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Posts posted by wildcam

  1. 17 minutes ago, Gurn said:

    Honestly - I don't care what Petey would like or not.

    Do what is best for the TEAM. not one player; even if he is your best.

    Never build your team for a player, you build it WITH players.


    Petey doesn't like it?  So what.? Petey will return one of the biggest trade values this team has ever received.

    Thats a no brainer, if Petey doesn't want to be in Vancouver that would be toxic? Never want a player on your team thats not happy or

    wants out...Management will know soon enough..

    I think Petey likes it in Vancouver and will be Captain if Horvat is moved..

    • Cheers 1
  2. 7 minutes ago, Canuckfanforlife82 said:

    This is very true. I am sure all of them would love to just stay together and work it out but what is best for the team? In fact with the way they speak they seem fine with the status quo, which is awful. Petey I am sure has a lot of friends and would hate to see them go but you can't keep a team together for that reason. 

    Return would be very big for Petey or Hughes...

    I bet NJ at some point will make a big offer for Hughes? Have all 3 talented brothers together..

    NJ - Has the assets to make this trade, maybe waiting until there core get little older 2 or 3 yrs??

  3. 12 hours ago, Gurn said:

    Is Demko going to be able to return to form? Will his injury change/diminish his game?

    As far as E.P and Quinn wanting out, I'd say the team would get a large, large haul of picks and prospects for those two.


    So many rumours right? As fans we all know it hasn't worked with this group of players? - So much talent but not clicking together.

    We have real good forward top 7 players =C t. 1. Petey 24  2. Horvat 27 3. Miller 29 4. Kuzmenko 26  5. Mikheyev 28 6. Boeser 25  7. Garland --

    Botom 6 - Lazar- avg -- Joshua 6'3 210. needs to use his size and be more aggressive shown signs .

    Pederson 25 - bottom 6 - play okay - Studnicka 23 6'1 - shows signs ?

    Lockwood 24 - 5'10 - speed - future ? 

    Pearson - Need to try to move next year hand injury maybe next trade deadline 1 yr left 2023-24 X 3.25

    Future - Podkolzin 21 -6'1 205 - Like his solid game let him get confidence and good environment in Abby - future top 6

    Hoglander 22-- Lots of speed and skill to make up for his size 5'10 -- NHL player for sure - future top 6

    Aman  22 - 6'2 - C / W  GP 6 G 2 PTS 5 -- Future bottom 6 --PK

    Karlsson 22 - 6'1 - W  Gp 33 - 27 PTS AHL ??


    DEFENCE -- C Team weakness

    1. Hughes 23 -- Best offensive D man in Canuck history bright future

    2. OEL. 31 -- Not playing like a # 2 or # 3 D man -stuck 4 more seasons left - Should be playing better..

    3. Myers 32 - RD -- easy to trade after July 1st when bonus is plaid  1yr left- Plays big minutes against other teams best players.

    4. Bear-25 RD - currently 2.2 salary RFA -- Hope we resign 4 yrs X 3.1 AAV

    5. Schenn 33 RD UFA -- trade get 2nd rounder and try and resign in summer for 2 yrs X 1.1 million

    Dermott 26 - ??   Burroughs  27 # 7 guy? Rathbone 23 - think he needs a new start lots of talent never given a long look..

    Need to trade

    1. of -Miller 29 or Horvat

    2. Boeser or Garland 

    3. Myers RD - after July 1st -- Need to replace big minutes he plays

    4. Pearson - retain 1 million  of 3.2million just 1 season remains

    5. Kuzmenko -- Try and resign 4 yrs X 5.7 million AAV-- if not trade him-- Petey might not be happy?

    6.  Petey 24 -- Need to resign July 1st -8 yrs X 9.5 million AAV - Future to build around.. See if he wants to stay??

    Core 1. Petey 2. Hughes 3. Demko   ( 4. Horvat might have to be moved?

  4. New management team is so top heavy..

    1.Press- Rutherford - 2. Allvin GM -  3. Smyl  VP Hockey  ( -4 Castonguay AGM - 5. Clancey AGM - 6 Granato AGM ))

     * Ryan Johnson - GM Abby -- Ast to GM in Vancouvere

    8. D. Tallon  SR Advisor

    Also 5 EX players  - player development. team

    !3 to discuss hockey issues not counting scouts...

