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Everything posted by Kurgom

  1. Imagine giving China a pass to produce more CO2 than India, all of the G7 and Europe COMBINED. Don't act like China didn't gain anything from producing the world's goods either, there's a reason so many people have gotten better lives and it isn't the CCP.
  2. You don't know $&!#. I'll take the word of people who have lived in China for nearly a decade over you. You don't know anything about what is actually going on there.
  3. There is nothing dramatic about what I say, it's literally just the truth of China that the CCP hides from you on purpose. I used to be the biggest anti-US person you could know, but there is a a much more pressing issue right now. There is a country that the CSIS warned Canadians about, that had spies in higher government in Canada, 10 years ago. It wasn't the US.
  4. Then you're delusional and think the rest of the world exists in a static state regardless of what's going on around them. There is nothing the US is doing nearly as damaging as China continuing to drastically increase it's CO2 output while putting on the false facade of being a "green energy" investor (complete lie btw).
  5. Honestly wish I could send people like you to China for a day. It's literally NK tier but the country is so big and powerful they've got the wool over so many people's eyes, their own included.
  6. 1. Congrats? My people literally had their homeland torn in half and given to an Islamic theocracy. I don't think the UK today is "just as bad" as China because of this. 2. Yes, you are. The CCP's propaganda spending has ballooned because they want westerners to defend them. Good job! 3. Okay I am spied on, but I can still speak freely. Not like China at all. 4. Yes, Americans can protest, Chinese are run over by tanks. I guess I was wrong? 5. Defending China will not make the issues around climate change, indigenous communities and unregulated corporate abuse of the environment any better. Because China doesn't care about any of these, they just use it as a driving force between westerners so we can never have a unified front against them. They are horrible to minorities indigenous populations in China. In Canada and the US there are large, multi cultural movements to support down trodden peoples. In China such a thing isn't even a possibility. There is this thing called the CONSTITUTION in the US that protects human freedoms and individuals. Despite your insistence there is no difference, you can become an American citizen from anywhere in the world. China has a constitution too, to protect the party, and make sure foreigners are never considered a Chinese citizen. Despite you crying about the horrible past of the US, which has no justification and the US admits was horrible, there is a difference between teaching your kids in school about the time you mowed down innocents with a machine gun for being "savages" and when you insist that the cultural revolution was a "success." Bringing up the US' atrocities when speaking about China is just being a mouthpiece for the CCP full stop. There is no reason to do this besides deflect blame away from China and all the terrible things they do, because the US also does bad things? You can say both of these things are bad, you can say one government is a lot worse than the other. There have been indigenous senators in the US and Canada, the CCP and the PLA have always, historically, kept power firmly in the hands of the Han people.
  7. Yeah, literally no different. The US totally takes Canadians and tortures them because an American CFO got arrested in Canada. The US doesn't let you talk about bad things happening in the US. You are just a tool for the CCP at this point, you bring up MUH MURICA in a thread completely about the CCP. Europe as a whole has done far more damage to Africa and the world than the US but you were hoping they help keep Chinese influence out. The US is literally no different to the CCP. Do you know they spy on their &^@#ing children in school? Their parents at home through CCTV, a party official to make sure no one is getting the wrong thought, a student in the class who works for them, gotta make sure the teacher doesn't say anything bad about the past of China, "historical nihilism" is illegal. Just like the US. Exactly like the US. Where there is a gigantic outrage when it's revealed how much the government spies on its citizens, that's the exact same as China. You know how you can say slavery is bad? Say the cultural revolution and great leap forwards were bad in China and you are reeducated and strapped to a chair, forced to apologize! Just like the US! When a very popular professor of law talked about organ harvesting being wrong, not even saying the state was organ harvesting from prisoners and dissidents (they are, this professor was talking about uneducated poor people selling their organs to doctors) he gets his entire Weibo channel wiped and disappears! The US totally did that to the covid whistleblower in Florida right? Western oppression Olympics will be the end of us.
  8. The CCP knows exactly how to use western values and sensibilities against the west. They have an iron grip on Youtube and probably almost every major social media site in the world.
