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Everything posted by Scottish⑦Canuck

  1. Where's the best place to stay in the Seattle area? Preferably with good public transport links as I won't be driving. Downtown is insanely expensive for hotels.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. AriGold


      If it's a guys weekend and you just need a place to stay then check out the Kings Inn.. 2 beds and a crapper, all you need.

    3. Ossi Vaananen

      Ossi Vaananen

      business or pleasure?

    4. Scottish⑦Canuck


      Trip with my brother. We were thinking out in Tukwila by the Westfield Southcenter where we can just get the light rail downtown. It seems to be a bit cheaper out there.

  2. And then a Dortmund Bayern final. With Dortmund winning obviously. I think Munich would just self destruct if they lost another Champions League Final
  3. I think she looks a lot better on screen rather than in a still image, if that makes sense.
  4. Where did he dispose of the bodies? I joke D, I joke.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Bombastik der Teutone

      Bombastik der Teutone

      good one? dont watch it...my wife prefers numbers

    3. Scottish⑦Canuck


      Haha. Poor you. Great end to the game.

    4. susraiders


      What a game! I couldn't watch it, but I saw the highlights after the Madrid game. What a finish! I could believe my eyes.

  6. The female contingent of CDC must be minuscule at best. I blame Colon Dee.
  7. You and me both brother. You and me both. Also, that 1995 intro was hilarious.
  8. "Ryane Clowe Sweepstakes down to NYR and VAN but all the smart money is being put down on the Rangers. Stay tuned"

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Scottish⑦Canuck


      Depends on the price.

    3. stexx


      im worried at what they will giveup for clowne or is it clowe? hard to tell sometimes.

    4. Specter's Vengeance

      Specter's Vengeance

      At this point and time I dont care. The last 4 years have been anti-climactic. Its about time we shook things up a bit. Im willing to lose anyone at this point for a good return.

  9. Can't wait for all of the fake April Fools trade threads tomorrow.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Newsflash


      I'm hearing that Buffalo wants to trade Miller to Tampa and than go hard for Luongo. Apparently Luongo's size and leadership are driving this.

    3. Newsflash


      Minnesota plans to go hard for Kesler this summer if the Canucks have another early playoff exit. Minny thinks this may be enough to spark a rebuild, and with the realignment, they believe they can be excellent trading partners. I've heard Minny plans to make an offer that will propel Vancouver's prospect pool into the top half of the league.

    4. Newsflash


      Montreal wants Torres sooner rather than later. Asking price is a mid round pick, but Montreal is ready to overpay. More details to come.

  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p1iDBtcEm0w
  11. I wish Rogers Arena was as loud as Boston. Maybe not as scummy, but that sort of volume would be nice.

    1. nuckin_futz


      They don't play Barbara Steisand at their games. We do.

  12. Almost April and it's still snowing. I need some sunshine.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Heretic


      going to be 17 C here in Armstrong on Sunday!

    3. c00kies


      It was -17 in Winnipeg this morning, not including windchill, but it is -4 right now :) Still lots of snow, but it looks like it will be heating up this week :)

    4. BananaMash


      Don't you steel my sunshine.

  13. Knoxdown's been avoiding this thread since we uncovered his secret.
  14. This is a poll on whether Kenny Miller should continue to be called up to the Scotland squad. Got to say I agree with the overwhelming majority. Why they aren't introducing young talent to the squad is beyond me. We have a good group of young players in Tony Watt, Johnny Russell, Gary Mackay Steven, James Forrest (if he ever gets fit) and Jordan Rhodes. Ideally I'd want a starting lineup like this: Rhodes/Fletcher Snodgrass - Morrison - Forrest Brown - Fletcher [iNSERT A DEFENSE THAT ISN'T FULL OF BOMBSCARES HERE] McGregor And then start integrating the young ones into the team.
  15. He's been excellent recently. Looks like the adjustment period is over. He looks really comfortable out there.
  16. "They took his daughter. Nicolas Cage stars in, 'Stolen'"... Sounds awfully familiar.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Tearloch7


      .. I ALWAYS avoid Cage movies, except Raising Arizona, which is classic ..

    3. Scottish⑦Canuck


      From what I've basically plays Liam Neeson without his specific set of skills.

    4. topbananas


      I wonder where they could have taken that idea from?

  17. I hate Wales more than the English national team. Just as arrogant, twice as annoying.
  18. He's got a bit of a Marian Gaborik look about him.
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