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Posts posted by TOMapleLaughs

  1. Lol. Of coarse I don't. Because it's not a popular opinion and what some will think is a buzz kill. Reality has that effect sometimes. People can say whatever they want to this , time will tell.

    I played major junior. I'm still employed in the industry so I won't say who for , but u can think I'm clueless if u like

    It's possible he's nervous and just trying to impress by hanging onto the puck too long , but if u ever saw him play in junior , you would see it's not the first stretch he has had where he lacks hockey iq and tries to dangle instead of making a play , which he usually ends up turning over.

    He's a big body ,and hard worker which is good. The only thing IMO he has on zack kassian. But don't expect much more than maybe second most likely third liner. If that

    The thing with Virtanen is, him being a local prospect, is that people around here actually know of what some legit scouts and hockey people around here have been saying about him. I've talked with multiple sources who say that he was clearly one the best prospects in the WHL at the time of the draft and they've known he was going to be a special player from age 12. Was Kassian a 1st overall pick in his major junior league?

    The comparison to Kassian is a bit off, even though they are both right-shooting wingers, as they are a different type of player, due to a big difference in speed. Kassian should be a guy who just goes to the net without the puck with authority and hammers guys like Lucic. So far he's been a dissappointment in that role as he thinks he's a playmaker who likes to dish off the puck early, usually killing off the chance for him to crash the net right away. Jake's speed affords him to be a lot more creative with his shifts. He's not expected to be a Lucic-type, but more of a Perry-type. Anyone with any hockey background can see the difference right away.

    You may or may not have some sort of hockey expertise, but this isn't the first line of posts from you that make me think think you're just trolling, so...

    • Upvote 3
  2. Not able to say that just yet, he's very dynamic and an absolute treat to watch skate!

    Having said that he makes a lot of the same

    Mistakes that Kassian does that infuriate WD. Having said that I think you can give him a pass because he knew he wasn't playing against a good team in Germany, if he does the same things against Finland and US well let's

    Just hope he doesn't

    I don't think it's the mistakes that Kassian makes that would be the most infuriating. All young players make them. It's probably more the wild inconsistency with Kassian's game, including total laziness at times, turning invisible, taking stupid penalties, not going to the net, and non-physical play, including a perplexing unwillingness to drop 'em. I like Kassian, but I admit that there may be some insurmountable flaws to his game that keeps him down the depth chart, as several coaches now have failed to make a breakthrough. Virtanen's a better prospect though.
  3. I'd say he's the best prospect we've seen in years. Being a 6th overall pick with no strength/undersized issues, he obviously has a decent shot. Just based on what's happened with previous similar draftpicks, including Horvat, I'm not sure how anyone can say he's 2-3 years away. What? Because of that fictitious "He has no hockey iq" nonsense? The best thing about him is that he's fine playing on any line, in any role, and he can even take draws. Desjardins is going to love him.

  4. No. Mental condition does not equal "retarded".

    But I would be surprised to find out he has a mild version of Aspergers/Autism or some sort of social anxiety issue or similar.

    Hate to hijack this thread further, but come to think of it I would not be surprised either. But I never felt it was relevant. There's been a lot of excuses made for him during his time here, that's for sure. Didn't see much aside from his time with the twins on the power play until that was shut down.

    This is my favorite Welly moment:


    • Upvote 1
  5. You guys should read some of the posts on HF boards featuring Virtanen. And I thought CDC was full of idiots...

    One guy was complaining Virtanen lacks foot speed... lol

    The Canucks fans on HF at times lack direction, and correction.

    Glad to see Jake doing well so far. But not shocked.

  6. Virtanen and Sanheim leave the Hitmen on Thursday to head to the selection camp for the World Junior team. If all goes well, Virtanen won't be playing a WHL game for a while.

    I'd like to record his games but I don't know if there is an official Canadian stream for the World Juniors. It needs to be official because I want to be able to rewind the broadcast and those "other" methods don't allow that.

    Thinking both are locks. Jake should be a lock for top pp time on the left side as well. But we've seen errors made in the past.
  7. Looks like Virt took a few draws, and won.

    Yeah both offensive and defensive zone draws. Nice.

    His second goal was a hard, heavy and obviously accurate shot from the Stamkos spot. Also nice, but not as highlight-worthy as goal one.

    What I like about WHL play as opposed to some other leagues is that very much resembles NHL hockey, in terms of style and player type. The players within are almost all man-sized and not afraid to mix it up. No wonder a lot of top defenders come from the W these days. They are pretty much already built for NHL hockey at draft time and it's only a matter of adjusting the timing to a quicker pace.

    Virtanen was noticeable pretty much all throughout the video. He's going to be great for us.

  8. Not sure if posted but:


    Somebody recorded almost all of Jake's shifts in the recent Giants game.

