11. What was the point of signing Miller and Vrbata since everyone wants them out of here. Vrbata came here for less money to play with Sedins and it hasn't worked out too well because of Willie.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. smithers joe

      smithers joe

      they both served their purpose...both good moves....

    3. smithers joe

      smithers joe

      who is everyone?....

    4. The Weasel

      The Weasel

      They are both pretty awesome. Vancouver just likes to complain about goalies. Like Luongo, you have to take the good with the bad. Miller has some blowouts, but he also has some damn good games. Just look at all of those shutouts.

  12. A reddit user who has creditability and has correctly predicted news/spoilers is claiming something big is going to happen at Battleground during the Main Event. Take your guess as what it could be but he says it's NOT Sheamus cashing in. My guess is HHH turns on Rollins setting up HHH/Rollins for SummerSlam. https://www.reddit.com/r/SquaredCircle/comments/3ber2l/wreddits_4th_cakeday_megathread/csli5e2 https://www.reddit.com/r/SquaredCircle/comments/3cdc3g/spoilers_i_have_kind_of_failed_you/
  13. Chelsea Green is blonde now I wonder how DB will feel about seeing her again
  14. AA was on Sportsnet yesterday saying they have the assets and money to make moves for pitching, and also they are prepared to do it. But then he says the trade market is slow right now. AA keeps sprewing the same non-sense. I laugh at the comment about them having the money. Yeah, right. Rogers is cheap. This guy isn't going to do anything and Jays will waste the season offense is having and how the division is wide open for anyone to win. This should and has to be AA's last chance and want him and Gibbons fired if they miss the playoffs again.
  15. Charotte and Sasha Banks are expected to debut at SummerSlam and side with Paige against Team Bella. Wonder how that's gonna work with Sasha being a heel. I was hoping Sasha would show up on Raw and confront Nikki the same way Owens did to Cena.
  16. Victoria's Chelsea Green has been added to Tough Enough replacing Dianna, who left due to a personal situation.
  17. Lesnar destroyed Kofi and New Day in Tokyo http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6C7_kzZGiFE Lesnar also has a warning for Seth Rollins http://youtu.be/E_-KkGeXbSQ
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