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Posts posted by Jayinblack

  1. 45 minutes ago, CanuckGAME said:

    Wonder why we wouldn't buy sven out.  Wish Sven would get a chance to play somewhere else,  he's one of the good guys in the game.

    Doesn't really save much on the cap this year (~$1.6M) vs keeping him in Utica saves (~$1M), but then we'd owe him ~$800K next year.

  2. So

    10 hours ago, Junkyard Dog said:

    I’d take his full cap hit if they gave us a lot. 

    2 years at 7M isn’t much in the grand scheme and 2 years would be a good amount of time for Demko to develop. Seattle could also end up taking him.

    That's the silver lining to Marky going UFA at a time when other teams are strapped and goalies available.


    Instead of signing JM to say $6M x 5 yrs, we could try and get MAF at 50%.


    Not only does this lower the cap hit, reduce the years committed, and solve our ED worries, but there could even be a sweetener involved coming our way cause Vegas is desperate to clear his cap. 


    The reduce cap hit could help with an OEL trade and/or resigning Tanev.    This would look good next year:


    Edler - OEL

    Hughes - Tanev

    Rafferty/OJ - Myers




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  3. 5 minutes ago, Googlie said:

    Would rather have Baertschi than either.  Costs us nothing 

    Except keeping him  :bigblush:


    JK... i'm in the camp that if JB can significantly improve our D (and add more offense from the backend) then we won't need to sign TT or a UFA fwd.   

    If he lands OEL and resigns Tanev our D will be a force and we won't lose much by letting Baerstchi, Hoglander, Lind, or Leivo have a spot.


    Louie MUST go though.

    • Vintage 1
  4. 6 minutes ago, King Heffy said:

    LE, Rathbone, 2nd is my offer.  Arizona is bent over and has absolutely zero leverage.  The longer they take, the lower the pick becomes.

    I want them retain OEL's cap hit above $6M as so JB can accomplish other needed signings.  I also think it's good to establish a hierarchy for cap hits moving fwd to help with negotiating contract extensions within the team.

  5. 4 minutes ago, IRR said:

    You'd have to think Benning must be as close to certain as you can get that this deal will come to fruition to put all other things on the side burner / risk other things.

    Or he's got some thing done but doesn't want to announce it until he makes a related move so that it doesn't hurt his position.

    • Cheers 4

    19 minutes ago, UKNuck96 said:

    same - but I think that he is the most expendable and also NHL ready of the group making it most likely he will end up in any deal we do

    Exactly.... a trade for OEL would have him and Hughes locking down the left side for a long time (barring a switch for QH).  I still think we'll resign Edler to a 1yr deal or two at a greatly reduced rate and have this for a couple years:





  7. 3 minutes ago, Pete M said:

    Give OJ, Rafferty and Tryamkin a chance....if they fail, then do something the following year. At least give these players a chance at the NHL level...if they succeed or fail, you won't be stuck with a bad contract in 4 years or maybe less.

    This team has made strides and some of the dead money will be coming off in two years...let it ride for a year to see what these guys bring. If they don't work out, then we get a high draft pick and changes can be made. 

    I'd put more faith in these three being successful, then OEL being a good player at 34, 35 and 36 getting paid over $8M.

    There's no way we going into next year with a weaker D corps after what the team showed this playoffs.  Nothing against those 3 players, but inserting all 3 of them next year would set us back.


    I'm hoping JB can get Arizona to take LE and retain 25% on OEL.  The cap hit for the next 2 years is the same for both teams (unless they buy LE out), but then they save the long cap hit of OEL (along with 10's of millions more in real dollars).


    The question then becomes what makes it worth it for Arizona....   JV, OJ, + 2nd rounder ?


    • Like 1
  8. 3 hours ago, aGENT said:


    Problem being, those aren't first pair D men and while certainly more physical, they can't play defence, read plays, transition the puck etc at the level Tanev can.


    What you're describing is a #1 or #2 D. While that certainly would be nice to add, is not exactly something Jim can just go pick up at the 'corner defensemen store'.

    Exactly why i want to see Hughes paired with Myers moving fwd

  9. 20 hours ago, N7Nucks said:

    As a backup goalie it won't matter what our travel schedule may or may not look like. Lundqvist won't be asked to play a buncha games. Especially with Demko looking somewhat Starter ready.

    it's not just a matter of backing up though.... you need to be able to rely on riding him in case Demko gets injured.  At 38 yrs old i just don't see that in Henrik anymore.

  10. 4 hours ago, ruilin96 said:

    Different people do mature at different times. I am only a few months older than Jake myself. I don't consider myself mature (far from that), but I know I would not have done some of the thing Jake did.

    I'm excited about what having Miller around will do for him.  He doesn't seem like the kind of teammate that would put up with slacking off and already said that he sees his younger self in Jake.

  11. 41 minutes ago, ruilin96 said:

    Jake turned 24 in August but some of the stuff Jake does off the ice is not quite mature, especially compare to others who are around his age like Bo (25) and Brock (23). E.g. filming himself driving which clearly violates BC's traffic laws. That being said, different people mature at different age, and everyone is different.

    Exactly.   My son turned 24 in August as well and I'm still waiting for his maturity to catch up to his younger sisters    <_<

    • Haha 1
    • Huggy Bear 1
  12. I liked an idea someone else had a while ago... structure Marky's contract so that the annual cap hit works for us, but have it pay out a huge bonus due right after the expansion draft and expose him.


    ie.  5 year deal for $30M.   cap hit of 6M annually.  but have it pay only 1M in the first year with a 13M bonus due after the ED.  Then the remaining 4 years each paying 4M


       If you think Seattle still might take him with $29M due for a 4 year contract, then negotiate a deal to have them pick someone else. 

  13. On 9/16/2020 at 8:31 PM, Alienhuggyflow said:

    I never want to see Stech in a top 4 role. He struggles with those matchups. He's a bottom pairing D and these playoffs showed that for me. Our D struggled big time when Myers was hurt and Stech took his place.

    He seems to work with Edler well, and i'd rather not see an OJ-Stech 3rd pairing.   Tanev and OJ could be really good together.

  14. 1 hour ago, rekker said:

    It wasn't meant as a knock on Hughes defensively. I actually think Hughes doesn't get enough credit for his defensive play. He's better than Makar at it. Actually, I think Hughes is better than Dumba defensively and that's where I see the issue. I still think Hughes is better off with a bigger, physical partner to take care of the big bodies out there. Stick and positional checks are effective but when both dmen only do that it's to weak imho. 

    Agreed.  I want to see Hughes with Myers next year.




    Juolevi-Tanev (if resigned)


    3 pairs that can split the time (no need to hide a 3rd pairing) and both have some offense to go along with solid defensive play

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