  9. Then you'd be ignorant of what the CCP has done to its own people. I'm not talking about secret government scientific experiments being done on citizens, which I'm sure they do that to, but "corrective rape," execution vans, forced organ harvesting from "undesirables." That's just the tip of the iceberg really. Not to mention the global propaganda campaign to get people to say what you just did when discussing the abhorrent practices of a brutal dictatorship that has flown backwards into Maoism the last 6 years. It would take like, 10 Vietnams, with a few Iraqs and Afghanistans on top of that, to match the death toll from the great leap forward (which is considered a "natural disaster" to Chinese people through propaganda), and when you add in the cultural revolution, the mass murder and destruction caused purely by this party is unmatched even by the Soviet Union or Nazi Germany. Propaganda is intense. You know that student protest because the CCP made a bunch of people's degrees worthless? Well, you probably don't know about it because of China's control over mainstream media, but the reason they protested was because the government tells them they're free. Then the police come and beat them, threaten their lives and their families, and the Chinese internet thinks it was a "CIA scheme." Hell, that's the parties favorite thing to do, because there is going to be lots of unrest in a broken system designed to trample on the people, any dissidents are CIA or paid by western governments to harm China, just like they're taught Tiananmen Square was caused by the CIA and the US. If you have the opportunity, talk to some younger Chinese mainlanders, you'll see how complete and all encompassing the propaganda is. The generation that lived through the cultural revolution was never nationalistic, they knew what a mess the CCP was, the younger generations have never faced such hardship and it's illegal to try and teach them the dangers of idol worship (from Mao to Xi) of a state leader, so they are completely radicalized and indoctrinated by the Chinese government.
  10. I think Vancouver fans are a bit confused on what they have with Hughes. Hughes is a caliber of Defenseman we've never really had before. Ohlund, Jovo, Bieksa, Ehrhoff, Lume, his ceiling is above that, he has the potential to become an all-time great in the position, something we've never had. People like Pettersson and Bo but when other teams look at the Canucks, Hughes is our most valuable piece by far.
  11. Look buddy, I'm not getting into a fruitless argument with you again but it's funny to see someone who is completely ignorant that he looks like a lunatic to most tell someone else they don't know what they look like in another person's eyes.
  12. The irony in this statement coming from you is funny.
  13. Sakic AINEC Yzerman was a great 2 way player, but his offensive production was only comparable to Sakic in a era where defense and goaltending was notably worse than when Sakic was the most dangerous shooter in the game. Sakic was great in both ends as well. Feel like people forget the longevity of his career, Sakic was probably a top 3 center in the league until a year or two before he retired. I think Sakic being an Av, terrorizing our team for years, means Canucks fans are less likely to admit how good he actually was.
  14. Like in Myanmar, China really supports them right now!
  15. Also as someone who doesn't like Singh, this is the first time I've seen him have the sort of air a leader should have with how he completely shut down the "but the cost" questions with an apt answer. This is gold.
  16. This guy can't help but say "what about the US" when anyone says anything about China, I don't know how people end up like that.
  17. Ignorance is bliss. It's the way authoritarians control the population by controlling information. Some people just don't know because they've never even seen a reserve or been to one. If only it were as easy as putting in money so they can have proper drinking water though, the situation is a complete mess mostly because of the Canadian government's past actions but that's lead to the communities having their own issues in resolving this.
