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Everything posted by Viper007

  1. So ... no fortnite, but Mario Kart is ok!
  2. He's Korean, not chinese. I liked JJ. I prefer him over Cybulski or Riccio.
  3. I hear Fantenberg. It's for the upcoming road trip.
  4. Who makes those ratings ... Larkin better than Pettersson? I strongly disagree!
  5. CF%.- Percent of shot attempts for vs against xGF%- Measures the likely of shots going in SCF%- Percent of scoring chances for vs against CA/60- Amount of shot attempts against per 60 minutes of ice time PP CF/60- Amount of power play shot attempts for per 60 minutes of ice time I stole this from reddit
  6. Is it just me, or did the ice seem bad last night. A lot of pucks were all over the place.
  7. There's no cap issues, so how is this because money has been spent poorly? You get the same amount of relief sending somebody down to the minors (provided they make over 1 million). Leivo being in the minors is the same as Baertschi being in the minors. The reason why he's in the minors is because Baertschi isn't fully engaged yet. He'd timid. He's afraid that the next hit he takes is gonna be his career. I would be worried too if I had concussion issues like Baertschi, but that's not the way you can play in the NHL. You have to be engaged.
  8. Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't Newell Brown the special teams coach? I don't here him getting praise for the PK, just slag for the PP. People always negative, and never give credit where it's due too.
  9. On that play, I think it was Stech's fault. Pearson had the guy going to the net, but Stech went to him too leaving the goal scorer open.
  10. See post above. I said that I would like to see Hughes on the first PP unit. Personally I wish they would go back to the entry where there's 2 guys on either side of both blue lines. Quick passes up and into the zone.
  11. It's the players who aren't performing to their standards at the moment. Can't just blame the PP coach. Too early in the season to determine if it's the right personnel or not. Personally I would like to see Hughes man the point on the first unit. A little more creativity, movement and unpredictability.
  12. Every team utilizes the drop pass. Everybody needs to stop making it sound like the Canucks' are the only team that does this.
  13. I think it's a little too early to judge Ferland. He's been sick, and lost a lot of weight that he needs to do his job. He missed alot of the preseason too, because of the illness. Everybody else has been pretty much as advertised in my opinion.
  14. Here are my takes from the game. 1) Overall the canucks had a good game, and probably should've won or at least got a point. They were outplayed for 10 min. in the first, but the better team for the rest of the game. 1st goal against, Marky should've played the rebound better, but it was a great play by Kassian to push out Edler, get the rebound, and make a nice pass to Draisatl. Draisatl was the best player on the ice for either team, by far. 2) The PP was pretty decent in my opinion. In reality, the PP pretty much scored a goal, Edler's was 1 second after the PP had ended. Both units looked good with controlled play in the zone. Probably should've scored another goal but Smith made some nice saves. 3) The PK held the Oilers off, but a bit lucky. Markstrom made some grade A saves, but as the saying goes, the goalie has to be the best PKer. 4) In my mind the Canucks lost the game on the 2nd goal. Not only do they get scored on, but it was only like 1:10 after they scored the go ahead goal. There should've been a holding the stick penalty on Mike Smith, but the cause of the goal was a bad line change. The canucks didn't get back in time to cover Kassian. Draisatl made a great play for this goal, and it was a great shot by Kassian. 5) The 3rd goal was again a good play by the Oilers. Sutter was a little unlucky as he tried a bank pass off the boards, and I believe it was Draisatl again who intercepted the puck after it banked off the boards (great hand eye). A little lucky too since after the puck was intercepted, the puck hit the ref/linesman giving a little bit more time for the oilers to get the puck to McDavid. Just a good goal by McDavid, showing why he's pretty much the best player in the game right now. 6) The Canucks second line was their best line today. They should've had more than just the 1 goal. Miller had a breakaway, Pearson had 11 shots. Bo i thought was a little off, but all in all it was a good game. The top line though was the deciding factor. Your best players have to be your best players to win. The Oilers best players were better than the Canucks best players. 7) Overall, it was a good game for the Canucks. They just need to get more timing together, and shake off a bit of rust. If they continue to play like this, they will be in the playoffs.
  15. Bo has been given a lot of different players to play with, no consistency, yet does he complain? Nope. He's asked to play in all situations. First it was offense. He improves his offensive game. Oh no injuries have hit. We need you to be our defensive shutdown guy. No worries, he does that too, while getting points. Oh we need you to take all the important faceoffs. No problem, Bo will just lead the NHL in that category while also winning most of them. Bo just goes out and does what a leader does, by being an example. Bo shows a work ethic, and improves his game every single year. Bo is counted on in every situation. If that's not a leader, I don't know what is. I doubt Travis Green will be leaning on EP to play defensively as much as Bo. Even teammates call him Cap already. He's got the respect of management, coaches, and most of all his teammates, and most of us fans also. Bo is Captain Canuck, and it will be well deserved!
  16. I don't remember him being booed while he played for the Canucks. Just alot after.
  17. He wasn't booed in preseason, so I doubt he'll be booed in the regular season. We are Canucks' fans, we should never be booing our own players. No matter how much we may dislike the player.
  18. Unfortunately I don't believe this is what his next deal will be, it will be a lot higher because of this bridge deal, especially if Brock scores 30+ and stays healthy.
  19. Still need to start off with a group that scored 4 PP goals in a game. After that, it's all hands on deck. But I can't disagree with them starting out with that unit.
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