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Posts posted by TOMapleLaughs

  1. If you go in expecting drama/romance and suddenly get teenage lesbian pornography, it is going to be a bit surprising.

    Black Swan had a bit of that as well. Me and the wife were watching it together and it was mildly uncomfortable, but the movie was interesting enough otherwise to carry through. Apparently if you can pull off lesbian porn in a classy, artistic way, that debatably adds to the story, that lands an actress an oscar.

    Speaking off lesbian actresses, I watched Birdman. 3/10 Fail.

    My advice? Don't. Just a boo-hoo, woe is me film about a declining hollywood action actor (Micheal Keaton) trying to make it in Broadway. I hate self-serving hollywood/broadway movies that just cry about how hard their puff, artsy lives are. But I get that others may like it, in particular those in hollywood or broadway. This movie won some awards, but I felt the overblown performances and the sillyass depressing story weren't quite good enough to justify that. But when movies are made to glorify or pity the industry, chances are that industry will hand out a trophy and some kleenex.

    Black Swan, a similar type of movie, but lacking the pathetic nature of Keaton's crybaby character and ho-hum plight, is superior in every way.

  2. If there is still rust from surgery he would not have played in the WJC!

    Not to mention he has more Pts/60 than anyone in the WHL other than Draisaitl. Give him a bunch of cushy power play time like these other kids and watch his point production skyrocket.

    I think we should be happy that the 'he has no vision' talk has ceased. He'll always be a shoot-first, power and drive type, but he's been working on his passing and playmaking all season long. Already has almost as many assists as he did all last season.

  3. People nit picking a 18 year olds public speaking. :picard:

    Why even mention it if you know it's not relevant to anything.

    Besides, we have Jim Benning now. Not that he's bad at public speaking.

    If Darryl Sutter sounds and looks geriatric special needs, but he's actually a genius coach, then you have to through these factors out the window.

  4. He was the right pick at 6th. Perhaps Fleury was the alternative. But as we did not have a right-shooting winger of any worth in the prospect pool, Virtanen looks good. He's a legit building block and this year we'll probably pick up a defenseman better than Fleury anyway.

  5. How about if he's ready, he's ready?

    I'm sure Horvat could have done something in London and the WJC's too, but Benning/WD decided he was NHL ready. Pretty fair chance Virtanen gets a similar look if "Change is Coming."

  6. ^Not every top prospect that comes along needs to be appointed captain asap. There's no reason for the talk at this point and we should be more level-headed about it imho.

    Remember Coho captain talk? Hahaha.

    Let's get them contributing at the nhl level first.

  7. Nyquist is 25 and Tatar has been in the AHL since 2009. Jensen is 21, we keep talking about development and then want to bi-pass it at the first opportunity

    We're not Detroit, but I think those guys weren't in the league faster was because they needed to gain strength. Look at Mantha coming in a lot sooner. Jensen still has fundamental issues to work out, like consistency and hockey iq, especially without the puck. But he's close.
  8. If people are panicking we drafted Jake so high. We drafted Gustav Forsling in the 5th round. And he was one of the best D-men and top ten in point getters in the tourney.

    Relax, he's got a ways in his development. Panic if he comes into training camp looking like Trent Klatt.

    Forsling has a ways to go in his development, yup. Virtanen's a lot closer. Not sure if anyone is panicking about anything at the moment, as the discussion has gone over to Jake's hover hand on that radio dj chick.
    • Upvote 1
  9. I hope Ferraro's wrong and he becomes a 1st or 2nd line forward, otherwise we've wasted the highest pick this franchise has had in over a decade.

    Good teams don't waste top-10 picks on a 3rd liner. Good teams make first and second line players out of these high picks (and even later picks). I sincerely hope we haven't blown this.

    It just hurts when you see Nylander and Larkin, who were drafted after Virtanen, absolutely dominate the world juniors and really show their stuff. It's hard to judge players in their own respective leagues before they're compared to their draftees in a tournament like this, but good drafting teams like the Red Wings and Bruins find ways to draft fantastic players before seeing them develop.

    lol At least you're consistent in your views. Commendable, I guess?
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  10. Or the guy is showing his age and flat out had an inconsistent tournament - highly doubt any coach "instructs" a player to coast/float and look bad..

