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  1. No disrespect intended but why do grown adults choose to watch fake wrestling.  It’s bizarre to me.  Why not just watch real fighting.  Or is it not the fighting you like, is it the “storylines”.....

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    2. Art Vandelay

      Art Vandelay

      It entirely depends on the person/product. It’s a lot more nuanced than fighting or story. Every wresting promotion offers something different... the type of entertainment is very wide ranging. Comedy, drama, athleticism etc.


      NJPW = story + fighting

      ROH = fighting + comedy

      Chikara = Circus wackiness

      WWE = little bit of everything, but for a younger audience.


      Again, the answer to why people watch, is likely “I like it”. It’s an escape from RL. Just like anything else on tv.

    3. BananaMash


      It's not my thing at all anymore (I liked it as a kid), but it's basically just a soap opera with testosterone.


      Most people are just watching to see the stunts and follow the drama. The actual idea of it being a "fight" is in the backseat. 

    4. apollo


      Pretty much what @Art Vandelay said... but I'd like to add a few more points


      • I can %100 guarantee you it has as much credibility as the NHL and the 2011 SCF... and years surrounding 2011
      • It's like asking someone why they watch Game of Thrones... it's even less believable and equally scripted.
      • It's just another form of entertainment...
      • They are real athletes with real pains and injuries (they
      • I don't recommend people to watch WWE events on TV without PVRing and skipping through 50-75% of each event. It has lots of bs in it.
      • The Diva's are unbelievably hot.
      • I watch UFC too... but it's a lot of dry humping... and for all I know, it could be scripted.
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