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Shattenkirk's Bald Spot

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Status Updates posted by Shattenkirk's Bald Spot

  1. Just got back from Vancouver - drove in to do a bit of cleanup. Felt great to help out and try to restore peoples faith in Canuck fans. Go Canucks Go!

    1. Brad Marchand

      Brad Marchand

      Any educated person would know that those rioters did not represent our fan base at all.

    2. Shattenkirk's Bald Spot

      Shattenkirk's Bald Spot

      Seeing as most people that were watching (lead story in Paris, France news today), are ignorant to Vancouver and hockey, it absolutely made a mockery of our city and team.

    3. Brad Marchand

      Brad Marchand

      It did, but our reputation will recover with time.

  2. Rome hit was late and dirty, I'm embarassed by all the Canuck fans blindly defending it. If it was McGuad on Daniel, we would be LIVID.

    1. #1Luongo06


      Karma... Thornton was craptalking Rome and he unleashed the wrath of not getting more then 20 mins under AV!

  3. Has to work during the game. FML

    1. Shift-4


      I will cheer double just for you!

    2. Mr.DirtyDangles


      OMG What ? this is an outrage ! Dont they know the importance of this series for you . How rude :( I feel your pain i might miss a good portion of this first game myself stuck at work :(

    3. LouGongShow



  4. Wtf is up with a volcanic eruption on the day the rapture is predicted. Don't scare people like that earth!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. 23•Qwerty


      Stuff that happens every day. Cool.

    3. Shattenkirk's Bald Spot

      Shattenkirk's Bald Spot

      Volcanoes erupt every day? What have I been missing? But I don't believe anything is going to happen.

    4. Jarvis


      50-70 volcanoes erupt a year. So every few days

  5. What a great, great night! Conservative majority!

    1. :D


      I voted NDP

    2. Shattenkirk's Bald Spot

      Shattenkirk's Bald Spot

      Congratulations. Let's work together to make this country better. Just happy you voted.

  6. Well, glad we got the win but the crowd was brutal and the game was closer to an exibition game than a playoff one.

  7. I'm still in the middle of the bandwagon, but God they're making it hard for me to not run to the side and jump off.

  8. Haha, had an extra ticket last night I gave to a friend, tomorrow I'm getting in free via a friends dad. Go Canucks!

  9. Great game to be at last night! Towel power out in full force!

  10. Somehow completely lucked out and got tickets given to me for game 2, in addition to the tickets I bought for game one. GO CANUCKS GO

    1. Canuckette_84


      I'm free on friday.. just saying....

    2. Mr.DirtyDangles


      ^ beat me to it lol

  11. Going to game two. Was hoping it was Sat, have a triathlon Sat morning and the game fri night. No drinking!!

    1. Mr.DirtyDangles


      Good luck in the event man :)

  12. I'm commonly referred to by friends as a Canuck homer, but if I had a vote for the Hart it would go to Perry. 9 more goals than Daniel, 3 less points, carried team without Getzlaf. Also having a late season surge and he has less of a supporting cast.

  13. This is great, we can kick some of the annoying bandwagoners off the cart. GO CANUCKS GO!

    1. Mr.DirtyDangles


      They are like cockroaches popping up everywhere lately . Just step on 'em step on gooood >)


    1. Slender Man

      Slender Man


  15. Ashamed at Canucks fans reaction to Fleury's comments on us being outsed in the first round. We're way to cocky and full of ourselves for an organization that has yet to win a Cup.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Sir Spam-a-lot

      Sir Spam-a-lot

      ^No one would seriously bring that up. There are trolls on this board, remember that.

    3. Shattenkirk's Bald Spot

      Shattenkirk's Bald Spot

      You should see twitter and Fleury's twitter feed - it's revolting. Sports writers all over the nation are condemning Canucks fans for their distaste - Bruce Arthur and Greg Millard to name a few. It's embarrassing as a Canuck fan to see this.

    4. Mr.DirtyDangles


      What is embarassing is the way media just sensationalizes something or someone that isnt even worth the gum on the bottom of my shoe

  16. Never seen an opposition so out of touch with the will of the people. Send Ignatieff back to the US. What a crock.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Brad Marchand

      Brad Marchand

      I hate how he drivels on like he knows everything.

    3. Shattenkirk's Bald Spot

      Shattenkirk's Bald Spot

      ^That's the university prof in him. So tedious.

    4. Shattenkirk's Bald Spot

      Shattenkirk's Bald Spot

      Every time he talks its like he's talking down to us in this condescending voice...

  17. Nice to see the Habs playing with the heart of the French. Haha

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. smithers joe

      smithers joe

      are you saying, that us french folk lack heart?.....

    3. Jarvis
    4. Shattenkirk's Bald Spot

      Shattenkirk's Bald Spot

      As a university history major, I'm sad to say yes Joe. Not in terms of passion/love/kindness, but in terms of toughness and resilience...yes. When the going gets tough, the French get goin...in the other direction.

  18. Manny done for the season and playoffs. DAMNIT! Get well soon Manny.

  19. Was at the Whitecaps game today - phenominal. The Caps fans put Canucks fans to absolute shame. I've been to over 100 Canuck games, and none even came close to touching the atmosphere at tonights game. Not just noise, but atmosphere. So good

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Shattenkirk's Bald Spot

      Shattenkirk's Bald Spot

      Whoops - 4,000 more not 5,000

    3. Mr.DirtyDangles


      Opening games will always be nutz . It will be great to see if the Caps fans keep it up all season long then I will be impressed . i love footy but it has never really stuck in this country on the pro level for more than 10 years at a time . LETS GO WHITECAPS LETS GO ! :P

    4. EB²


      oh i just assumed it was 13, 869 more bcuz thats how many it holds.

      my bad :E

  20. Refs were calling it as if the NHL owns the team or something... Wait, what?

  21. I really, really don't like Subban.

    1. SpinDrive


      I share your sentiments.

    2. Super19


      thats so racist!

    3. Bruce Boudreau

      Bruce Boudreau

      Seriously even a black dude would say he is darker than the night.

  22. Rediscovering the greatness of Dave Matthews Band ft. Tim Reynolds on a dreary Sunday. Could definitely be worse.

  23. Ashamed to breath the same air as some Americans happily saying what's happening to Japan is payback from God for Pearl Harbour.

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Brad Marchand

      Brad Marchand

      ^The Yankees don't care about those. They are too self-centered.

    3. KamikazeWatermelon


      Oh my God those Americans are disgusting and stupid.

    4. SpinDrive


      Wow some of them saying that Japan started WW2? Ignorance is bliss.

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