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Everything posted by BlakeQuinnAndEggs

  1. If there was ever a day to luck out and win the lottery this is the year. I hope they are busy at the deadline and trade hard
  2. Man you people and the media here are pathetic. Mountains out of molehills. And it's embarrassing with all of this in the public, all over social media. And accusing him of not caring about the fans? Why because of a can-did interview where he probably didn't want to talk about something so stupid? I feel sorry for your wives... JT Miller is the least of our problems. And to the poster saying that Messier led to trading Linden N that got us bertuzzi and McCabe which led to the twins etc. That right there is why I think we should trade Horvat
  3. Miller is the only player who looks like he hates losing and so many people here hate him for it
  4. I want the Canucks to lose every game for the rest of the season for a shot at this kid
  5. NYR wouldn't do that, we would have to add. I still think Alexis will eventually break out as a late bloomer, I'd love to rip off the rags, but I doubt it
  6. I agree but we won't be able to change the supporting cast with the way this team is constructed and capped out. Plus we need to re-up Pettersson in less than 2 years. Trading Bo makes sense, we can load up on futures to start re stocking the cupboard and it will give us some cap flexibility to find a top d man and some more checking and pk specialists. Our offense won't win us playoff series but our defense will lose them. Heck just making the playoffs is farfetched for this group as the last 8 years have shown.
  7. Don't disrespect Ovi like that. Putin lover ?? Really lol...
  8. I know horvat would be a rental but I think he could get a decent return still. I'd rather that then trade Hughes, you don't trade Quinn Hughes.
  9. That looks like more of the same insanity. I want Bo traded to shake things up and pad the prospect pool. Hopefully management brings in the right players as replacements. We have needed a top pairing dman forever and we have sorely missed the pk skills of players like beagle and Roussel, etc.
  10. We don't know what goes on behind closed doors. They probably tried but didn't like the asking prices. Also this is a deep draft, they may have thought the writing is on the wall and this was a good year to turf
  11. I agree with everything Sat is saying. Maybe new mgmt isn't all that bad but the team they inherited is worse than they thought. So far, aside from Stillman, for now, they have hit on every acquisition.
  12. Anybody can win the lottery as long as you don't make the playoffs. New Jersey jumped a bunch of spots the year they drafted Hughes. It's rare but it does happen. That's why they call it a lottery.
  13. The hockey gods want us to tank, 3 posts in overtime. That's a good sign. We all know where Bedard wants to play.
  14. Oh man could you imagine if we won the lottery and traded Bo for picks/prospects. Petey and Bedard down the middle. I can dream right
  15. The 80s were bad because of lack of star power and being little minnows in the smithe division. But at least those teams had heart. They played hard hitting Canucks hockey. These Canucks of the last 8 years have zero identity. They are a joke tbh
  16. I haven't watched a whole game in over a month. I'll watch parts of games and check the box score or pop in here. I've never been like this until this year, I've always watched every game religiously. This team currently is losing its die hard fans. Hard to watch.
  17. Well hopefully going forward he tears it down. The Boudreau bump last year had many people fooled. All managers make mistakes, it's how fast can you fix them that makes you a good gm. The bad ones are stubborn and die on their hills
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