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Posts posted by wildcam

  1. 4 hours ago, Fred65 said:

    Yeah I think this is the drark horse PA is keeping under wraps. I remember JR saying unobtrusively in on interview we have some good ones coming and PA quietly adding he's impressed by Johnasson. He's under cotract and just on loan in the SEL. Likley help if he can come over and test his abilities as a yard stick for next season

    I sure hope Johansson come to NA after his SHL playoffs are over and play some AHL game learns systems easier transition for next season. I am excited to see Johansson develop.

    Forsell 19 is having a great SHL season and playing on the 1st line so exciting and only 19..

    • Cheers 1
  2. 4 hours ago, tan said:

    Oliver Ekman-Larsson

    Defense -- shoots L
    Born Jul 17 1991 -- Karlskrona, Sweden
    [31 yrs. ago]
    Height 6.02 -- Weight 200 [188 cm/91 kg]

    Cap Hit of $7,250,000 to 2026-27 (UFA)

    Seth Jones

    Defense -- shoots R
    Born Oct 3 1994 -- Arlington, TX
    [28 yrs. ago]
    Height 6.04 -- Weight 213 [193 cm/97 kg]

    Cap Hit of $9,500,000 to 2029-30 (UFA)



    Seth Jones is 28 year old. He doesn't fit with CHI rebuild time line and it costs too much money to keep him for nothing in the next 3-4 years.

    He is wasting his prime time and no cup hope till 33-35 year old only if CHI can draft Towes/Kane etc. quality prospect again.

    Maybe CHI should move him and regain some cap flexiblity?


    Shall we do it? add sweetener?




    Jones 29 at start of next season with 5yrs X 9.5 million big no for me we already are up against cap and another older player big pass.

    We need to make cap room and surround key players we have now with cheaper D men under 5 million.

    Hughes  23 -LD- ____- Maybe Livingstone 23, 6'4 RD -- Hope we can sign his after college season at end of March maybe sooner?

    Hronek 25 -RD ______. Would be nice to find a big LD man like Graves 6'5, 225 lbs grit, toughness defensive guy ? 4.3--4.8 million

    Bear   25 -RD ___ resign 1 yr X 2.2 million show me more

    Johnasson 23 RD -SHL - should be coming to NA soon maybe play some games in Abby. Could make team next season?

    Juulsen 25--- RD - Has looked good this season

    Brisebois 25 LD - sign 2 more years - Has looked good

    Wolanin -27 LD - has looked good also



  3. 1 minute ago, Odd. said:

    Any one of Reinbacher, Benson, Smith, Dvorsky, or Yager would be great.


    Personally, if Reinbacher is off the board, I wouldn’t mind Dvorsky. Reminds me of Kopitar.

    Sure hope Reinbacher 6'2 is around between #8--#10 pick so hard to find young RD ..Dvorsky 6'1 C  would be a  good pick 

  4. 1 minute ago, Warhippy said:

    Jordan Schroeder was absolutely amazing as was Cody Hodgson and Olli Juolevi.  We gotta stop drafting or not kids based on one tournament

    I agree and if drafting between #8 and #10 , I really like Reinbacher 6'2 RD

  5. 3 minutes ago, King Heffy said:

    Reinbacher is good; Sandin-Pellikka is an absolute trainwreck in his own zone and is incredibly unlikely to ever learn how to play defence at a level that will be acceptable to an NHL team.

    If he is such a train wreck how did he make 2023 U20 world JR team as a 17 years old??? He is a decent player.. Not many D man make WJ U 20 at 17 and Sweden always has a good team..

  6. On 8/6/2022 at 8:33 PM, HighOnHockey said:

    A little thin at the upper echelon maybe, but there'll be some good ones. Right now I'd have about 8-10 of the following names in consideration for the first round, a small handful of them could challenge for spots in the top 15, as crowded as it is with bluechip forward:



    1. Caden Price

    2. Theo Lindstein

    3. Mikhail Gulyayev

    4. Drew Fortescue

    5. Arttu Karki

    HM: Gavin McCarthy, Tanner Molendyk



    1. Lukas Dragicevik

    2. Aram Minnetian

    3. Cameron Allen

    4. Maxim Strbak

    5. Tom Willander

    HM: Hunter Brzustewicz, Beau Akey

    Top 2 D men in draft are both RD- Reinbacher 6'2 would love Canucks to draft this guy when they draft between 8th --10th pick. The  other RD  is,  A. Sandin Pelikka 5'11..

