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Posts posted by Jayinblack

  1. 3 minutes ago, Robert Long said:

    no doubt, but watching and playing are different things. Green could have tried to get the guys to tone it down but didn't. 


    I'm just happy to see Petey find that part of his game. 


    I'm also very happy with how Loui is stepping up

    Him and Sutter were two that i didn't want in the PO lineup but have been really nice surprises and earned their spots.

    • Cheers 4
  2. 1 hour ago, Kragar said:

    I couldn't let that go.


    I loved Burr (his is the only jersey I have).  I never thought of Motte as anything other than what we have seen from him, but as soon as I read Heffy's post, visions of Motte playing a Burr role with Petey and Boeser went wild in my head.  Not that I expect it to happen, but damn we would be dangerous if it could, freeing up Miller to boost the 2nd line.  And he does it without the penalties!


    Oh well, back to reality.  Good times ahead, regardless.  Just love how the team is shaping up this year.

    It's a great comparison, as just like when Burr first arrived as a no name with no hype, Motte has impressed with his work ethic, speed, physicality (for his size), with some finish to boot.

  3. 12 minutes ago, CRAZY_4_NAZZY said:

    This game is going to show where the level of mental strength the team has.


    At times we saw over the season in big moments they wilted against the pressure or lost their composure. At times we saw them rise to the occasion and seize it.  I expect a hungry and desperate Minnesota Wild team, I hope the Canucks can keep their own emotions in check because I feel the Wild will throw everything at the Canucks and do everything in their power to cause us frustration.


    Need to stay composed, poised, and ready to dig down a little deeper.

    I think the vets we have insulated the kids with are doing a great job of this.   

    Really got to give them props so far (Sutter, Beagle, Miller, Tanev, Edler, Pearson, Fanta, etc)

    We just can't keep parading to the box like we have (resist that extra shot).


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  4. 1 hour ago, ruilin96 said:

    The most dangerous times are the times when we feel most comfortable. Don't let up, keep your foot on the gas pedal and finish those guys for once and for all. Let's go!!!!!!!!!! GO CANUCKS GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    That's what was in my mind during the post game when they were talking about the kids learning about the playoffs.   Can't get too high. after a win.... still need the full 60.

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  5. 14 minutes ago, IBatch said:

    The last paragraph only is why TG is well respected around the league and considered an up and coming coach.   This team overachieved this year.  Maybe not by a big margin but definitely did.   I’d hate to have Torts screaming in anyone’s ear with the exception of maybe JV.  

    Edit: How long did it take the Sedins to figure out playoff hockey despite their coaches?  EP and BB didn’t take any time and QHs took 1.5 games ...

    He'd have driven Petey out by now for not blocking enough shots

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  6. 20 hours ago, luckylager said:

    Hmmmm.... I can only remember 2 instances of obvious overpassing.

    1 - Petey makes stupid pass to Toffoli instead of ripping it from the circle.

    2 - Edler with that I dont even know what when he had a legit chance in the slot.


    Yes, that's two too many, but I wouldn't pin the loss on overpassing. 

    it wasn't just passing when they could shoot, but making bad passes in the offensive zone when they could've held on or driven the net.   We really needed a greasy one last night.


    And i certainly wasn't pinning the loss on that... just responding to the post about how ineffective our top 6 was.  Personally i thought Tofolli was the most disappointing (and Pearson taking 2 penalties)

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  7. 13 minutes ago, stawns said:

    do you honestly believe the strategy was to just "wing it and see what happens"?  If there was no structured attack it's because the players on the ice didn't execte one.  This isn't some bush league........every player and coach is among the very best on the planet.  Minny's defense completely, 100% owned the Canucks top 6 last night..........if you feel like you need to point fingers, that's who you point at.  If I thought it was Green's fault, in any way, I'd say so as he's in my doghouse right now.  His mistake came before the game, not during it.


    petey 2 sog

    Boes - 1 sog

    Miller - 1 sog

    Pearson - 0 sog

    Toffoli - 0 sog

    Horvat - 0 sog


    not one single scoring chance or even remotely dangerous play from the top 6.  

    in one word... overpassing.   Goaltending is one area that we should definitely have an advantage in this series yet instead of hammering the net we treated it like we had to finesse one in. 

  8. 2 minutes ago, debluvscanucks said:

    Normally I'd agree but it's not like we're throwing the puck around from the perimeter....they're getting those shots off pretty quick for the most part.

    I was somewhat distracted as my daughter and her bf dropped in right before the game (have I taught you nothing my dear??  hockey's on...hello!!!)....but they're gone now, so I'm gonna hone in on it a bit more.

    if he didn't show up to watch the game then tell her he's gotta go  

    • Cheers 1
  9. 1 hour ago, kilgore said:

    The most expensive bottom 6 in the league press box need to contribute way more.  This "support" group needs to support our young stars way better against Minny.


    Landing a few gems at the draft in the last few years (and then rewarding your amateur scouting director responsible by letting him go because you refuse to give him the power to hire and fire his own people) is all great n all, but the other side of the coin is how you fill up the rest of the roster.  A few talented kids on the top lines, even with a hot goalie, does not a team make. Where was all the new energy from being rested from these overpriced vets?   I thought Pearson had numerous gaffes and looked unconditioned. Sutter was ineffective and took a real dumb penalty, Beagle was invisible. Rousell got a goal, but for the most part also looked out of shape and behind the play. The longer the game went, the more they were hemmed in their own end.


    I hope it was more a case of saving it for the real games,  but they better show more fight in the next series or we are done in a few games

    FTFY    (hopefully ;) )

  10. 23 minutes ago, WHL rocks said:

    This is misleading. Hughes has 45 assists 53 Pts.


    He has 48 assist including 3 from last season.


    Quinn has 13 games left , He'll make 50+ assist this season by the time it's over.

    How is it misleading... the chart is "while playing as a rookie"  which includes the end of last season.  The counts for the others include those extra games as well (another version i saw had 85 games for someone)

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