    -Kid's fast. Very fast. Noticeable pretty much every shift.

    -Likes the Stamkos spot on the pp. Almost scored when goalie screened.

    -Comes in from the right side with authority. Linden-like.

    -Likes the wraparound. Worked once this game when goalie dealing with other traffic.

    -Nice, accurate shot, quick release. 2nd goal was a right-side over the shoulder snipe from a backdoor play.

    -Not a pile of physical play this game, but showed strength and pushback when needed. Was knocked down once.

    -Defensively okay, but not selke-worthy. Will block a shot when needed. Didn't run over-commit positionally, offensively or defensively.

    -Seems to see the ice well. Didn't hog the puck or get tunnelvision as what was reported of him.

    -Drives the play well and catches the odd defender flat-footed. But if he's going to wind up the neutral zone he better keep his head up. Seen a lot of guys get clipped bigtime on that play at the NHL level.

    • Upvote 2
  9. It's interesting seeing the development of the Gillis collegiate d-men. The hope, the sell, at the time was that they could brew into something decent before turning pro, in some sortof Detroit methodology, but has this been the case with these kids?

    Jeremy Price, Patrick McNally, and of course Ben Hutton... Are any of them going to become pros?

  10. Hi guys. Just wondered how Jake was doing and came across quite a bit of sentiment that the Canucks should have gone with Nylander. As I live in sweden I read an article by the sports editor of the largest paper in sweden just yesterday imploring people to get out and see this kid while they have the chance! He is on a bad team but putting up some numbers. And to make a small world smaller ; I am his systers teacher. She will win Wimbledon!

    Nylander's back after sustaining a neck injury from a hit by Kempe. He scored a goal in open ice, but flubbed the shootout.

    For all this 'no vision' talk, Jake is on-pace for 52 assists, which would have led his team last season. He's proven he can score, he's proven he can fly, he's proven he can hit, he's now working on his playmaking and defense. He's really rounding out to be one of the best prospects of the draft, whereas Nylander and Ehlers are still working on one-dimensional offense and puck-hogging. I do not doubt for one millisecond that we made the right call. One hit from Jake and those guys will snap in two.

    I'm not sure why the pundits praise Benning's decisions literally everywhere else, but then are disappointed that we picked an obviously better overall prospect last draft. Hey, either you trust him or you don't.

    • Upvote 4
  11. that's the feeling a lot of have in London, many within the Knights have said that. He didn't need a C last year to be a leader. I think he'll be captain canuck by.. 26

    Hopefully he pans out better than the last guy we annointed captain at age 19.
  12. I personally think Virtanen plays LW in the NHL. Virtanen and Jensen would look pretty sick on Horvat's wing. Although it's not impossible for him to be played on either wing. Still really young.

    No he'll be a RW.
  13. did you just speculate that the speculation will increase?

    Not sure how watching him actually play counts as speculation, but maybe he should give at least some of us fans some credit. We're not expecting Stamkos here.
  14. As a center capable of a bottom-6 role, I don't see why we'd have to send him down to junior. It's not like he'll learn anything new down there from dominating guys way younger and smaller than he is. I think he's ready for a 4th line role in the least here. Already more capable than a lot of our current roster, and he needs to start learning how to play against pros.

    Shifts shortened, speed increased. He simply won't get that in London.

    Another year in junior, followed by seasoning in the AHL will just slow down his development and increase the risk of him becoming a bust and/or unhappy here.

    • Upvote 3
  15. I swear 32,000 of your 32,050 posts are passive aggressive BS. You must be from Ontario.


    Hal Gill was SMART.

    If Tryamkin has some brains with his size and his already-better speed, he's going to be a very good player going forward.

    I agree, but I'm more concerned with him gaining an elite shot, as that would put him among top-tier defenders. And that would be very nice.
  16. Hal Gill was never a good skater. But he had a good stick and of course size. I'd be happy if Tryramkin ended up like him defensively, but i doubt he stays in NA for long unless he ends up being a well-paid offensive star.

    That's about as boom or bust as it gets. I hope he pans out.

  17. Turtles: 7/10

    Impressed with amped-up Shredder skills and outfit. Not so impressed with revised backstory, but the original backstory was not without holes. At least the turtles are still mutants and not aliens.

    Kids absolutely loved it, so it was a win.

    The Machine: 5/10

    Weird B+ movie starring a bond villain and some british babe as an android. Some interesting effects are showed off along with some curves. But some real cheesy parts, writing and acting.

    Lucy: 6/10

    Some major holes in the plot keep this down and the movie seems to encourage ODing on drugs to get ahead in life. Similar to that movie with The Hangover guy, but with no 'be careful about drugs' message.

    Johansen's monotone and emotionless acting style: Starting to think it's not deliberate.

    Also says that God is essentially a really smart human. I found that to be very arrogant.

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