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Posts posted by Jayinblack

  1. 3 hours ago, NewbieCanuckFan said:

    You still need guys not physically small In defensive  zone starts.  And I don’t mean Hall Gill types (they have to be able to play the game decently enough).  Hughes isn’t going to match up well against big power forwards in front of our net.  Not that Tanev is big by any stretch but even at this stage in his career, pretty much the only guy better than him without the puck defensively is Edler.

    This is why i'm hoping Myers-Hughes becomes a pairing next year (and moving fwd).  Myers is better with the puck than Tanev.


    Or Tryamkin-Hughes :bigblush:

  2. 5 hours ago, NUCKER67 said:

    No way Virtanen gets a 1st. After 5 years of NHL experience he has a career high of 18 goals. Not great.


    And if we at CDC are hearing about Jake showing up to camps (yes, with an s) out of shape, and going out to nightclubs during a pandemic, and driving while taking selfie video - then every other GM in the league knows about it too. The question is whether another GM is willing to take a chance and try to reign Jake in and turn him into a good pro. He has the tools, but is selfish and immature. Wasn't Evander Kane kind of like this earlier in his career?


    Anyway, I'm not sure Jake's value is very high I'm afraid. I think he will most likely be the added piece to trading Sutter, or something like that.   

    Yes.   And i'd take Evander on the Canucks in a heartbeat now

  3. On 9/9/2020 at 5:36 PM, Herberts Vasiljevs said:

    Keep in mind though, it'll be important to be able to bring in young players on ELC's year after year. In 3-5 years from now, not only will Petey and Hughes be well into their mammoth sized contracts, but players like Horvat, Boeser and maybe Miller will be due for raises. Part of the "circle of life".


    Just you wait... Hoglander, who we only drafted last summer, will be thrust into a top-9 role as soon as the next season starts - and will be on a 3 year ELC, might I add. It'll be of vital importance to try and and add least one 1st/2nd round pick every year, and not having a 1st AND a 2nd for this draft leaves a huge hole.


    I would happily trade Virtanen for a 2nd. We don't need to trade for a top-4 I don't think... guys like Juolevi and Rathbone will soon change that perception.

    It wouldn't surprise me at all if he keeps our streak of Calder finalists going.

  4. 39 minutes ago, Pears said:

    And how many 4C’s have that speed and Beagle’s faceoff and PK ability?

    We have to sacrifice somewhere to sign/resign higher priority players.


    If we can't find a cheaper replacement then we let Sutter be 4C or find out what we have in Graovac.  

    (i didn't say we need to move Beagle... i said we need to move 2 of the group of 4 i listed)


    Our PK is way too passive (slow skaters?) forcing us to spend long shifts in our end anyway.

  5. 1 hour ago, Boudrias said:

    If it is a question of creating CAP space then I prefer Roussel being traded over Jake. This is all about 2 years out and CUP contention. I even keep Gaudette over Sutter.

    Big Mac will be in the line up next year but he is not the sole answer to replacing Virtanen. IMHO the Canucks need size and will need both these players. MacEwan has decent speed but not Jake speed. If RFA costs to much for Jake then so be it but I trust Benning's decisions.

    I think 2 of these need to go to make room both capwise and for younger guys to develop:   Loui, Sutter, Beagle, Rooster


    The question is what does JB have to give up to move them.

    • Upvote 1
  6. 2 hours ago, timberz21 said:

    But it's not all about this year or the next one.   How long will Tanev be able follow and compliments Hughes?  Soon it will be Hughes carrying Tanev around.  Therefore, we need to look further down the road and ask our self if we wouldn't be better with a cheaper version of Tanev, even if he's not as good.  Capwise, it might be the way to go.

    While Tanev was a warrior blocking shots, he was badly exposed when the puck was on his stick.   I'm not against resigning him to something affordable, but Myers is making $6M and really should be in the top 4 and paired with QH.  Then we just need a decent and relatively cheap option on our 3rd pairing with OJ. 




    OJ - ???

  7. 4 minutes ago, oldnews said:

    Perhaps.  That was a bit ticky tack - but when I watched the replay, it was a high hook - it was quite visible - and it precipitated a potential turnover in their zone....

    Maybe the bar is low - but if that's all - for a full 60 minutes - it seems like a vast improvement over the 'norm'.

    I guess i look at it like it wouldn't have been called on a team that was trailing by 2 instead of up by 2.   Not a call against us in particular, but a game mgmt one nonetheless.

  8. 1 hour ago, oldnews said:

    As much as I dislike Sutherland / don't consider him an official I ever want to see doing our games - at the same time, I have no complaints about the job he did last night.


    One mistake on a delay of game call is not the kind of thing that has made me cringe a thousand times over the years.

    Last night was refreshing - I can't actually recall detecting a single game-management moment. 

    That delay call could have cost us - but most teams have to kill one of those types of miscalls off every game.


    What I hate is when the goalposts move  - when the standard changes - wIhen you have two relatively equally aggressive teams - and one of them heads to the box repeatedly on ticky tack crap.  Reputation type penalties - to guys like Burrow or Roussel - open season on the Sedins - misconducts for talking/chirping - or getting punched in the face by Marchand. 

    There was none of that last night.  I'm probably the first and maybe the most frequent to call these specific guys out by name - but last night was one of the best, levelest ice surfaces I've seen Sutherland officiate - a welcome departure from the norm.

    Maybe Marky's Viking Stare got through to him - commanded some respect.

    Not even the 'hook' called on Miller at the very start of the 2nd when we clearly had momentum?

    Even Debrusk and Burke both called it out as really weak for the playoffs.


    It sure seemed to me like they were looking for something to call us on at that point.


    After the bad delay call though, everything seemed square.

    • Cheers 2
  9. 1 minute ago, Steamer4GM said:

    All you folks trashing LE cuz we finally got Tofu back seem to forget the $&!# ton of great D work he put in to help us get here. Yeah, his contract sucks and he's not someone we'd give up anything to keep but he's part of the team. A bit more class for a benched teammate maybe?

    He is NOT who i want to see in the POs.  He's not quick, not tough, and can't seem to shoot let alone score.

    Give me another Motte type who can match LE's defensive ability with some hustle or physicality.

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