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Posts posted by TOMapleLaughs

  1. What a stupid idea....

    The ONLY reason we sign Miller is if we are going to push for a cup now and that means the possible following.

    Kesler is NOT getting traded and we will bolster the top 6 around him costing us pick(s) and or prospect(s)

    Kesler IS getting traded and we will rush the return in to the line up in hope they will produce.

    We trade up for the 1st overall and rush him in to the line up

    We are not going with Lack/Markstrom and have basically stated that hey Lack, you're better than Luongo but not better than Miller/HIller

    This is bar none the stupidest move to kick start a new management group. We are not in any shape to compete with the Blues, Sharks, Kings, Ducks or the like. We might make the playoffs but what then? 1st maybe 2nd round exit? or do we bring in the true homers who will quote the Kings seed and cup win as an almost assured run to the cup

    We are not in any shape to compete and as I have stated numerous times, i have watched the Canucks do this once or twice a decade where we bolster the core, trade sideways or "up" fall miserably flat and then wonder what went wrong.

    I am tired of this happening every decade and as a poster previously stated if Miller is brought in we are giving up on what needs to be done, we are not going to get a solid pick in what promises to be a good draft by all accounts in 2015 and when all is siad in done by the end of 2015 we will be left wondering why on earth this move was made.

    Quote this. Signing Miller will be the dumbest move this team has made since the Luongo contract

    Agreed. But I fully expect a 'pretend mode' from this team, including an ongoing Kesler saga, some questionable 'selling the future' trades at the draft, and a Calgary approach to rebuild avoidance.

    I just hope we avoid Miller because I find him to be an utterly annoying, overrated and cocky, shifty-eyed mofo.

    • Upvote 1
  2. This move would secure our immediate future as not being able to implement a proper rebuild plan, so I can see it happening.

    Ryan Miller, however, doesn't excite me it terms of 'win now' mode. Look at how horrible he was behind St. Louis' air-tight defense in the playoffs.

    There's no problem with Lack/Markstrom for the time being if the Canucks knew better.

  3. Ekblad has been the consensus #1 overall for months. So the Canucks selecting Reinhart with that expensively-acquired pick (he's a 4th overall pick) would look pretty damn bad.

    But I guess if the plan is to help Luongo and the Panthers win a cup sooner rather than later, it's all good.

  4. 1. Ekblad - Florida's gonna take the big man.

    2. Bennett - Buffalo is sold on the overall game. Ranked #1 by CSS.

    3. Draisaitl - Edmonton needs a big center.

    4. Reinhart - Calgary very excited that this player 'falls' to them.

    5. Dal Colle - NYI already planning for him.

    6. Virtanen - Obvious pick that suits what Linden/Benning have been talking about.

    7. Ehlers - Carolina rolls dice.

    8. Ritchie - TO drafts another big winger who they'll upsell as a center.

    9. Nylander - Winnipeg rolls dice on offensive upside.

    10. Fleury - Anaheim adds another bluechipper d-man

    11. Fabbri - Nash wants some flash

    12. Tuch - Phoenix nabs a Doan successor

    13. Barbashev - Washington continues Russian theme

    14. Fiala - Dallas

    15. Goldobin - Detroit

  5. I'm just saying a teammate's parent's opinion on Reinhart has absolutely no value unless they happen to be a reliable pro scout also. I think the whole point of bringing this parent up is to establish that Reinhart isn't "franchise good," as you say.

    Then give me quotes from pro scouts that say Reinhart isn't "franchise good," not a teammate's parent.

    Sure, but i've read all sorts of scouting reports saying the same thing. Let me gather them for you... Oh snap, no, i'm not gonna do that. We knew what this draft was about months ago. Ekblad is the #1 pick and not even he is a can't-miss franchise player.

    See this all the time in Edmonton, really. The Nuge is franchise! He's 1st overall! Um, no. And then they passed on Landeskog, who's transferability was FAR more secure.

  6. Wow jealous parent much?

    You look at the Kootenay Ice, and there is no star player outside of Reinhart. He literally does everything.

    Unless that father also happens to be a big-name scout who has a good reputation for eyeing talent, this has zero input on how good Reinhart actually is. Heck, this guy probably thinks his son is almost as good as Reinhart. Weak source, if it even is true.

    And I don't recall ANYBODY comparing Reinhart to Bossy... Why is this father of a teammate talking about Bossy? Of course Reinhart is gonna look ridiculous when compared to one of the greatest of all time... I'm not sure there has been someone worth of Bossy's name in any of the recent draft class outside of Ovechkin and Stamkos. Even those two are a reach.

    While the crust of the argument is different, the assessment is similar to what i've read from many scouts: Good, but not franchise good. And probably not worth selling the farm for.

    ps. He was talking about Bossy in terms of transferability. If you knew anything about Bossy's history you'd know that he wasn't even supposed to make it in the NHL according to those who scouted him. He proved them wrong in that rare case and dominated his draft class.

    TOMapleLaughs was that parent of a teammate a fourth liner?

    A defenseman. How that's relevant I don't know. His son isn't the issue, it's his assessment on Reinhart. He's watched all sorts of players and this assessment on Reinhart came as a surprise to me, but it goes along with some amateur scouting assessments on his expected ceiling as well as what i've seen off and on. He'll be good, but not worth trading the farm for. He also admitted that he could very well transfer his talents to the NHL (like Bossy) and in that case time will tell. Either way, it's a roll of the dice.

    There are smarter ways to go about a rebuild imho.

