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Posts posted by TOMapleLaughs

  1. Watch him play in the under 18's then tell me what you think.

    Did. He lit up sad teams on the power play and vanished against USA/Canada. So there's nothing much there to judge him on. Yet it's being drummed up enough.

    Eichel's performance (McDavid not there) was far more interesting. And i felt Virtanen played very well despite his shoulder injury. That injury cannot affect his draft stock.

  2. 7 points overall after you don't omit he also had 6 assists as a 17/18 year old. And 43 points (15 goals, 28 assists in 27 games) in the J20 the previous season, 15 goals and 12 assists in 35 games in the Allsvenskan this year, plus the 16 points (6 goals, 10 assists) in the seven WJC-18 games, etc.

    But I'm sure I've seen Patty Kane bang in a rebound in front of the net before or make a hit/defensive play too. I've seen Higgins lay out Chara with a hit and he's only 6' tall. I've seen Keith Ballard fight Corey Perry, Colin Fraser and Justin Abdelkader. I've even seen Nylander put in a loose puck at the side of the net in the World Juniors this year, does that mean we should draft more skilled players because we don't need those strong, defensive guys?

    Oh i'm sorry. I thought we were talking about... Scoring goals... (Details.) ;)

    Those other leagues aren't tremendous. The qualcomp of which he scored his power play WJC-18 points in was very low, and against USA and Canada he accomplished nothing. He just didn't impress me all that much whenever I watched him play. Fast, but easily below prospect-level Kane in terms of skill and drive. Both Nylander and Ehlers are mainly just a power play threat. Nylander is more of a leader than Ehlers in this regard.

    I haven't seen much battle at all from Nylander or Ehlers and both guys cheat up ice and avoid traffic often. This flies in the face of what we see done by successful players in the NHL these days.

    If Nylander puts up ppg numbers in the SHL next season, then there's reason to get excited about him. But he's a long ways away from that if he's not all that trusted in that league currently.

  3. Horvat was slow and underachieved in the world juniors, memorial cup, and through out the playoffs. Everyone is so high on him because MG made a stupid trade for Schneider and an even stupider move by not picking Nishkushin. Yes he's good at face offs and great defensively, but that #2 center spot should belong to Henrik in 3 years and it's not difficult to get a #3 center. Or use Cassels, Gaunce, FA pickup

    If we can get a future #1 center that happens to be from Vancouver, pull the trigger.

    Up until the final week we would have picked

    Anywhere from #6-14. We need to stop saying ohhh it's EHLERS and Horvat for Reinhart!

    We were lucky to even get that pick, if we can turn it into a franchise center then do it, it might be our only chance to draft a true #1

    Horvat is an important piece in any rebuild effort.

    Don't trade up in this draft by selling off major rebuild pieces. That's so short-sighted it's ridiculous. Instead use the NEXT draft to acquire the franchise player we need.

    If the Canucks trade Kesler, this easily is within reach.

    Time for a plan that involves more than panic decisions and half-baked trades.

  4. I'm watching the finals and the flashiest goal last game was scored by Dustin Brown. But wait, he's not small or known for his pure offensive abilities.

    It's like... Wait, what?... Bit hitting guys can possess skill as well?

    Who knew?

    I don't know about you guys, but i'm done with the upselling job being done with guys like Schroeder and Rodin. Drafting for, yup, speed and scoring, despite lack of NHL-ready size or elite skill. With Nylander and Ehlers, i see much of the same. Perhaps a more legit upside with these kids, but a Hemsky-esque one.

    Perhaps Linden and Benning are here now to correct the massive errors we've performed in past drafts. Let us hope.

    • Upvote 1
  5. As long as Leon has Getzlaf type skill CDC will be happy.

    But, that's the expectation now. If he doesn't then well... you know the drill...

    Thing is Getzlaf was supposed to be a top-5 pick that year. But he fell to the Ducks.

    Thinking if Leon was deemed worthy to be the next Getzlaf he'd fall to some Bettman project team too.

  6. I know its just the combine and not too much should be put into it but Nylanders wingate test for peak power output is very impressive.

    He blew the scores from the previous best players in that category out of the water!