  5. 1 hour ago, stawns said:

    I hate that the CHL drafts players from Europe who have no intention of playing in the chl.  If he doesn't want to play there, he should be free to play in the AHL.

    Klimovich played in AHL as 18 year old..I think Lekkerimaki not being a North American player would be eligible to play in AHL?

    Correct me if I am wrong? I know a CHL player cannot play in AHL full time until 20 years old...

  6. On 1/11/2023 at 7:02 AM, johngould21 said:

    Right now I'd swap Woo and Wolanin for Myers and Dermott.

    Big year for Woo 22 turning 23 yrs old in July.. He has had so many injuries and 1st year pro we had Covid so slow development. I watched him close January 6th he looked okay stay at home RD nohing flashy in that game..Sure would be nice to have Woo turn out to even be a future #6 RD Man.. 

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  7. On 1/7/2023 at 8:29 PM, cocanuck said:

    I personally am cheering for all of the canucks picks.  I sure hope he makes it and becomes a solid player.  I just hate that i like vegas 2nd and 4th round picks better.  Big, strong and fast,, all that we are not ..  i hope jl feels better and develops well. Canucks need more then a few picks to pan out..  just dont have much faith in jr drafts

    I hope Canucks bring him over and he plays in WHL Vancouver Giants as a 19yr old and work closely with Canucks coaches and developing staff with ever part of his game being only 18.. Would be fun to watch him close and maybe even play few games with Abby Canucks during the season..I. really like the WHL and AHL.

    Giants own his import status so it would be easy, keep fingers crossed..

  8. Its a tough balancing act to make the right decisions and also keeping your star core guys happy with trades you make..

    The core guys have always been for me 1. Petey  24  - 2. Hughes 23.  3. Demko 27. 4. Horvat....

    I was wrong management signed Miller 29  - W/ C because of a 99 point season -- Miller is really a 68--75 going guy

    better winger then a centre..

    Horvát a solid #2 centre. -- 28-- 34 G -- 64-70 point guy  -- great on face-offs .. This year he is heading for 56 G

    1. Petey has to be signed 7 years X 9.3 AAV-- Have to have a good winger for Petey and keep him happy #1 centres are hard to find.

    2. Kuzmenko - Great 1st year way better then I expected GP 75 -- 18-20 G -- 39--45 points.. I was way off

    Signing him over 6 million X 5 years is risky looking a his previous years in KHL..Playing with Petey helps but Kuzmenko looks good.

    3 yrs X 5.8 AAV - Try and sign close to 6 million if you can't we have to trade...1st rounder - top prospect -  younger bottom 6 player with upside.


    3. Horvát or Miller - One has to be traded -- I would try to trade Miller -- then sign Horvat 7 yrs X 8 million

    4. Myers - after 5 million dollar bonus is paid out July 1st - will only have 1 million owing X 1 year-- easy to move big RD man then.

    5. Boeser  or Garland - One of these guys must be move - Move Boeser retain 1 million X 2 yrs will help move him with 6.8 million dollar contract.

  9. Never want to see young players traded for old veterans like years ago...

    1. Cam Neely 22 -- ( Barry Pederson - Awful trade Pederson 26 at time never did much.

    2. Rick Vaive - Bill Derlago--  ((  Tiger Williams and Butler -- OMG Vaive was 50 G guy Derlago #2 C


    We have to be realistic Vancouver can't trade all there talented forwards..

    1.Petey 24 - Lock up 8 yrs X 9.2 Million after July 1st

    2. Horvát  or Miller ? I would keep Horvat 27 - 7 yrs X 8 million AAV

    3. Kuzmenko 26 - 1 yrs surprise never thought he would score like this GP 39--PTS 35 Show me more only 1 season look at KHL previous?  Will demand over 4.5 million? 5 yrs X 5.2 million AAV -- playing with Petey he likes? Likes teammates will sign?

