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Status Updates posted by BedBeats™2.0

  1. Yessir!

    That was his rookie year @ Dice and Ice where Naslund/Burr/Kes/Juice hazed Eddie/Bourdon/Raymond....they made them all have a dance off.

  2. You see Matt Good on Bravo a few nights ago?!

  3. I love you Gong Li.

    1. -DLC-


      She'd likely love you back if she knew this. :)

    2. BedBeats™2.0


      Hahaha....i just found out that she is all divorced now. I became all smitten with her from a bunch of historic Hong Kong action flicks ive recently seen.

    3. -DLC-


      I can see why. :)

  4. HAHAHA...exactly.

    That was a great find with that satirical contract.

    Makes me hate Kovalchuk even more now.

  5. Whooo...i typed it out in haste months ago and the filter didnt register!

    So..yeah its handy when im feeling incredulous about stupidity on CDC or the NHL.

  6. Cheers Mike Keane...great career, thanks for being a good player for this organization.

    1. Slender Man

      Slender Man

      Did he retire?

    2. Brad Marchand

      Brad Marchand

      Yes. Amen to that, BeadBeats.

  7. Hey mate...would it be cool if i used your breakdown of Naslund against other players of the time in a blog im putting together?

  8. Would you mind terribly if i used your nazzy retirement banner in a blog im gonna write on CDC?

  9. Ill say..what the heck?!

    Would have been perhaps different with a full game played by Printers.

    Ok we are now friends again!


  10. Could folks be any more stubborn?!

  11. OMFG! Eminem is just KILLING IT with The Roots on Jimmy Fallon! Fantastic performance!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. BedBeats™2.0


      Trust me..it was excellent..probably be on youtube shortly.

    3. ttown


      idk... watched it on youtube.. eminem just doesn't do it for me anymore.

    4. -DLC-


      I caught it too. ;)

  12. Holy crap Jimmy Fallon just took a look at the new 3-D Nintendo DS..atht doesnt need glasses...i think he jizzed his pants.

  13. Look at that..im melting. Still ...better than the 37 d3egree heat that Montreal is feeling.

    1. Schroeder's Wrister

      Schroeder's Wrister

      that's about what we were getting last year for a week or two, was it?

  14. Nooo way...playing Gary Numan's "Down In The Park" on CDC~!

  15. Hahaha...its all an internet sham, old friend.

    I hack the boards and steal rep points and have a bot randomly add people to my friends list.

    Then i listen to team 1040 ALL THE TIME and recycle their opinions into my own.

    I thinks its that ...and my cologne. :P

  16. Any chance of adding more classic Canuck games this off-season??!!!


    Lemme know!!

  17. Was that sig over 500KB?

    Lemme know so i can modify it please.

  18. Hmm...maybe you should make one more change to your name:


  19. Oi mate...ill respond to your PM's later!

    Great suggestions BTW...ive been too into reading the dialogue in the CoHo thread...and posting in Canucks Talk.

  20. Im pretty sure that thread was made around the timw when Burrows slump busted the Canucks....and AV was shuffling the lines to what we now know.

    People see what they want to see when they watch Hockey, which is the downfall of watching it on TV....folks tend to overlook certain things when they watch a team.

  21. It was the same idiocy that fuelled the anti-Sedin resigning of last season.


  22. Well...if anyone should be an expert on Ballard its you.

    Ill certainly take your word for it.

    Though i liked what i saw when he was a 'Yote.

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