    RD are so hard to find. Like Dvorsky 6'1 C ,  if he is around at #8.. So many of the forwards in the draft are so small between #5--#11....Benson so small playing with great players so stats are higher..  Really liked Heidt  PG Cougars on a average team

  7. 18 hours ago, 73 Percent said:

    k man. Alf over here claiming that he's already an elite 2c... Yet I'm the one you reply to lol.




    I'm not rooting against this kid, although it probably appears that way. I just don't like how Alf jumped his bones and threw Horvat to the dirt the second this trade happened. Horvat has done a lot for this team and community.

    Sorry I agree with you and not Alf.. Glad we never signed Horvat 8 yrs X 8.5 Million -- Always said Horvat is a 55 -64 point player 25-32 G  solid 200 foot game, PP

    Since will NYI GP 17 - G 5 --- PTS 9 --   Horvat is worth 6.8 - 7.4  million Tops 


    Happy with trade Raty future #2 C -- Beauvillier 27 W --speed should produce 22-25 G -- 46-50 points. -  1st rounder part of Hronek deal --yes yes

    Hronek 25 - RD plays 22-24 mins Top 25 NHL D man - He makes Vancouver a better team and so hard to find  the RD man with talent.. 

    Cost for sure  -- 1st and 2nd rounder..


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  8. 6 hours ago, CanucksJay said:

    With the recent team's success, I looked ahead to next season to see how much cap we need to shed once Kuz and Miller's contract kicks in (additional 7.3m) along with activating Mik from LTIR (4.75) and re-signing Kravstov (1m?)


    We would then have 15 forwards under contract at a cap hit of 48.2m

    Ofcourse we would waive/send to Abby 2 players making 762k each (1.524) which means we'd have 13 forwards @ 46.7m (without losing /trading anyone and signing Krav to 1m)


    On defence, with OEL coming back off LTIR, we'd be at 5 defensemen @ 26. 3m (Hughes, Hronek, OEL, Myers, Brisbois) 

    And need to sign/re-sign 2 of Dermott, Bear, Burroughs Juulsen, Wolanin . 


    Goalie we have Demko (5m) and need a backup


    So to summarize


    We're set at forwards (13 players @ 46.7m)

    Defense (5 signed  @ 26.3m)

    Goalie (1 signed @ 5m)


    Thats 78m total. 


    Cap is 83.5 next year

    We have 5.5 to spend on 2 d men and 1 back up goalie. 


    We have options folks. 


    On goalie,


    we can sign a league min guy to warm the bench and then bring up Silovs every time we need backup to play. 


    On defense

    We can stay status quo and sign 2 bottom pairing D




    We can trade Myers after bonus is paid and free up 6m more (11.5m cap space) and spend on someone like Gavrikov  and re-sign 2 bottom pairing d men like Burroughs and Wolanin to round out the defense


    Forwards we're pretty set but could trade a guy like Garland to free up 5m and call up Hogz to do the same job. 


    Anyway, things don't seem as dire as people seemed to suggest after the Hronek trade. 


    I'm starting to believe in this management team after my initial knee jerk hissy fit. 

    Questionable moves were Boeser, Miller, Mikheyev, Kuz (re-signing) 


    Miller looks now to be a good deal at 8m (physical 2c putting up a PT / game while winning draws and playing good 2 way hockey) 

    Kuz is worth every penny

    Mik was amazing for us while playing with 1 leg

    Boeser is finally playing like a 70-75 PT player. 


    Can we at this point say that management has been dead wrong about anything? 


    Even the Tocchet hire. 




    I agree with you Myers will be easy to move after July 1st Bonus is paid 1 million remaining to be paid. Team under cap will love that contract Ducks and Coyotes .


