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Everything posted by KelownaCanucksFan

  1. Absolutely, I’ve given a copy to both of my nephews (16 & 13) I’m really hoping they don’t turn out like the majority of their generation. I’m going to read maps of meaning as soon as it arrives from amazon
  2. Halfway through Peterson’s book and it’s a great book, definitely a lot of deep thinking / self reflecting moments. I’ve found reading each chapter twice has helped in absorbing all the great info that’s available, highly recommend this book!
  3. It’s not so much his hockey iq it’s the players he plays with, Jakes a very straight line player get the puck in work the boards and get it to the net. At the end of the year I thought him and bo had some good chemistry because they play similar styles, I’d like to see these lines next year leipsic Pettersson Boeser Bear Bo Jake Erikson Guad Goldy Motte Sutter Boucher/Gaunce
  4. Bettman has already said that the Seattle team will have the same expansion draft rules as Vegas
  5. And as per twitter Ian Rapoport is saying that they fired Cable too, it’s a good day to be a seahawks fan!
  6. About time, easy for any coordinator to look good when Lynch and Wilson tear up defences on broken plays, this is 2 years over due, now fire Cable
  7. Bevell needs to go it’s going to be a long offseason for Seahawks fans
  8. Blair Walsh doing what Blair Walsh does best.... missing game wining kicks.
  9. The officiating in the Seattle game has been a joke, this crew is terrible
  10. Blair Walsh is the worst kicker in the NFL, I hope he’s cut after this week
  11. While this awesome for the Pacific Northwest, by the time that expansion draft rolls around we are going to lose a very good player. Seattle fans are great, look at the way the supported the Seahawks through so many bad years, they will become hockey fanatics.
  12. Damn the hawks are beating themselves
  13. Weak roughing the passer call he was hit right as the ball came out
  14. Walsh is going to get himself cut if he keeps this up
  15. It’s time for Seattle to fire Bevell
  16. The Seahawks haven't played great, but my god has this officiating been terrible.... makes cfl officials almost look competent
  17. anyone know where McCallum is? Looks like the lions could use an accurate kicker
  18. After seeing how badly the replay system blew the last game how can anyone agree that the CFL isn't a gong show? It's a second tier level of football, while I prefer and love the NFL the CFL is good to watch until the season starts. I used to own season tickets to the lions before I left BC and am wanting to watch some "fooseball" The CFL makes a joke so it's self every week, so I'm sure my comment wasn't that bad
  19. That's all the CFL is for me, a little taste of football until the real season starts! Anyone have a stream for the game? Please PM me thanks
  20. Finally the Canucks draft a player from Kelowna it only took them 20 years to realize that they produce great pros... great pick, Lind will definitely be in the lineup in 2 years
  21. The Canucks have a good history with swedes, I trust our Swedish scouting staff more than the NA staff. The Sedins were smaller and light at their draft, no one can question their bodies or physical strength
  22. I wonder if there's an outside chance that Patrick may fall to the Canucks at 5th, there's concerns about his injuries and the teams in front may go off the board or draft for need. 1NJ Hischier (Would look pretty good playing with Hall) 2PHI Mittelstadt (American and would be good for marketing, also will be given time to properly develop behind Giroux) 3DAL Makar (need d badly) 4COL Heiskenan / Glass if they trade Duchene, but may take Patrick is he falls
  23. One of the best family films, I love this movie. just saw guardians of the galaxy 2, was very funny and entertaining, however was very predictable. 6/10
  24. Those were my favourite cookies as a kid, had them in my lunch almost everyday. Haven't had them in years. Since WWII there's been a constant threat of global war, do not see it happening yet, but if one bomb goes off and it's on.
  25. Is willie coaching this team? What is going on
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