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Everything posted by RowdyCanuck

  1. Maybe his waiting for Jim to move some guys so he can sign with the Canucks
  2. If I'm Wpg I would trade him to the flyers for Sean couturier plus....Laine could make the jets stronger this way and you need a strong centres to win and this would be perfect for the jets.
  3. Well most contracts have bonuses already, so players already get paid if they produce more points or if they reach a set number of points..... I do see there's problems with constructing a contract like that.. Say take Loui contract, has three years to produce atleast 35 points and is guaranteed half his salary or agreed apon amount/ depends how the contract is structured....if doesn't reach 35 points in those three years the GM can terminate his contract and there be a clause where injuries and team role are taken into account.....it would protect the owners/GMs and also make the NHL more competitive.....
  4. @Timråfan watch this....they see the same player I do and most fans see....
  5. I agree about the hate not going beyond the forum....I would never buy his jersey so don't have to worry about me burning it. friendly environment? Well there's a reason why players and everyone says it's harder to play in Canada. Green has tried to work with Loui but why give a guy like him a spot by bo or Petey? Like I said he hasn't earned it and Jeff o'neal said no couch benches you for playing to good...hard working players get rewarded...plain and simple. So the players are accountable...it's their job to play the game and give it their best but he hasn't. It would be different if Loui has put atleast put up one good season but he hasn't..I would have his back but he hasn't. Jake put up more points with a center like Sutter so you can put up points playing a shut down role. Why I call him a floater cause I lost track of the games I watched where it looks like he didn't care....fans just want to see him working hard and getting in there. I rather have Ladd cause he gives it his all and works hard and Loui doesn't. I think part of the problem is the west is harder for players like him...even look at Lucic his numbers went down since coming to the west also.....it's rougher and tougher in the west.
  6. @Timråfan must be hard being the pres of the Loui erkisson fan club. Also do you guys have jackets? I wanted to ask you, your not disappointed in Loui at all? I remember watch forsberg at the end of his career and he always gave it his best same goes for Matt Sundin when he was in Van...I don't know how loui could put on the same jersey those guys wore....I would feel ashamed
  7. Loui hasn't played good under two coaches now.... Iirc Boston played the same style when he put up points... Also Jake bounced around too and he put up more points...so that doesn't really hold much water...also I think Loui is better fitted for the east not to write the east off or anything but smaller/softer players do better there and it's easier to get the goals his used to scoring too. Loui has to earn his spot and he hasn't. Plain and simple. legal procedures to determine if a player or coach are right? What you mean....I'm saying if they put a clause were a player agrees to put up so many point and has a set number of season to do so is just like if you hire a contractor and they give you a set time frame/budget to get it done and if not they can be fired. It would get rid of the floaters like Loui......also it wouldn't be a judge ruling on the contract....it would be the GM so if the player role changes then it's up to the GM to decide....wouldnt that make the league more competitive? Also look at how many players have career years in the final year of their contract....it would force players to keep trying and also if the team isn't a fit then the player isn't stuck in that place...it gives a player a way out without all the drama like we have now
  8. If your a specialists then you know almost ever contract has a loop hole or clause to protect the person or company offering the contract. also this is why I think the Nhl contracts should have a clause that says if the player doesn't reach agreed apon points in one season over agreed apon time. Say Loui agreed to put up atleast 35 points a season and has a three season grace period to get there. Where if he doesn't the team has the option to terminate his contract. It would protect the owners and keep players honest.
  9. I agree it is hard to judge what could have been.... im not saying his value is bad....also hurricanes drafted him and traded him to the pens for J staal( good haul I might add I think they got a pick too) at the time Rutherford was their GM then Rutherford went to the pens and traded him to us....I would agree but when the same GM keeps trading you kinda says something if you ask me....
  10. Having bonino that is a way better play maker does help.also yes one player can change a line when their a play making center ..now you have three lines that score and also hbk line had balance.Sutter always made that line a shut down line.... I'm not saying Sutter made the Canucks worse but his also not going to help develop a player like Jake or Guad...so let me ask you this do you think Kessel would have been as good as he was with Sutter as his center? Sutter style of play belongs on a forth line playing with vets to shut the other team down..... might add sutter never played the pens style and didn't their GM traded him twice? I think cause he knew he was over rated and couldn't win a cup with him..
  11. Bonino is a better center ....pens also won a cup with Staal...they play similar games and one could say Sutter was the weak link....the puck dies on his stick...I've never understood that trade and never will.
  12. I'm a Benning supporter......but looking at his drafting( which is his best feature) drafting Jake meant a change coming.... Boeser is a great pick can't complain but fell to Jim at the draft OJ is a pick I cant really say anything about because he hasn't played in the nhl.... Petey....got to give Swedish scout gradin credit (I think that's how you spell his name) total gamble and paid off..... Hughes....fell to him but still a ? But great skill though VP....he fell to Jim also.... now if you look at his high picks Jake OJ and Petey...I would say he hit one home run for sure( other two could change that) now if you compare his ufa signing....you could say Jim doesn't do well with lots of options/ money to spend... His lucky in a lot of ways...