    2014: Nylander - 17.5

    2013: Samuel morin and shea Theodore - 15.8

    2012: Alex Galchenyuk - 15.6

    2011: Ty rattie - 15.9

    2010: John McFarland - 16.2

    2009: Jordan szwarz - 15.6

    Not sure exactly what the test measures other than it has to do with lactic acid and I think plays a big part in explosiveness.

    But if Nylander has that elite skill and special physical tools he seems like a great pick even over a guy like Ritchie.

    You're right. Just by looking at the names attached to the numbers, it would appear that the numbers are meaningless. These numbers are suggesting that 5'-11" 170lb William Nylander is more powerful than 6'-7" 210lb Morin? Okay. No.

    Meanwhile last combine Drouin, Jones and MacKinnon all elected not to do physical testing. And how did that affect their draft status?

    And Nikushkin said in all of his interviews that he wanted to play in the NHL. He still fell in the draft.

    You'll find combine numbers being a total non-factor when it comes to the draft. It is a dog and pony show.

    I'm growing weary of all the misinformation presented to us after a fairly bad draft choice put out there to artificially inflate the picks' NHL upside. Year after year after year.

  7. Disagree that he is a better prospect, and I disagree that Nylander & Ehlers aren't elite skill prospects, what you said in your OP really didn't resemble the case in any of the topics you addressed IMO. We haven't been trampled by So-Cal teams, they have outplayed us offensively, and Nylander is a very different player than Shinkaruk, not very comparable at all, stylewise I don't think Ehlers is really a similar player either.

    So what if you like different guys, really? By defining elite appropiately, as in some of the best in the league, then there's no way Nylander and Ehlers are there, sorry. Shinkaruk sans hip injury is similar to this kind of upside. Same role, same position, same expectations.

    And we've been totally dominated by SoCal this past season. 9-1? I mean really. End of discussion here unless you dig pointless arguments.

  8. What planet do you live on? Have you been watching the same team, and scouting the analyzing the same prospects, as the rest of us?

    They need a right-shooting forward and a shutdown LHD, just by looking at the prospect pool.

    Shinkaruk will be (if he recovers from his hip injury fully) a better prospect than either Nylander or Ehlers.

    So I guess I have to throw the question back at you.

  9. TOMapleLaughs, on 03 Jun 2014 - 3:07 PM, said:snapback.png

    Castiel, on 03 Jun 2014 - 3:10 PM, said:

    Ossi Vaananen, on 01 Jun 2014 - 10:39 PM, said:snapback.png

    You guys almost ruined that episode for me, luckily I saw GOT and scrolled quickly by on my phone, if your gonna ruin endings to a show only a day or so after it has aired you should put spoiler alert or something, and im SRS.

    I like erybody else who watches it doesnt want to have it ruined, just be mindful next time please, as I am sure there could be others

    Wow. That was a close call dude. Good thing it wasn't ruined for you though. Whew. Cheers.

  10. Dat feel when Ritchie can bench Nylander, but Nylander can't bench cookies.

    Thinking last episode of Game of Thrones: Big guy is dumb and slow, small guy is cocky and fast. But big guy gruesomely crushes small guy's skull. Whoops.

    Not Ritchie though. Tuch.

    And if we pass on Brendan Lemieux if available in round 2 somebody should hang.

  11. would it be a win if the canucks drafted a non-franchise, non-elite oversized mammoth on skates?

    Sure. He could spear guys with his tusks and hook with his trunk. Also, four skates... Two could be used strictly for stabbing. Just try to stop him from going to the net.

    This was posted on HF. Not sure how relevant it is, but it's high on Nylander, and they have him listed at 170lbs. Ehlers 165.


  12. Bottom line is that it would be a pretty big fail for the Canucks to draft a non-franchise, non-elite undersized talent in this draft, considering the growing importance of the so-called rebuild phase. Unless the plan is to continue being trounced by SoCal long-term. But if that's the plan, then part two of the plan would be to have plenty of empty seats for plenty of seasons.

    The Canucks have more pressing needs than adding a non-franchise, non-elite undersized talent who's comparable to Shinkaruk in terms of upside, role and position. They should probably address them.

