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Everything posted by BlakeQuinnAndEggs

  1. Peteý showing why he's the only untouchable. On a good team he's a top 10 player in the league easily.
  2. Obviously they drafted, In their eyes, best player available regardless of position which is the best strategy. The last time we drafted for strategic position over best player available, jimbo drafted juolevi...
  3. Im not criticizing Steamer I know he recently lost his wife. I mean what happened about being Harder to play against. Surely the front office are all on the same page, I hope so anyway.
  4. This will be the new Alex Burrows thread. OP you are the new clutch
  5. As long as pettersson is playing he will be our Crosby and turn wingers into stars. We need our versions of kunitz Guentzel and rust
  6. I just don't understand. There has been such a disconnect between the fans and ownership for so long. I hope this is a speed bump in the big picture and that Steamer and the Sedins have a big say. Its not looking good though.
  7. What happened to Stan Smyl. Remember his press conference last year about being tired of watching this team be too easy to play against. Then JR got hired and I haven't heard or seen much since
  8. I can't see Rutherford allowing some clown like FA tell him what to do. I don't think Rutherford would take the job unless he had full autonomy.
  9. Here come the boo birds. This is like a bad car accident, you don't want to look but you can't help yourself. I can't remember a season with so many disappointing home games and seeing them bood off the ice so many times. I bet we get another tossed jersey tonight.
  10. At least miller looks like he cares. He shows emotion. Horvat, while he's having an awesome season, seems content with how things are. That room should be in shambles, losing sucks. Instead its just expected. I'm big time on the trade Bo team, we will get a kings ransom for him
  11. None of what JR has said tells me he's thinking that though. He's always criticizing the team structure and coaching and last year said many times that demko hid our mistakes. That tells me that he doesn't think we can win now as constructed
  12. I have a feeling Aquaman has finally learned his lesson. Never in the entire jimbo tenure had the team come out and said everyone is available except one player. I think we will finally see a proper rebuild. Our cupboard is so bare we will practically be an expansion team (with Pettersson)
  13. I hope they blow it up. Maybe the plan was to trade Bo all along, PA and JR have pretty good poker faces. I just know that this team is terrible with out Pettersson
  14. I'm just glad Aqua man has finally come to his senses and is obviously allowing JR and PA to build their team.
  15. An nhl player is trash .... while you clean potato chip crumbs off your keyboard. The worst poster on these boards.
  16. Trade em all. I envy Habs fans or sens fans or even kraken fans. Lots of youth, lots of prospects and picks and a clear direct vision. Not a Mish mash
  17. Me too, that rookie wrist shot was lethal. I thought we found a Brett hull lite. But we are Canucks fans we are used to being let down lol.
  18. I agree 100% I also think this is what Smyl eluded to before JR was hired about he's watched for too long this team be too easy to play against. A captain with an edge makes a huge diff... Linden in 94 checking guys through the glass, Iginla in the flames 04 finals run also comes to mind. Canucks have had passive captains for an entire generation now. Time to switch it up. And Petey might be slight but he def has a hidden mean streak
  19. Plans change. At least by moving Horvat they admit they made a mistake and are now fully committed to a rebuild. Better than the perpetual Benning "2 years away re tool"
  20. I think a lot of fans agree with my views on this. I like Horvat, I would love for him to stay a Canuck. However, the definition of insanity is trying the same thing over and over expecting different results. This core doesn't work, its been like 8 or 9 years. This isn't a knock on Horvat, he's a great player, but the Canucks need to accept that they aren't good enough and tear it down and start over. It's unfortunate but Bo is ripe for the picking to get a lot of assets. Obviously the Miller signing was short sighted, after the Boudreau bump last year obviously management thought that they had something here... But unfortunately it's just more of the same, this core can't maintain consistent success. Bo is a prime sell high player. I don't want to see another player walk for nothing. I'd hate to see him go but it's what's best for the Canucks in the long term and I hope Bo wins a cup somewhere else. And it sounds like we offered him a contract and he denied it. To quote the great Todd Bertuzzi, it is what it is.
  21. I don't blame Bo. People say oh this management is no different than the previous regime bla bla, I'm not here to crap on Rutherford as it hasn't been long enough to make any clear judgement. But what has been a constant over all these years of losing is FA. I wouldn't want to play hockey for that clown either.
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