    I think  1 or 2 of these players will be moved - Boeser 26  ( 6.7 mil ) - Garland 27 - 4.9 mil -- Beauvillier 25 - 4.1 million


    Livingstone 23 - 6'3 RD - Solid college player think he will sign and play beside Hughes

    Graves 27 - 6'5 LD - Big gritty , toughness  defensive guy - UFA ? 4 yrs X 4.4 -4.8 ?   Would look great beside Hughes

    Bear - 1 yr X 2.2 million RD - show me more deal

    Brisebois  25  LD - signed 2 yrs - depth looks good

    Juulsen 25 - RD - Should sign depth guy and looks good playing with Hughes for 9 games

    Wolanin 27 - LD -  should sign,  Also looks good in 11 games this year

    Johansson 23 RD -- He could make team next season ?


    Forwards - Need 3rd line C under 2 million ---- 4th line winger will fill Di Giuseppe -Karlsson -- (  Hoglander 3rd line next season - speed, skill ready for NHL..


    Maybe backup under 1.5 million there are some veterans 28--32 ?? 

    Or they might decide on Silvos might be little early ?

    Silovs 22 - could fill 15 games NHL --- 45 AHL games he is close to backup ready full time...

    Demko 27 -- Top 10 goalie  -- 50 -55  NHL games 2023-24


    Dermott 26 -RFA - will not resign

    Pearson 30- LTIR --- Buy out if he gets healthy enough

    Poolman 29 - LTIR

  9. On 2/26/2023 at 10:25 AM, 73 Percent said:

    So in 2 weeks Raty went from an 80 point 2c to always be a good 3c...


    Trending in the wrong direction pretty quickly 

    Come on kids 20 years old moved to NA last summer to play with NYI and the farm to for 5 months? Then traded to Vancouver the adjustment takes time..

    Still a high prospect in the hockey world.. Just to let you know not everyone makes the NHL at 20yrs old but he will be a #2 OR # 3 Centre in Vancouver before he is 22 years old.

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  10. 9 hours ago, -Vintage Canuck- said:


    I like the signing will get 7--10 game look.. Hard work in summer on his skating will have his transition to NHL..

    I think he will need to play 50--60 AHL games next season and if he is playing well he will see NHL time 10--15 games?
    Good signing size 6'2- 200 lbs has a great shot and some talent... Cheering for him hope he develops with new group no rush..

    • Vintage 1
  11. 23 minutes ago, jyu said:

    Nicely done. I think the pairings make sense.


    For the second line, Mik-Miller-Boeser/Garland? I don't know if they will trade both Garland and Boeser. If Miller is used in a match-up role, it makes more sense to trade Garland. If Miller line is a scoring line, Garland is probably better than Boeser.


    If they do trade both, we could put Podz up there with Miller. I think they are trying to develop Podz into a two-way winger and he'd look good there and provide decent size, speed, and a high work rate.


    Unless Hoglander is traded, he will have a spot on the roster. I wonder where he fits -- maybe on the third scoring line.



    3 hours ago, Elias Pettersson said:

    Yes, that is exactly how I would line them up next year.  McDonough, Klimovich and Karlsson will be in Abby next year.  The wildcard is Hoglander.  Will he be able to make the jump next season or do we use him as trade bait to pick up a 3C?  If Hoglander can make the jump then perhaps he can take that spot on the Miller line.


    The other issue is what to do with Garland and Boeser.  Ideally, we would trade both of them, but not sure if it's feasible without sweeteners attached.  Hopefully, PA has a plan to trade both.  If so, we free up millions in cap space and can go hard after a 3C.


    Basically, we have our 4 pairs set up and also Beau who can play on the top line.  And perhaps Hoglander on the 2nd line.  If so, then we only need 3 veteran players to complete the forward group.  We have the kids in Abby to take over at some point, so even some UFA's will do as long as we can trade Boeser and Garland to free up the cap space.


    Barbashev doesn't take many faceoffs and is mostly a winger, so I wouldn't go after him and he'd be too expensive anyways.  I'd be all over Gaudreau however, as he is a right shot centre who is around 50% on the draw, and also played one year for JR/PA in Pittsburgh.  I believe JR signed him as a UFA that year in 2020, so maybe he does it again.  He has really played good hockey in Minnesota since he left Pittsburgh, so I'm thinking he is looking at a big raise, probably in the $2.5-3 million range.