  13. There is no track record of what Benning is going to pick as GM.....All I know is that he better pick the BPA regardless of size or nationality....To me,Nylander has Canucks written all over it ...He could be better than some of the guys in the top five..

    I totally agree that Nylander has Canucks written all over him.

    But that's why I'm hoping they select someone else.

    Tired of the constant upselling on undersized guys based on non-transferable skill that isn't even elite to begin with.

  14. I hope the Canucks aren't planning on selling us on Nylander, considering how pitiful we've looked in the physicality department in recent years. Esp. this past season against SoCal teams.

    Not to mention, Hello? Another probable Coho fiasco?

    Nylander's a pick i'd do if we already had a bunch of blue-chippers in stock. We don't.

    There are small skill guys to be had in every draft anyway. Derek Roy and Jason Pomminville, Benning picks, come to mind. There's nothing that indicates Benning prefers undersized guys just because of their skill. The average weight of his top picks is around 190lbs.

    • Upvote 1
  15. Combine talk:

    So Ehlers is indeed 162lbs? Nylander 169? These players are simply undersized.

    That'll definitely affect the (what?) watts/kg power stat. Watts/kg... Pffft. Although i'm not sure where Ehlers is in any of these tests. Bottom line is if you want power, then you're going towards the players we've already determined as being powerful. I like Tuch over Ritchie due to fewer risk factors attached, such as concussions. But he's like a Backes, skill-wise.

    It's a shame that Virtanen isn't doing the physical tests at the combine. If he did perhaps we'd be reminded of all his prime-rate physical tools ('omg no toolbox' though.)

    I like Sonny Milano's upside as well. He's not being talked about nearly enough imho. He's not undersized, he has quite a lot of skill and is up there in physical testing. I expect him to be a riser. All the way to 6th? Doubtful.

    Perlini is often discarded here too. He's not bad at all. Prob. not a 6 though.

    I hope the Canucks don't select an undersized guy 6th. Esp. if his skill, such as it is, might not even be transferable at all. That's just too risky a pick for the importance of it in a rebuilding effort.

  16. Are people really being swayed by the combine?

    Why? Interviews?

    MacKinnon could have spit in the faces of the all the Avs brass and they still would have selected him.


    Kindof irrelevant isn't it? The results of all physical tests now are meaningless when compared to when their expected post-development physicality.

    I laughed hard when the 'Bennett zero pulluppps!' story blew up.

    To me the NHL combine has always been a dog and pony show and it's quite clear why teams in recent seasons have ran their own 'real' combines.

    Anyone know if the Canucks were one of these teams? I'm thinking no. I'm thinking certain blessed and privileged teams down south get those.

  17. We didnt have offense this year becuse our drafting has been terrible. Picking nylandrr cuz we lack offense is short sighted when players like shinkaruk jensen and whatever we get in a kesler trade will prime us enough.

    Two way players . Nick ritchie.

    I'm more concerned about this offense just not being there. He had a good U18 in totality, but he lit up the weaker teams and didn't put up anything against the stronger ones. And the SHL stats aren't there to say he's superb offensively. In Allsvenskan he put up numbers, but the level of competition isn't as strong.

    He looks to be a long-term project, really. Even in terms of pure offense. Then you have to take into account the reports of his defense being a relative non-factor. Then you have his dad's obvious involvement in his career.

    Is there something i'm missing that makes him this offensive dynamo worth taking this risk on? Or is it based only on mythical potential?

  18. Backstrom would be a decent comparison. I lean more toward Brad Richards, myself. If we are expecting Backstrom then we should not pass on him?

    Every prospect had potential deficiencies but it would be shortsighted to focus on those when they are learnable qualities IMO. Most NHL players have certain deficiencies too.

    The attitude problems are more myth based than anything in my estimation.

    I'm trying to determine how Backstrom is a good comparison. At the prospect level Backstrom seems to accomplished a lot more in the SHL on the offensive side. Am I missing something?
  19. Offensively, are we expecting Backstrom? Because Backstrom was a much, much better prospect, offensively. Perhaps expecting Backstrom-level of offense is unreasonable.

    And if we're not expecting Backstrom, then we should probably pass on Nylander, since he's a defensive non-factor with a seemingly Coho-esque mentality.

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