  18. Hey man, when you respond to someone lamenting China's increasingly aggressive, draconian geopolitics with "but America has a bunch of nukes leftover from the cold war and they wont throw them all away at once so Russia can freely &^@# Europe, so China feels scared" it's hard to see you as anything but an idiot or purposefully muddying the waters specifically around the discussion of the CCP. And you can deny that is what you did, but looking at how this conversation started, was there any reason to bring up the US in relation to my post except to provide a flimsy shield for the CCP and try to deflect attention away from a terrifying regime that threatens 4 billion people? What does the US' stockpile, which exists as a counter balance to the Russian's stockpile, have to do with China suddenly massing silos? Nothing, at all, any nothing in my post had anything to do with the US beyond illustrating the reality of a world with multiple countries having the power to end the planet. You hate the US because the US is accountable and you know everything they've done to hurt not only their own people but innocents abroad. Do you know that rape is basically the de facto way the CCP has "reeducated" women who disagreed with them since the mid 60's? Do you know the abhorrent $&!# they have done to their own party members because they disliked mao, only to walk all over their death by making them "martyrs" after the "peoples proletariat blablabla." There's no indication any of this has changed after all, they still adore Mao. Here's some reading for you. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zhang_Zhixin From there: n 1969, she was imprisoned in a tiny cell for her critical comments toward Mao. She saved up 2 yuan a month to purchase books to read in the facility, where she wrote her study notes on toilet paper. The prison guards then took her pen away. She proclaimed that the party would be "punished by history; if not sooner, then later".[3][4] For a year and a half she was frequently shackled in leg irons and tied in a harness.[3] The party forced her to sign divorce papers. Confined in an all-male prison, she was raped and tortured.[3] Other male prisoners were told they could reduce their sentences if they were willing to torture Zhang.[3] Her story isn't unique, and it's not like the CCP changed their tune about how to treat people after this. The same sort of "we're going to force you to divorce your husband so we can rape you because we're morally good guys and don't steal peoples wives" $&!# is alive and well in the CCP. Here's a really good article about her: https://www.chinafile.com/reporting-opinion/caixin-media/zhang-zhixin-woman-who-took-gang-four Some prison authorities apparently objected, saying that she had gone mad. Indeed, Zhang had reportedly taken to smearing herself with her own excrement to stave off her rapists. But these objections were shot down. “Every day she lives she becomes more counterrevolutionary,” came the order from the top. “Let’s kill her and have it over with.” This article is about how China did not educate it's youth on the absolute horrendous and backwards garbage that was the "cultural revolution." How some more socially democratic leaders said China wasn't safe from another one unless they properly legislated and educated the youth on the atrocities the party committed in the name of "unity." Well, Xi stopped that didn't he? The "memorial" for this woman of course doesn't mention her name, what happened to her, just some blurb about pursuing the truth.
  19. Yes, no one likes to bring up why the US military budget is so bloated. They are legitimately helping defend many democratic nations especially in Asia. What would happen if US bases left South Korea I wonder? Just demonize them and put all the worlds problems on them, I guess it's easy to have a big bad. But the US is the good force in Asia right now, don't you forget it. Japanese people and South Korean people will agree, hell so will Vietnamese even though they were at war years ago. Basically everyone but white liberals in western countries agree that China is the problem there.
  20. But the US did Iraq so because I'm woke I have to say something about that instead of recognizing the absolute danger that the modern Chinese state poses on the world.
  21. They are one of, but not even close, China is THE MOST NATIONALISTIC. By a large margin. I don't go on reddit and see posts upvoted saying "lol all black people deserve to die though" in response to some tragedy in Africa but you sure do get that on Weibo. The majority are normal people but the majority of Americans aren't, do you even listen to yourself? Now I know not every mainlander is a nationalistic racist but there is NO PUSH BACK because that's the "right" stance to have. In the US a racist will be condemned, in China they will be applauded while people nervously go about their day in fear. Now you just repeat garbage party talking points. They consider a meager 10 dollars a day "lifted" out of poverty. It's another &^@#ing lie to make Xi look good and you are falling for it hook line and sinker. If you think the US' health system is bad, it's funny you are $&!#ting on it when talking about China. You do know China DOES NOT have universal healthcare right? You know people are thrown on the street for not being able to pay for emergency care right? RIGHT? You know their military spending has skyrocketed right? You know you can't even divorce your husband while you're &^@#ing bloody and blue without his blessing, right? Something from wikipedia for you: Healthcare in China consists of both public and private medical institutions and insurance programs. About 95% of the population has at least basic health insurance coverage. Despite this, public health insurance generally only covers about half of medical costs, with the proportion lower for serious or chronic illnesses. You seem to be too far gone to ever consider that you have been propagandized to support an evil regime through bull$&!# like "the global south" when China looks to use &^@#ing water as a diplomatic tool. Keep making excuses for a genocidal insane regime because other people are bad too, okay whatever. No one outside of government agents can even publicly speak out against the CCP for fear of losing their job or worse but that's not a problem right, just keep badgering on about how the US ruined the world in statistically the most peaceful era humans have ever had. Oh and I see you posted the Ukraine military forcing women to march in heels, I really hope you never watch a military parade in China then. The fact a supposed "humanist" is falling for their propaganda just shows how far reaching their influence is. Like younger people actually believe China is some socialist communist paradise because of the $&!# they are pushing. Oh no the US is bought by lobbyists and rich people can get away with anything, well guess what? China is the exact same, except there's another class of people above the rich people that can do anything to them so it's all good right? Oh and the slavery numbers in China are much higher than they will ever admit, because the amount of people stuck selling their body or doing crimes for others out of debt is insane and something most people aren't aware of. India has it's own problems that people like you gladly bring up, but somehow talking about China's problems is taboo and we should focus on how the US is the REAL problem in Asia. India gets heat for modi and nationalism, China gets "but the US is evil and has bases in JAPAN." People forget until like, 4 years ago, India was closer to Russia than China was, China was closer to the US than India was. But somehow India was never threatened by Invasion enough to do the things China are doing.