    As for the 4th line, my ideal choice would be Trent Frederic.  Boston may have to blow it up after this year, especially if they win the cup, so a guy like Frederic could be available for some young talent.  We have an abundance of wingers, so I'd try and trade them a winger for Frederic.  Maybe they like Boese or Garland.

    Canucks have to add 2 D man first and foremost..

    1. Hronek RD- ______ Graves 27 -6'5 - 225 lbs  defensive style guy with some grit and size 4million -4.5 ?

    2. Hughes LD- _______ Livingstone 23 - 6'3 would be a good signing and a nice cap hit ELC 

    3. OEL -- Bear RD - ((Johansson RD - -Might be his spot ?? )).  Juulsen RD -- Brisebois LD - Burroughs LD

    - Need to trade Myers  after his 5 million dollar bonus is paid . New team has 1 million dollars left with 6 million dollars toward cap ceiling for teamsLike Coyotes and Ducks will be below cap floor.. 

    - Need to trade 2 of Boeser 26 - 6.7 mil / Garland 27- 4.9 mil / Beauviller 25 -4.1 -- would like to keep Beauvillier playing well with Petey


    Kuzmenko - Pettersson - [Beauvillier] 

    Mikheyev - Miller - [                 ]  Hoglander

    Podkolzin - [                  ] - Kravtzov

    Joshua - Aman - [

                Di Giuseppe Phillips -- L. Karlsson - **** find another gem like Joshua with size and grit ***

    Need to find a 3rd line C under 1.5 million remember Canucks will be up against cap.

    the 4 th line Winger will be easy to find in system

    Might need to sign a backup goalie under 1.5 million?? 

    Deciding these combination for forwards has to be a good friendly contract to add.. 

    The 2 defensemen are most important so Livingstone  on ELC would be fantastic..

    Another D like Graves would be fantastic-- Size, Grit, Defensive guy much needed  and age 27..He will demand between  4.2 -- 4.8 X 4yrs UFA

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  12. 7 minutes ago, Odd. said:

    2 of Boeser/Garland/Beauvillier/ will be moved for sure. I do think the first two will be traded.


    Next year:








    I’m hoping Hoglander takes a step next year solidifies himself in a permanent top 6 role. 

    We won’t make the playoffs next year, I hope we take the developmental approach and get the young guys a full seasons worth of NHL experience, and get guys like Podkolzin, Hoglander, Beauvillier, and Aman to take the next step. 

    Great thing about this draft is that no matter where we select in the top 10, we’re going to get an elite player. Any one of Benson/Smith/Yager/Reinbacher/Dvorsky/Moore will be a great addition.

    I agree 2 of Boeser 26 --6.6 mil / Garland 27-- 4.9 mil  / Beauvillier 25-- 4.1 mil -- Hope they keep Beauvillier out of the 3?


    1.Beauvillier -- Petey - Kuzmenko

    2. Hoglander - Miller - Mikheyev

    3.Kravtsov -- Aman -- Podkolzin

    4. Joshua --Karlsson -- _______

    McDonough 23- 6'2 -W- Will need to season in AHL 40-50 games next season -- Maybe 20 NHL games next year Skating needs work

    Raty 20 - 6'2 - C - Will need to season 50 AHL games --- Say 25--30 NHL games next season #3 C



    1.Hronek -- _____ ----UFA or trade LD big stay at home some grit? Graves 6'5 -225lbs gritty

    2. Hughes  - _____ --- Livingstone 6'3 RD would fit the bill feeling he will sign in Vancouver...Fingers crossed

    3. OEL -- Bear RD - Johansson RD --Juulsen RD  --- LD Brisebois --LD Burroughs


    Myers - moves after his signing bonus is paid July 1st of 5 million-- Only 1 million owing to new team and new team get cap hit of 6 million--

    Will help teams Ducks and Coyotes getting to cap floor..


    1.Demko --top 10 keeper --55 Games

    2. _____  ? Silovs 12-15 NHL games -Delia 12--15 games -- ( Vancouver might sign veteran backup ????))

    Vancouver could easily be knocking on wildcard spot - RT has his mini season ending plan in place with systems ?

