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Everything posted by KelownaCanucksFan

  1. There’s no way Zagras falls to us right??? I’m on my knees praying for it
  2. Don’t like the rumoured trade, I’d rather sign Myers and not give up anything.
  3. WTF?? this management team can’t just get out of their own way
  4. fair deal for both sides, good to see Benning stick to his guns and force Edler into taking a team friendly deal
  5. Sutter and a 4th (or Biega, if Schenn resigns) should get it done
  6. All but the skate look like ass, I hate the new adidas collars
  7. NBA officiating is the worst out of all the pro sports
  8. He can’t, they will not hear it because it was an unanimous decision, it’s very rare that the SCOC will even hear the case under those circumstances
  9. The Supreme Court will not hear it because it was unanimous, it was a giant waste of money. I don’t get this province sometimes, we complain about gas/energy costs then fight everything that could possibly help make the province money. This pipeline is not going to solve the real problem though, we need refineries in B.C. & Alberta to sell domestically and the international market. But there are to many special interest groups from the USA & opec nations that are trying to block us from doing that.
  10. Could never stand his writing or interviews but that’s way to young, so sad for his young family.
  11. Borderlands 1 & 2, really looking forward to this weeks update and the remaster release of borderlands 1. Gearbox killed it with these updates while announcing the new game
  12. In Thailand right now, Ko Toa is amazing did 6 days of scuba diving, wanted to stay forever. The nightlife on Ko Toa is fun, found one place that turns all their restaurants tables into beer pong tables, fun time meeting people from all over the world. I’m Currently in Bangkok, it is a crazy city, could get into lots of trouble here if not careful. Travel for this year is 3 weeks in the cook islands in September, and 2 weeks in Cuba for Christmas Over the summer lots of trips to the okanagan for fly fishing
  13. They couldn't get rid of both pratt and botch because then they’d be below the required a$$hole quota needed on 1040. I haven't listen to that station since they brought in bro Jake, when they did that they lost me as a listener
  14. That whole thread is pure gold, I usually don’t read other teams boards but it was worth it. I won’t miss Guddy that’s for sure
  15. Pearson has 2 years left, Guddy has 3. I’m so glad that Rutherford stepped up and made the deal, I like Guddy’s personality and grit but just couldn’t watch him make the same mistakes over and over. Guddy played himself off the team, he’s the only one to blame for this
  16. You may be onto something there, hopefully the team comes to their senses and realizes you can’t win if you dont score and encourage the offensive players creativity
  17. At first I was mad at this trade, but after hearing what’s come out it makes sense. Dahlen obviously thought he was ready for the nhl, but the Canucks felt differently. I watched some Utica games this year and he did not look ready, and was very inconsistent. Have to trust Gradin on this one, apparently he wanted him in last years draft
  18. Not a saints fan at all, but that was blatant pass interference, NFL refball strikes again. If the saints lose this game these refs need to be fired
  19. Theme of the season, every game they lost was because of stupid penalties on offence. I don’t know for sure but I’d guess they are the most penalized team when they have the ball
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