  7. 1. Wow you got everything reverse man.. A team SHOULD hold onto their high draft pick in a deep draft because it means you will get some pretty good players even without the first overall.

    a weak draft year means the pool isn't as deep, it doesn't mean teh first overall will be weak.

    2. just because someone said something over and over again, it doesn't mean they are saying the right thing. Saying "tank next year for draft pick" is something only a brain dead person can do. In case if you can't understand why I will break it down for you:

    a - a GM, or litreally any staffs on the team, dont get pay for tanking the team. You think anyone would want to damage their reputation on purpose ? Hell this is vancouver, all it take is a 5 game losing streak and we will see people shouting fire the gm and coach.

    b - We are NOT Montreal, Edmonton or Toronto. Most people here only follows the team because they are winning. Tanking for another season would create a big loss in profit that could take a couple years to earn back. No sane owner would agree to tank millions of dollars a year so they can earn back the money in the next few years.

    1. All that should concern us in the moment is the lack of a winning-capable franchise player. Next year they're up. This year? Nope.


    a - A GM gets paid to win. Using the next draft gets us the player(s) needed to win. What is so complicated with that? Nothing.

    b - Nobody expects this team to do anything next season regardless of what we do this summer, but you tell me what your precious sales figures would be like with a legit, winning-capable franchise player onboard?

    Again, it's not a tank if you honestly suck. And this team as-is, and esp. without Kesler, fits the bill.

    Now is not the time to burn prospects for the 1st overall. That move is pure flash and the player (Reinhart) isn't even worth it. Will it bring us closer to the cup? Doubtful. But the implementation of a proper rebuild would. That's how all the successful teams around us are doing it anyway.

    I noticed none of your response actually addressed the assessment of Reinhart. Pretty significant miss imho.

  8. My feelings on Reinhart is that he'll be good, but not that good. ie. Kinda like the Nuge, a bit better perhaps, but nothing to plan a parade about. Kinda saw this in world juniors, actually. He wasn't a big difference-maker in that tournament. He has a good hockey mind, sure, but the physical skills aren't quite up to speed to consider him NHL elite. Kinda knew this heading into the draft, which is a pretty weak one.

    These thoughts were concurred by a father of one of Reinhart's junior teammates, who I just talked to regarding the rumour about the Canucks trading up for Reinhart:

    "Reinhart might be the most-overrated player i've ever seen. (Me, eyebrows raised: Wow, really?) Ya, he's good and all, very smart, but I don't see him taking these points to the NHL. Now, he migh be a freakish 'huh?' scorer like the next Mike Bossy or something like that, but the reason Bossy comes up is in that case is because of how rare it is for that to happen.

    No I don't want the Canucks to sell the farm for him. It's a weak draft class. If it was next years' class, then yeah go for it. Or at least pick the safer guy, like Ekblad. Reinhart's a bit small."

    He thinks and I think the Canucks should just stay pat and draft the BPA this year. Then tank next year like it's been suggested over and over again.

    Face it: Nobody expects a cup from this group. Quit killing our teams' future by not planning for more than a month/year ahead. Next years' draft contains some winning-capable franchise talent. Take steps to acquire it. Thanks.

    • Upvote 1
  9. I hate to be that guy, but....maybe you didn't get it? There's a coherent story wrapped up in its symbolism. The epigraph lets you know that it's not meant to be taken literally: "Chaos is order yet undeciphered". [spoilers] Both of Gyllenhaal's characters are the same guy, one of the women is his wife, the other is his mistress. [/spoilers] It's been a while since I saw it, so I don't remember the specifics, but I'm sure you can find a good analysis online if you want one.

    I wasn't a *huge* fan and it definitely isn't for everyone, but 2/10 is pretty harsh. I would give it a 7. Watch it if you like Mulholland Drive. It's for pretentious cinephiles.

    Oh, I got it alright. Even if you know what's what in The Sixth Sense, which I figured out in three minutes, the movie was still worth the watch. This wasn't. The concept of Enemy was so simple that I was waiting for something other than that to make the movie worth watching. That worthiness didn't arrive. So the rampant symbolism and lack of plotline or a proper ending was a just a slap in the face. I guess if the purpose of the movie was to annoy, there was that.

    Anyway, maybe some novels should just remain novels. Like Cloud Atlas.

  10. Enemy 2/10

    Jake Gyllenhaal is a quiet, brooding actor, known for some strange roles in some strange movies and to put it lightly, this is one of those. Fine. But this movie isn't just strange. It's tripe.

    While Donnie Darko is perhaps his strangest movie, (if not Bubble Boy), DD is vastly superior in every regard. From symbolism to foreshadowing to tone. In Enemy, the symbolism equates to 'wtf?' and the foreshadowing indicates 'warning! warning! bad movie ahead! get out while you still can!'. The tone, largely set with people not turning on light switches and (out-of-place) pathetic clarinet/oboe complimenting the soundtrack, is pretty damn dreary and makes you wonder if suicide is a better option than continuing to watch the film.

    The setting is TO, and this movie makes TO look like I percieve it: Americanized, concrete ugly. Only a high Rob Ford could appreciate this movie to the fullest imho.

    The biggest slap in the face was the huge western font screen credits complimented with a brutal 'you've just been duped' jarring musical track that urged you to stab the screen. This coming after the horrible ending which cut the movie short by 20-40 minutes of absolutely necessary wrap-up.

    Forget it. Save yourselves from this movie. Maybe they like this crap in TO, but they also like Ed the Sock and Rob Ford.

    Jesus Christ what an awful movie.

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