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Everything posted by 4petesake

  1. Not specifically related to the Twitter topic except that it relates at least partially to what he tweets. Apparently employees say he is breaking the company’s “no a$$hole$” policy among other things.
  2. That’s true Bouds but let’s not pretend that Big Oil isn’t playing their hand to their advantage. They have millions of acres of leases at their disposal still untapped and relatively unexplored at a time when some Dems talk about doing away with oil subsidies and profits are soaring. The ornery side of me wants to say that with the time lags you speak of maybe Obama should get more of the credit for the volume pumped out under Trump? But I won’t be disingenuous when I fully realize that Big Oil loved Trump and the way he de-regulated and opened up leases where they had been excluded previously.
  3. Nah, he’ll probably announce his selection on an hour long extravaganza hosted by ESPN like LeBron.
  4. Excellent point. So where else does Hockey Canada receive funding from? I know that there is a Hockey Canada Foundation but that money is supposed to be used for grants and scholarships etc. If it comes out that it came from a sponsor there is going to be hell to pay either from an unknowing sponsor or an uproar towards a knowing sponsor. Follow the money.
  5. That was a great story, hope the adoption goes through soon. They sound like wonderful parents.
  6. “Enjoying a couple of Stellas…” Enjoy the night GG!
  7. Hard to say isn’t it? All I can say is it’s a lot of fun for a change.
  8. The O line making that easy for Nathan. It’s gonna be subdued in that Elks locker room at the half, except for whatever Chris Jones has to say. Can’t keep up with these BC TDS!
  9. Excellent game, so far it’s been the James Butler show with 3 TDs. The big crowd is revved up and enjoying things, off to raucous start with One Republic ad have kept it going.
  10. Don’t know where else to post this so I’ll drop it here. War narrowly averted.
  11. Problem is that AM isn’t signed so we could only trade his rights. Can’t see Vegas trading for the rights to someone who will be free to sign anywhere at the end of his season. Another prospect maybe?
  12. Not often does the guitar work take a back seat with BTO but this one is all about CF Turner’s powerful vocals and range.
  13. No doubt Musk is blaming a “probable recession” for the battering his brand is about to undergo, aside from the Twitter fiasco.
  14. Almost feel sorry for him… but then I remember how he likes to spear guyz in the nutz.
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