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Everything posted by BlakeQuinnAndEggs

  1. Schenn would be worth a 3rd... by the time this team is anywhere close to being a perennial playoff team, let alone a cup contender, Schenner will be hanging them up. Anything is better than losing him for nothing. I like Schenn but this new management needs to show that they are better at asset management than the previous regime. The Miller signing isn't looking good but other then that, almost everyone they have brought in fits in well. Without Mikheyev, Kuzmenko and Bear we are probably last in the league. Stillman hasn't worked out but he's a 7th or 8th dman really so it's kind of a moot point. Hopefully they are able to shed some cap by getting rid of Brock, Myers, Garland etc. They're stuck with OEL, that contract is un-movable. If trading Schenn gives you the pick that you need to offload a bad contract (cause we can't afford to give up any more of our own "sweeteners" then I think you pull the trigger in a heartbeat).
  2. One is too many lol This argument is disgusting honestly. Why would a dude want to become a woman and then play Contact sports. What an abusive narcissist. Special place in hell for people like that...
  3. Lmao I shut it off after 4-0 I'm glad the boys came back, maybe there is hope
  4. New to this team lol? Ever since Gillis messed with the goalies, this teams management has been a dumpster fire. Doesn't matter who's in office
  5. The most canuck thing ever would be if martin goes on a tear so we trade demko and then martin turns into a flash in a pan and demko lights the league up for another team with decent defense. And people wonder why I want lu in the rafters. Consistency
  6. I know he addressed it but it will piss me off everytime I see his name in the ring and not in the rafters. Ass backwards organization
  7. Naslunds prime that lasted what? 2 seasons... There's a reason luongo is in the hall and naslund isn't even ranked in a top 200 And i know you weren't replying to me, but your age comments are childish. I've been watching the Canucks for over 30 years
  8. Lol Markus naslund is nowhere near Luongos level. This fan base has always misunderstood goaltending.
  9. If I were him, a Panther, and that's because the Canucks burned him. Aquilini Gillis Torts the media, some fans, they all had a part of it
  10. I love this team and I always will but man they just can't make a good decision to save a life. Best goalie in franchise history by far, only hall of fame goalie. The reason they didn't retire his number is cause of McLean and I love captain kirk but he has one playoff run on his resume otherwise a very average goalie. Luongos Stat line is up there with greats like Roy Brodeur sawchuk Belfour etc He should have played in the heritage classic and he should have his jersey retired. Later on this year the Canucks will continue with bone headed decisions by trading horvat, I'm sure. It's so frustrating being a fan of this team
  11. David trips on the ball and just lays there instead of running back with his team. Take that bum off the pitch
  12. Ya for the last 10 mins it's been all Croats
  13. Not saying these teams need any extra passion, it's the world cup. But John Herdman shouldn't have given them any extra, and he did.
  14. Croatia Morocco was a great result for us. I'm not watching but it sounds like a good effort from us. Lpts of good teams have been knocked out of the group stage in the past so whatever happens we should be proud of these guys.
  15. I stand corrected, hopefully his fresh legs will help in the 2nd half, I wish I was able to watch.
  16. Only because he's older, he's def not our best scorer. He will be surpassed many times
  17. This season has completely taken the wind out of my sails, I can't even get excited after a win anymore. JR and PA have dug themselves a deeper hole than the standings show, I know I'm not the only fan who feels apathy and indifference.
  18. Late to the party, on vacation This trade wreaks of desperation. Not sure how I feel about the direction, as it's Painfully clear we are still a bottom tier team. But the value is good, low risk trades the last few days.
  19. I don't want to trade them. But what I'm saying is That's the only way u speed up the rebuild with high end picks.
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