    Adding players in trades.. Could be a exciting season 2023-23..

    Go Canucks Go !!!


    • Like 3
  13. On 3/7/2023 at 8:25 PM, PhillipBlunt said:

    Joshua has been excellent. A physical force out there. 

    Would be great to find another gem like Joshua 6'3 -210 lbs this summer- gritty , speed need this in tough games and never crosses the line with stupid penalties...

    • Cheers 2
  14. 20 hours ago, Kootenay Gold said:

    Lots of conjecture Alf but that is what CDC is all about; other than Myers I like your D man setup. Pretty sure Myers will be traded or bought out in the off season to free up cap space. If they are so lucky to sign Livingstone; then I could eventually see a D lineup like this:


    Hughes - Hronek

    OEL - Bear

    Livingstone- Dermott

    Brisebois/ Wolanen - Juulsen


    All conjecture on my part as well but I think I could live with that till they can move on from OEL


    Way better to have Hronek and Hughes apart.. Both are  so talented and Vancouver will have 2 very good parings..

    The 3rd pairing should handle 15 mins per game....

    1. Hronek -- _____ Maybe Graves 6'5 -225lbs LD

    2. Hughes - _____  Maybe Livingstone 6'3 RD -- Hope Allvin can sign this top college player after his college playoffs in March sometime..

    3. OEL.  _____  Bear 25 RD  - Johansson RD -23  --Juulsen 25 RD ---- LD-- Burroughs - Brisebois

  15. 13 hours ago, cripplereh said:

    Think they want someone besides Graves. 


    Does make tons of sense to but OEL out as we can't move him.We trade Myers and BB,buy out Person or Poolman if they can play.We have cap room to add two players and still have cap room moving forward.  


    Our minor players a few will get a look plus signing two or three like Livingstone and we have a good NHL team moving forward.

    Not easy to move the OEL contract with 4 more years plus  NTC he can choose where he goes? Remember the year before Vancouver trade for OEL at that time he would only waive his NTC to Boston or Vancouver... Benning was in drivers seat knowing Coyotes wanted to move this crazy contract?


    We trade away 3 players X 9 million X 1 year- expire contracts--- We take back OEL 8.2 X 7 yrs and bonus for us Garland -- That should of been the trade at most..


    OH OH .. we give Coyotes 10th O/A pick and a 2nd rounder... Such a bad trade with Benning knowing Coyotes really want to move this OEL with so many years left. Such a mess and 4 years left..

  16. 15 hours ago, cripplereh said:

    Third pair Johansson



    OEL is a question mark.Could see Rathbone finally getting a full year.

    OEL will be a Canuck for a few more years too expensive to buy out with 4 yrs remaining..

    No real room for Rathbone? I like Rathbone just never really had a good long look in Vancouver..


    1. Hronek 25 RD  - Graves 27 LD ((stay at home D man 6'5 -225 lbs toughness and grit (UFA - 4 yrs X 4--4.5  million ?)

    2. Hughes 23 LD -  Livingstone 23 RD

    3.OEL. 30 LD. -- Bear 25 RD ( sign 1 yr X 2.2 million ) or Johansson 23 RD-- Spare Juulsen 25 RD --Burroughs 27 LD -  ((Brisebois 25 LD signed))

  17. On 3/9/2023 at 7:12 PM, Hinkil42 said:

    Will they qualify Dermott? He'd accept the offer with his injuries. I think they move on.

    I agree I think they will move Dermott now with Hronek and maybe signing Livingstone soon?

    Sign Bear and package Dermott still RFA this summer.

  18. 18 hours ago, NUCKER67 said:

    Fix the D = playoffs in 2024

    Yes agree fix the D..

    After Myers bonus is paid of 5 million July 1st only 1 million is owing.. Easy to move him to a team that needs cap space and it only cost the new team actual 1 million Dollars and they receive 6 million on there salary.. I say Ducks will want the salary maybe receive 3rd rounder,,,


    If Canucks can sign Livingstone 23 - 6'3 RD he should fit beside Hughes.

