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Everything posted by thedestroyerofworlds

  1. Who is this toxic left you speak of? Do you have any numbers as to how many people are OK with the grooming that went on? I'm curious because I identify as left and DO NOT approve any of the crap that went down in Rotherham. I would love to see some sources other than some YouTube video.
  2. Well, last year there were US treasury bill inversions. They have consistently indicated economic downturns/recessions in the following 12 to 24 months. The next US election is smack dab in the sweet spot.
  3. Another one bites the dust. The hill article link Cory Booker ends presidential bid
  4. Plus he has already sent consular officials to Turkey to meet with Iranian officials so visas can be issued.
  5. If a threat is imminent, you dont take out the guys at the top. Taking Bin Laden out days before September 11th wouldn't have stopped those attacks. You take out the people carrying out the attacks to stop an imminent threat. If taking out a top guy is meant to prevent an attack, the attack isn't imminent as it is usually in the planning stages. Something I heard.
  6. Well it wasn't. Most of the "hundreds" (a very high estimate btw) was the cumulative result of removing sanctions. The plane full of cash was much, much less. It was an unfilled purchase of military equipment that the Shah made prior to the revolution. It was Iran's money with interest. I repeat. It was Iran's money being returned to them.
  7. They know who butters their bread. It's all hands on deck to derail the progressives. The MSM has made their decision, and Bernie and co. are not part of it.
  8. You mean the party that got smoked by the Green Party. I consider the Greens as fringe. Even fewer voted for that right wing crazy party you supported. Man.
  9. I could see bringing the JT stuff up in the election/Liberals win thread, but not in the thread devoted to Scheer stepping down and the scandal surrounding it. It is a fairly standard tactic used by he who shall not be named though. He's used it before.
  10. Well, most of those things where I may have to say that were debated ad nauseam between you and the other usual suspects. And for a while, I kinda just lurked in those threads. So that's why. If a major expense scandal comes up, I'll be on in bud. JT is no saint, yet you seem to think I see him as the greatest. Whatever gets you through the day I guess.
  11. Ole Scheer has some explaining to do. Why those expenses increased so much there guy? Global news article link Top Tories probing over $900K in Scheer office expenses
  12. Oh no. The article is from CBC, so some of our commenters will poo poo it. CBC is too biased for them. Those alphas can't handle getting factual information from the CBC.
  13. Just because I comment a lot in the TRUMP thread does not make me an American sympathizer. Seems like someone messed with your corn flakes again.
  14. You never said "fake news", but but you did call it junk because reasons. The bold is essentially a "fake news" retort. It is ignoring the data cause you dont like it.
  15. Right back at ya. More guns don't make you safer. The data backs it up. Your retort is fake news.
  16. I'm going to use my guns on an intruderrrrrrrr. Except all data points to that gun being used on yourself or someone you know as the more likely outcome. To use that gun, it needs to be easily accessible and in a fireable condition. The opposite of what responsible gun ownership requires.
  17. So farmers need assault rifles to farm, or can they get by with shotguns and bolt action long rifles? My .303 Enfield says shotguns and long rifles are enough.
  18. And if you are still taking my comment as a criticism of Scheer's kids, well I've got nothing for ya. Hope tomorrow's corn flakes are better for ya.
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