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Status Updates posted by BedBeats™2.0

  1. They should split up those particular stats...i can only guess they were going for an overall rating/score....i knew you would dig the book!

  2. What a great,great scene.

    Id be shocked if those were multiple takes for Hoffman, he just owned the pissed-offness there.

  3. Whooo!

    I know you will dig it.

    Now you will be armed with soooo much critical info.

  4. Lunatic genius!

    BTW...i love Mickey Hart.

  5. Hehehehe..you rule.

    Now its official...its great that you change yr username around!

  6. Im going to check it out.

    Dats is probably a great example of how stats can be skewed.

    Considering Dats long, slow, early season.

  7. I cannot remember from reading the intro.

    Speaking of Smith...last off-season some podcaster from HF Boards was interviewing MG, and was seeking reader questions.

    My question was if MG employs Mike Smith...or uses that type of analytical data in filling out the roster spots.

    Long-story short, they do have their own guy who crunches the numbers in every concievab...

  8. And its cheap too...$14.95.

    Sample chapters:

    -Who will have the better career-Sid or Ovie.

    -How accurate are stats in predicting a prospects future.

    -Which team gets more value from its payroll...

    Etc...its really great, im not a numbers guy...but i was riveted, ill probably pick it up soon.

  9. I was at Chapters around X-mas time...and it was on the new release shelf.

    Its made in concert with all the stat junkies from behind the net, and a few other sites.

    It leans on the Moneyball concepts.

    But its an interesting book about numeric formulas/stats and really shows how certain players/lines/teams perform within the science of the numbers...totally up yo...

  10. Oi Millah!

    You ever check out that book "Hockeynomics"?!

  11. Yes you did...tried to message you but you dropped me from all your contacts.

    I hope you are well!

  12. Well you have been sooo good...that i think you should keep him!

    Theres a big sandbox he can play in...hopefully he wont eat sand.

  13. Hahaha...no not quite the oldest.

    But i DO know who the oldest is.

  14. I had a great laugh!


  15. Well...i only drink one cup of coffee a day...y'know...'cos im old now.

    Used to be a coffee-holic...but i think it messes with my resistance to my bad allergies.

  16. So yeah...coffee just came shooting out of my nose just after reading your response in the AV motivational thread.

    Why is discussing Hockey akin to defusing a bomb?!

  17. What the heck Kurupt...i totally thought you were on the list!!

    How the heck are you , old friend?!

    Miss those games.


  18. Thanks for the experimental discussion forums...i hope it can work!

    And also...how can i post videos from Canucks TV?!

    Is it not enabled or something?

  19. Duders!!

    They gave you a subforum!!

    Stealth is cleaning up the chapter threads and adding them back.

    You can find the subforum on the main forum index.

    BTW...i am participating still...im aa few pages away from being finished.

  20. Good to see you posting more!

    Havent seen so many good users actually posting in the off-season as much as i have so far.

    ooops..not technically the off-season.

  21. I loled at the properly placed Hankpalm!

    Well done lad.

  22. My god, you are right.

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