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Status Updates posted by BedBeats™2.0

  1. Cheers...want something to drink while you are ..err, uhh, there?

  2. Slayer on Jimmy Fallon:YES! SATAN!

  3. And the abscence of the negs has brought out all the users with questionable opinions...yikes. I am frightened.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. BedBeats™2.0


      Yeah...Rick Rypien is just the greatest Hockey player..and we should trade Luongo, jesus christ Kanucks...you go right ahead and stick up for bad taste. This really has nothing to do with me.

    3. -DLC-


      Do we really need Burrows?

    4. BedBeats™2.0


      Succinctly said Deb...i almost cannot believe that that OP was actually "plussed".

  4. Somone out there that can give me a heads up on viewing the Ivan Hlinka Memorial..knowhatimsayin?! (PM me)

  5. Excellent idea...make sure you include why you shouldnt get a sports logo tattoo...though ill FB you an idea i had for a Canucks tattoo that does not involve any logos....anyways...thats a great idea!

  6. Just go by the standard rule of "write what you know"..he has won some awards and such too...maybe you can compare him to other singer songwriters like Conor Oberst or Johnny Cash or something?

  7. DO IT!!!

    That be so rad!

  8. He does seem to be a nice chap...as far as online life goes....but its an NHL team board!! Thats like if i wrote an essay about the Mars Volta....or you blogging about Dallas.

  9. Check it out...there are 2 God blogs...they are strange.

  10. I thought the blogs were for Hockey related articles?!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. -DLC-


      I think I'll make a blog about shoes now.

    3. smithers joe

      smithers joe

      it would seem that the god thread isn't big enough for some people....why can't they be happy for how they feel about their faith and not try to push their belief on others.

    4. BedBeats™2.0


      Good answers, friends!! Im going to make a blog about about not making Hockey related blogs.

  11. Repeat of the Bob Probert spcial on OTR.

  12. The Hockey News Hockey Pool guide just came out...and its unanomous, they dont think Henrik or Burrows will produce the same ..or close to the same numbers as last year. Henrik ranked 5th in first pick suggestions.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more


      I like to think I am an objective person, but IMHO I don't think they will decline. Hank might not get the Hart again, but I am confident he can surpass his totals from last year - given he has a full season with Daniel. That being said, I think Daniel might beat Hank next year. Kes and Burr are just gonna keep doing what they do. I see nothing slowing them down as they are young, passionate players. When you have that heart, you don't let yourself regress. All I gotta say is wat...

    3. The Situation

      The Situation

      I wouldn't say Hockey News is garbage but these sort of things are nearly impossible to predict. It is like predicting the weather for 82 days all in advance.

  13. Obviously we should have our own Canucks Hockey talk show!

    Oh..i meant to respond..but what events did you get to check out during the parade?

    How is your heart and mind feeling now?

  14. Pride Parade was so much fun yeasterday.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. BedBeats™2.0


      How's the mojo feeling? LOL



      Missed the main parade this year but came down for some of the other events. I used to live with my girlfriend in the West End and had tonnes of friends down there so I went every year. Now, my wife (a different woman)and I go down as often as we can to support her brother (my gay brother-in-law) and his husband (as well as our other friends and the cause itself).

  15. Finally got that hot track from the Ford Fiesta commercial

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. BedBeats™2.0


      A band from the UK called Schwab...here is their MySpace..its the first track on the player. http://www.myspace.com/schwabtheband

    3. b3.


      That song rules.

    4. -DLC-


      Ah, I know that one...hot track indeed.

      Don't ya love it when that happens?...you finally figure it out.

      That happened to me with The Chemical Brothers Asleep From Day/MADD ad.

  16. Finally saw 'Inception'. Marvelous.

    1. -DLC-


      Have not seen it yet, but everyone around me recommends that I should.

      (and congrats on the Uncle news. Little rockstar in the making)

    2. BedBeats™2.0


      Awww..thanks very much Deb...im so stoked..and obviously happy for my sister! And yes...do see Inception asap, its really worth the time/bother to see it. Its everything that moviemaking should be.

  17. Hooray! Found some classic hockey to watch! Oh..and im thinking of you, if you are living downtown tonight.

    1. BedBeats™2.0


      I cant afford that right now :( Ive seen it at a friends place...and loved it.

  18. Cheers... there was some verification that the story was true...but it was a fun read, pleased that you enjoyed it.

  19. Cue the Gillis threads, en masse.

    1. Zing!


      Cue the keep Bieksa threads cause they now think cap friendly = cap problem all fixed so no need for trades

    2. The Wizard of AZ

      The Wizard of AZ

      What?! OVER 3000000!?!?!?!?!

    3. BedBeats™2.0


      HAHAHHA...perfectly correct on both fronts there!

  20. Holy crapballs, Mike Gillis, you have your work cut out for you in the next little while.

  21. Not bad for a 6'3 white kid from Sweden eh? Luc Bourdons air guitar solos from that same night is priceless as well.

  22. That is Alex Edler! Its him being hazed during his rookie year at the Canucks Dice and Ice.

  23. I cant stop using the phrase "Winner Winner, Chicken Dinner!"

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Kanye West

      Kanye West

      pj stock is rad, too bad he shows highlights I want him to replace MB.

    3. Miss Korea Bob.Loblaw

      Miss Korea Bob.Loblaw

      I think it's purely a casino term.

    4. BedBeats™2.0


      It is DL, i heard it at the old Flamingo in Las Vegas...apparently chicken dinners were given away as prizes along with your winnings.

  24. I predict at least another 17 threads about Sami Salo before day's end.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Brad Marchand

      Brad Marchand

      THAT'S IT! I QUIT. CT that is.

    3. -DLC-
    4. BedBeats™2.0


      Im too fricking stupid/stubborn or romantic...i always poke my head in there...and get sucked in to the retard fest.

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