    Try and sign Graves 6'5   225 lbs 27 LD

    Already traded for Horonek RD top 30 NHL D man, awesome player will add lots to this team.. Everyone knows RD are hard to find and he is a top 30 NHL D man.

    1. Hronek  Top  30 NHL D man  - Graves  LD  6'5

    2. Hughes  Top 10 NHL D mn  - Livingstone 6'3 RD

    3. OEL --- Bear  RD.  ---extra D men Filip Johansson 23  RD -- Juulsen  25 RD - -- Burroughs  27  LD -- Wolanin 27 LD  - Brisebois  25 -LD


    Trade Boeser or Garland - maybe both players?? ----- Retain 1 million on Boeser contract to make it work easier X 2 yrs---- should receive 2nd or 3rd rounder or young prospect in return.

    Dermott ?? Dont resign

    Poolman - concussion - LTIR

    Pearson 30 ? LTIR 

    Rathbone -- Needs a new home no future here-- I like this D man never had a real good look? Package has talent


    1. Beauvillier - Petey - Kuzmenko

    2. Mikheyev -- Miller --Hoglander

    3. Podkolzin -- ___    -- Kravsov

    4.Joshua --- Aman  ________


    Healthy Demko and no serious injuries this team should be in Playoff race next season-- Defence and structure will be much better..


  19. 6 hours ago, DownUndaCanuck said:

    Graves - Hronek

    Hughes - Livingstone

    OEL - Dermott/Bear


    It's not that far off now. I just hope management don't just stop at the Hronek trade and think that's enough to patch up this terrible defence.

    Adding Graves 6'5 -220lbs - LD toughness stay. at home D man - PK ----1. Graves - Hronek 

    Adding Livingstone 6'3 -205 -RD would fit very nice with Hughes               2. Hughes - Livingstone

                                                                                                                           3. OEL --  Bear RD ---Juulsen 6'2 RD  --Burroughs  LD- Broisbois LD

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  20. Just now, wildcam said:

    If we just paid a 1st rounder and 2nd rounder for Hroneck RD - 25 -6'0 --

    Girard 25 May -- 5'10- 180 lbs   shoots L - LD/RD  4yrs remaining at 5 million--- Lets pass another small D and Hronek will demand 5.5 -6 million soon.

    Go after Graves 27 - 6'5- 220  LD -adds toughness should sign under 4 million X 4yrs would be a good signing..

    Girard another small D man...

    1.Hughes LD -  Jake Livingstone  RD. 6'3 age 23 will sign before March 29th

    2. Horonek RD - Graves LD 6'5 -220

    3. OEL - Bear RD --( Juulsen RD) - Burroughs LD - Brisebois LD

    Sorry ugh, Hronek RD -25 - 6'0 - 190 lbs

  21. 1 hour ago, HKSR said:

    It's clear what management is looking for.  Mid 20 year old guys that have established NHL careers.


    To VAN:

    Sam Girard


    To COL:

    Jack Rathbone

    3rd Round Pick (TOR)


    Colorado clears some cap space on an overloaded LHD.  With the emergence of Byram and Toews already there, Girard would be an expensive 3rd pair LHD for them moving forward.

    Vancouver acquires a 24 year old, cost controlled defenceman at $5M AAV for several more years.  A cerebral and mobile defender that can play both sides to add to the stable of D we have now.  Could be effective next to Hronek.


    Some may worry about his size, but Makar is 5'11" and Toews is 6'1".  Girard is 5'10, and Hronek is 6'0". 


    Bring back Schenn, Bear, and Burroughs please.





    If we just paid a 1st rounder and 2nd rounder for Hroneck RD - 25 -6'0 --

    Girard 25 May -- 5'10- 180 lbs   shoots L - LD/RD  4yrs remaining at 5 million--- Lets pass another small D and Hronek will demand 5.5 -6 million soon.

    Go after Graves 27 - 6'5- 220  LD -adds toughness should sign under 4 million X 4yrs would be a good signing..

    Girard another small D man...

    1.Hughes LD -  Jake Livingstone  RD. 6'3 age 23 will sign before March 29th

    2. Horonek RD - Graves LD 6'5 -220

    3. OEL - Bear RD --( Juulsen RD) - Burroughs LD - Brisebois LD

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