  13. Yea you got me there ha but when I look at pwfs I look at today's game like perry and krieder and the list goes on even Dustin brown before he crashed....that's what I call a 21 st pwfs ha fighting isn't really part of the game anymore....that's why I call them lite pwfs and the list for a true pwf is pretty short now adays....Reeves is an enforcer and helps the young guys play their game.... pwf is a term everyone has different views of...
  14. I do agree you need balance and a team mentally and I think that's why the final years of the Sedins were sad....three lines play one way and the top line plays different.... pens and Hawks and kings all had A holes that will do anything to win....like our kes and burr or even Torres.... Your probably right Chara probably told the rat off but if he did it never ended up in the press....that's the part I have a problem with.... your probably right when Reeves leaves Vegas they will be fine but you think Tuch would be the same player if reeves wasn't there at the start ? The wild has some tough boys to back ttuch up also.....I agree one guy doesn't make a culture but he can help push the boat in the right direction..... I agree that's a fine line and who has been around Jake to teach him that?
  15. Okay...look at the leafs after they traded Martin and now Kadri...soft...culture is a team standing up for each other which we saw some of that this past season....step in the right direction and now add Miller and Benn will help even more...Jim has mentioned about being harder to play against....even when he drafted Jake he said he wanted to change the culture... Yes the Sedins are two players and the players you mentioned where around the same age and weren't role models to each other....they pushed each other to be better... Its not the late hit I have a problem with its the captain calling out a young guy in the press out you never see Chara doing that in Boston or any team I can think of....you don't think that's kinda b.s? I agree we have a balanced roster now and I'm not saying go out and draft pwfs but you don't win without them and also those young guys should have some back up....we had DD got hurt sucks and then Gubby and sorry you expect Jake or another young guy to go out and make a big hit then gets a big target on their backs....only time I can think of Gubby getting jakes back was in the Ducks game....kinda sad.... look at Vegas you think they play the same style without Reeves there? Or Caps with Wilson? Or islanders with Martin? Look at when rooster was in the line up...Jake played like pest and some of his best hockey cause he knew a guy had his back...
  16. I agree it's about drafting them which we haven't really done..... but if you look at teams like Boston they breed them same goes with the Hawks and kings and the list goes on....I think it's a culture thing and the Sedins did us no favors with that...when the captain calls out Jake on a late hit that's not going to do the young guy any favors. it does depend on the player but it also helps to have players that encourage them and watch their backs....Ottawa has Smith to watch out for Brady...brady is special though some players just got it and some need to grow into it....
  17. Which team you signing with? Lol
  18. That's the type of culture we need! Thank God Jim has changed things!!! No more turning the cheek!
  19. That's why I called burrows a lite version....DD I would say was an enforcer style of player wouldn't you? To me pwfs are out there to play nasty and keep the other teams looking over their shoulders....that's why I would throw Jake in there and the best pwfs get under the other teams skin.... i agree they do need a certain toolbox though
  20. If you ask me it's an attitude...guys like kes and Burr and if you look over the league you can say perry in his early days....their what I would call lite pwfs then you got the big boys like Benn and the old Lucic, they follow the classic term..... I wouldn't call Bo a pwf cause that's like calling ROR one....unless Bo shows more of that fire he did last season with dropping the gloves....
  21. Kinda funny how most poster mention players that didn't play in the cap era....other then Bert....that's a long drought.
  22. Pits and blues both had forwards that would go to the dirty areas and do anything to win or have a mean streak in them. When I think of a pwf I think of a guy that will do anything to win and plays with a nasty edge. im not saying draft them in the first round cause your right those guys are very risky but second round and beyond is where some of the best come from.....Gillis drafted Jenson over Brandon Saad for explain so your right I agree we shouldnt just draft one just for the sake of drafting one but Canucks don't draft them period over the pasted ten years. Burke was the last GM to draft/sign guys with a mean streak. Jim has changed that...thank god.
  23. That's a problem that we don't draft them....teams don't win without them......Jim has changed that and also the culture so guys like Jake will feel comfortable to go out and throw those hits and when VP and other guys that play that style get here they will be Abe to play their game without worry about fighting after ever big clean hit. maybe lack of drafting them is why we don't have a cup....
  24. Problem with rename it. Most teams have produced pwfs/ hard two way players over the course of the ten years. It's just I've been a Canucks fan since the 90's and they have had no luck with pwfs/hard two way players Nonis and Gillis both have passed on guys that would have became something but our culture was skill and speed and then they traded for guys like Booth and Kassin and the good pwfs/ hard two way players don't come cheap...like you said their rare to find. The Hawks replaced pwfs all the time over the course of their glory days and like I've said the Hawks have traded more pwfs then the Canucks have had. I do agree there's some luck but It also comes down to style and mentality of the team. That's why if the Canucks traded jake i could see him taking off like Bert did here, if it's the right team. Picture jake in Boston or Wpg or even with the islanders....they would back him up and encourage him to play his game.
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