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Posts posted by Jayinblack

  1. 8 minutes ago, Jimmy McGill said:

    so... how do you know that Holtby doesn't need the rest? we don't know what his symptoms were and he could simply be in need of a break after two stellar performances. 

    This is a really rare scenario (having the majority of a team coming back from from a pandemic).   I fully expected (hoped for in fact) to see more lineup changes to keep guys fresh and the energy level up from game to game.  Radical approach in trying times. That plus we need Demko to get back to the level he was playing at.  If it had been the other way round and Demko played the last 2 games then i wouldn't expect a change in net. 

    • Cheers 4
  2. 6 hours ago, appleboy said:

    I think it would be a mistake to not see what they have in Tryamkin. I am not suggesting throwing the bank at him. He is such a unique package . Size and mobility wise. You don't want this guy panning out some where else. 

    As far as OJ. I have yet to see anything out of him that gives me hope. He is not very physical and I have seen times when he seems to struggle to adjust quick enough . Maybe it is not a mobility issue but the mental side of the game. Some times it is the pace at which a player plays. Jake is a prime example. Jakes skating is elite but he has never been able to consistently get his game to the NHL pace. Some players can't make decisions quick enough.  Maybe OJ will adjust to the speed of the NHL. I worry that the injuries have effected him. Some players never transfer to the NHL game. 

    As far as Chatfield, I do not consider him an NHL level replacement.

    Rathbone is a player who they need to evaluate at the NHL level. ( Not sure he would need to be protected)  Players with Rathbone's skill set are highly sought after . I am more excited about him then OJ.

    I've like OJ's game so far this year and have waiting hopefully to see him in a regular spot.  I think he's going to be solid for us for a long time... nothing flashy, but does everything decently, and limits mistakes.


    Chatfield is the opposite... he's like Gaudette on the D... running around burning energy but out of position because of it.   

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  3. 27 minutes ago, Elias Pettersson said:

    Hoglander is already better than Pearson.  And Podkolzin is better than Hoglander.  Unless we are planning to play Miller full time as a 3C which would be dumb I don't see Pearson as anything more than a 3rd liner next year.  Would he be that much of an upgrade on Vesey, where you can pay Vesey $1 million versus Pearson at $3 million? We gotta get away from those $3 million contracts on the bottom 6 forwards unless we can get a stud 3C like Lowry.  Our top 6 is young and legit and we will need to pay all of them eventually.  We have to keep the bottom 6 guys at a pay scale that is manageable for the cap for the next 5 years.

    That's similar to what i've been saying... i only want Pearson back if it's priced for the 3rd line.  Ideally we'd rent him out for the rest of this year and re-sign in the summer, but i think covid has ruined a lot of JBs trade conversations.

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  4. 20 minutes ago, The Lock said:


    Curious. What's your opinion of Allen backing up Price for almost 4.5 million? What's your opinion of Lehner and Fleury making 5 and 7mil respectively? In those situations are both of those goales clearly there to be the starter as well? While our scenario isn't common, it's not exactly breaking the bank compared with a couple of others teams either. Imagine paying Brobovsky 10mil a year. lol


    The thing is, all we had to really go on last season with Demko was his 3 games in the playoffs. While it's nice to think all roses with him because of those 3 games, it's kind of good to have that extra help and it's only a 2 year contract. It doesn't really hurt us that much. I'd argue that he was brought in to be a potential starter in case if Demko needed a little more time given we didn't know how he'd be this season.


    So it makes sense in my opinion to bring in a proven goalie as a backup just in case if you have that scenario where you actually do need him as a starter since the unknowns with Demko were there. I was all for the signing and I still am honestly. In fact, if we can just signed someone cheap who wasn't a proven starter, I would have questioned that more.

    Plus Holtby is our goalie to expose for the ED and if he gets taken (or we sweeten things so he does) then JB can go with a cheaper backup for next year and there's no issue.

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  5. 1 hour ago, theo5789 said:

    Last years top 2 leading goal scorers were Nikita Kucherov and Brayden Point, both around 5'10-5'11 and 183 lbs. Gusev had 44 points in 66 games last season and had 82 points in 62 games in his final KHL season which he on top added 19 points in 18 playoff games.


    Not saying Gusev will become either of those players, but he's a lot more potential in doing so than JV and we could use some offensive flair right now. Plus his contract ends this season, so there really isn't much risk in giving him a shot if we have the cap space to do so (which I find to be the biggest hurdle here).


    With that said, I disagree with moving out JV for Gusev. However, talking about JV's playoff performance when it counts was said last playoffs as well and it was underwhelming to say the least.


    If Gusev does clear waivers, I'd be curious if they'd swap him with Baertschi.

    I only meant because we're already a small team and i'd rather add size for our future cup runs than another small fwd.


    JV wasn't great in the POs last year, but 2 yrs from now when we contend i expect he'll be a solid middle 6 contributor.

  6. Just now, Dazzle said:

    Terrible take, I'm sorry. Are you really going to find negatives about this deal? It's not about the amount, but the term. 5 years is a great term for both sides. Demko gets a nice payraise. The Canucks get to control the cap, knowing exactly how much money will be allocated to goaltending. Then they can spend the rest somewhere else.


    So if you want to look at it from "9 million total spent on goaltending", that's a really strange and narrow minded way of looking at it.

    Plus that 9 million combo is only for next year IF (and that's a big if) we keep Holtby for next year (he could be a valuable commodity next year at the TDL)

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  7. 8 minutes ago, lmm said:

    this says to me that Jimmer and Greenie both think we have a chance to make the playoffs 

    and Greenie wants a veteran group and he doesn't want rookies (Michaelis, MacEwan, Juolevi, Lind, Gadjovich, Bailey, Graovac...) impeding his play off chances


    I think this also says that they will grow their offensive players first, and when they reach their prime, they will start working on defensive players

    that should work, huh?

    Or Pearson is traded, in which case this is a great move

  8. 3 hours ago, Boudrias said:

    IMHO neither Baer or Erickson should ever dress for the Canucks again. They are not in the long term plans and the younger prospects should get that TOI.

    My problem with this year though is that Baer should've been on the taxi squad along with LE so the younger guys are playing games and developing.

    If like now we're down 3 or 4 vets, it's better to have the older guys who can slot in on any line rather than have a third of our lineup have very little experience.


    I'm wondering if something happened behind the scenes where things were said and management simply decided Baer would never play with the big club again regardless.

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  9. 2 hours ago, Phil_314 said:

    I don't think we need much help on the top-6 wings after this season, given that either Podkolzin makes the team or Pearson re-signs.

    If Hamonic walks I'd rather go for Josh Manson or Hampus Lindholm (if he's available and abie to play RD).

    I only want Pearson back if he's in the bottom 6 TBH....    and cheaper obviously

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