  22. A dying cry from a dead ideology propped up by foreign influences. If you think the US is nationalistic, just do some research into what the CCP has created by continuing to push an ideology of ethnic Han Chinese supremacy in the region. You know those border conflicts? There was zero strategic gain for China geopolitically to make a huge enemy of India, relations were almost warm before this happened. It was a symptom of the insane culture they've created around not only their military as some sort of heroic liberators of the oppressed (sound familiar?) but the people who they use in their military, aimless men with nothing but the nation to bind them, are super easy to radicalize. This got out of hand and someone did something they weren't supposed to, maybe engage with a very outspoken Indian across a valley in the Himalayas because he just had to show him how much better China was. I honestly doubt it was the other way around, considering the Indian military is extremely diverse compared to the PLA and is much less loyal to the current PM, who wont last longer like Trump, which has special separate little task forces for "ethnics." While Xi is the second best leader ever in China after Mao now, didn't you hear? Look, there are lots of reasons to fight the US government, the Canadian government, and speak badly of their conduct, but the situation in China is very dangerous and it's something people in western countries can't really understand. The party has power and reaching influence to the point that students in foreign countries are afraid to speak out publicly against the CCP or say ANYTHING BAD about China, even report on a serious problem (food safety standards, kidnapping problems, people using kids as tools for begging rings) to try and improve China because they have family in China. It's out of control, and it's continued to get worse after maybe 10 years of looking better? Around the turn of the century. Too bad if you say something bad about the party, China will never let you access a huge international market, which is how they criminally launder money across the world as they have in this very city. Which is why Elon Musk decided to recently become their puppet, the son of rich apartheid emerald mine owners really loves money. People have a financial interest to praise the CCP, a huge one, and this doesn't exist for the US or it's president, or us and our PM, or really anywhere else in the world except NK but their economy is pathetic so no one cares. I don't think it makes any sense to in the modern world bring attention to the US' stockpile of cold war era bombs and their poor geopolitics and somehow justify China building missile silos to expand their influence across Asia and continue to oppress the &^@# out of their population.
  23. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foreign_aid_to_China China also sits as a "developing" country in the WTO, being a huge fish in a small pond and bending the organization to favor them outright in ever way. They refuse to let other countries that actually need the help have it by refusing to change declare they are developed. They reap the benefits of being considered "developing" while it continues to become the location of the most wealth on the planet. China also has these huge loans that will bankrupt Africa like Europe did in the past. They have such a disgusting grip on any wealth in Central Asia and Africa it's insane to me you can complain about the past of the US while these things are happening. The US has been shamed and destroyed, their allies lost faith in them, and the people (like you) all are wary and scared of them. That's why China is being aggressive right now. The grass is always greener, except we all know in reality that's not true and China has the potential to do such horrible things it will make the US look saintly just by the sheer population that is involved in their plans. There is no question who has done more damage over the past 100 years, just like there isn't a question of who is doing more damage RIGHT NOW. Instead of getting stuck in the past, if you really care about people you should worry about the atrocities we can prevent instead of tallying up what happened in the past. The US was at least trying to reduce it's arsenal, the people became less nationalistic, it's a place where you can say statements like "the US has been a menace on the global stage after WW2." We don't even know the worst things the CCP has done because they burned everything and said "the people won the revolution, it's over now back to work" after Mao became senile. The US has SOME accountability, the &^@#ed up things they do come to light, China has none. Lest we forget, there are two innocent Canadians being tortured right now because the party thought they were never going to be punished by anyone but the US for their international white collar crime.
  24. Maybe I was wrong, maybe Canada should stockpile nukes now too. I mean, the US is right there and a much bigger threat to us than it ever will be to China realistically, and if the US being evil made them start stockpiling, we should too I guess?
  25. It's dubious to say all of the burning churches are indigenous people , but the opposite is an even more unbelievable statement. Anger makes people do stupid things.
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