    Horvat jumped no one really.. last cut last training camp and so he came in as the #1 center prospect this training camp. The three I mentioned all play on the wing in Utica so Jake is facing a log jam that never presented itself for Bo.

    "Stay up high." ???

    I think Virtanen is certainly capable of jumping those players in Utica, just like Bo jumped Gaunce and Vey, but time will tell.

  11. Fair enough. I think that, if not defense, it'll be his overall game. Jake floats around A LOT - something you just can't do in the NHL. The AHL three I mentioned are working to fix that or have fixed it. I wouldn't underestimate how much they all have developed under Travis Green in Utica in a full AHL season.. they are all further ahead than Jake IMO.

    He seems to float a bit more in some games and be an impact guy in others. The game he had against the USA was outstanding. Frankly it looked more like the coach telling him where to be and what to do.

    Maybe those other guys are further along in their personal development, but I kinda don't see what that has to do with Virtanen. Horvat jumped guys as well.

  12. After this tournament, I am almost certain he will not be with the Canucks next season.

    Reason? Defense - especially when he will have guys like Jensen, Shinkaruk and Gaunce who've worked hard in the minors and are much more polished in their game.

    Hmmm, not sure if Jensen, Shinkaruk and Gaunce are going to be better defensively than Virtanen going forward. Jensen's consistency and battle isn't there, Shinkaruk will likely never be known for his defense, and Gaunce still needs to pick up his speed and consistency.

    With Virtanen I just see a player who won't need seasoning in the minors. The size, skills and strength are already there, he just needs to be told where to go and what to do and he'll do it. But this is just my opinion.

  13. On a side note, looking forward to next year with Virtanen as a returning player, possibly playing on the 1st line with Sam Bennett (doubt he's physically ready for the NHL) and Dal Colle. I doubt Virtanen makes the Canucks next year, he has size, but unlike Horvat his frame still need to develop/bulk up (he doesn't look like a 208lbs guy as per hockeydb). Throwing his body around like he does against almost exlcusively 200+ pounders is risky and I don't think gaining 15lbs this summer is the way to go either.

    I'd be more concerned about his lack of NHL size if those guys he's tossing around in junior weren't 200+ pounders themselves. He's pretty solid on his skates and doesn't seem to add a lot of strength. I don't think there's much to be gained for him spending yet another year in Calgary. But it's Benning's call. Canucks could use him, for sure.
  14. Exactly, it's the biggest misconception on CDC and it's a very simple-minded and blind one.

    On the flip-side, there is a real danger with having a team full of soley tough guys who may be fast, strong and can hit but at the end of the day simply don't have enough offensive talent to score goals, which is what this game is about. You need an elite level of talent to score big goals in big pressure games and guys like Malkin, Kopitar etc. combine that level of talent with size and strength. A monumental mistake would be to draft based on size first and then hope the skill comes later, because elite level talent like that simply doesn't "come" or is "learned".

    You can teach toughness and size just about as well as you can teach that elite level of scoring ability. I believe solid defence can always be tought and learned through good systems and coaching, but you can't teach a player to score clutch goals against the best defences and goalies in the world. That upper level of elite talent is something that not many players have and IMO is something we should be targetting now with our drafting over physicality. I know it's a fine line, but don't forget that physicality and toughness means absolutely NOTHING in the playoffs if those players simply aren't offensively gifted enough (and I'm talking at a world-class level here) to score against some intimidating defences.

    Linked to this, Virtanen may be strong and seem like he'll be able to physically dominate in the NHL playoffs, but I simply don't see that elite level of offensive ability that is needed to score big goals in the playoffs. Prove me wrong Jake, I know he may bloom later in his career than his fellow draftees but right now nothing's screaming "offensive star" to me.

    I don't think Nylander (2 goals) and Ehlers (1 goal) have shown enough offensive talent to make us sorely regret picking Virtanen (1 goal in far less time), based on this tournament alone.

    We didn't miss out on a Malkin or Kopitar certainly, and I don't see Kane's will or smarts either. If they were these world-class talents, then they'd already be in the NHL. Those guys could end up like Mason Raymond and Nazem Kadri. Big deal.

    Maybe if we were looking at McDavid or Eichel instead there would be some cause for some legit excitement.

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