    4. Boeser or Garland 4.9 million -- I would try and move Boeser 6.8 million X 2 yrs remain - retain 1 million

    5. Myers - easy to move after 5 million dollar bonus is paid out July 1st.. Only 1 million remaining on X 1 yr -- So 6 million back on cap

    6. Sign Bear  - 25 -RD - 3yrs X 3.4 million show me more - ---currently making 2.2 million- Hurricanes retain some

    7. Dermott - Sign 1 yrs X 2 million show me more??

    8. Schenn 33 -- Trade if you have 2nd rounder offered at trade deadline ? Try and resign in summer 2 yrs X 1.2 million

    9. Burroughs 27-- Try and resign


    • Like 1
    • There it is 1
  10. 28 minutes ago, Kenny Powers said:

    To NYR:


    Miller (50% retained for this year) + Luke Schenn


    To VAN:


    Braden Schneider


    - NYR has the cap space

    - Schneider is behind Trouba and Fox on RD for NYR

    - Schenn replaces Schneider at 3RD for their playoff push

    - We get Hughes future partner, and the cap space to resign Bo and Kuzmenko

    Schneider is untouchable 21 RD - 6'2 --Future #2 D MAN...

    Should be happy to just unload Miller at this point? Canucks would of had best offers last season.

    Chytil 23 - 6'3 C --GP 33-- 21 points should be #2 C-- Othmann 20 - LW U20 GP7 - PTS 6 -- --Skinner  21 - 6'2 RD

  11. Another great game boy Toy Young 27-26 shots saved in win last night 3rd star.. He looks good 18 yrs old 6'3 moves well..I can't imagine how good he will be working with Clarke for another 3-4 yrs.. Can'y play in AHL until 20, future vey bright..

    • Like 1
  12. 10 hours ago, Comeback_Kings said:

    have they been trying this line?


    podkolzin  aman  hoglander  

    No Friday nights game had swedes together.. Best line - 1. Hoglander-- Karlsson  Aman - Very good line

    Podkolzin-- Stevens - Di Giuseppe 

    • Thanks 1
  13. 6 hours ago, CanucksJay said:

    Avs lost 5 in a row and look pretty terrible for defending champs. 

    Horvat + B prospect for Newhook, Byram and a 1st


    Hughes and Hoglander to NJ for Nemec, Holtz, Mercer and a 1st


    Miller to NY Rangers for Othmann


    Kuzmenko + a 3rd for a 1st rounder


    Boeser for Dumba


    Schenn for a 2nd


    Bear for a 3rd


    Stillman for a water bottle




    Finish the season tanking hard


    Pederson Petey Mikheyev 

    Pearson Mercer Garland 

    Studnicka Newhook Dries

    Lockwood Lazar Joshua 


    OEL Myers

    Byram Dumba 

    Dermott Burroughs


    We get

    3 additional first rounders on top of ours (4 x 1st round picks) 

    1 Additional 2nd (2 x 2nd round picks) 

    1 Additional 3rd round ( 2 x 3rd round picks) 


    In the system we have

    Nemec, Holtz, Othmann 


    In our farm we have Podz, Klimovich, Lekkermaki, Rathbone, Karlsson 


    Build around Petey and some really good up and coming guys like Byram and Nemec along with our first rounders. 


    We can then use the created cap space to take other team's cap dumps for more 2nd and 3rd round picks. 










    1.Colorado is a need really needing to fill # 2 centre spot..First of all Colorado only have a 1st rounder for next 2 yrs they trade 2nd rounders and 3rd rounders away..

    Newhook 22 -- Olausson 20 -- (Englund 6'3 Toughness 27 or MacDermaid 28 ) 2nd rounder 2025

    Horvat --Colorado

    2. Boston - Another team that should be after Horvat there #1 AND #2 centres are both over 35 on 1 year deals..

    3. Carolina -- Horvát is the player there missing for Stanley cup run..Hurricaines need to be aggressive on trade front they have assets to make deal work.

    4. Minnesoda -- They would be even better with Horvat and they have prospect to make it happen..


  14. 4 hours ago, Herberts Vasiljevs said:

    My post wasn't directed at you. I was talking about those who girls never found attractive in high school, so they take it to the forums to call 18 and a half year olds who had mono and a recent concussion busts (a whopping 6 months after being drafted!).

    Sorry, I  didn't mean anything..I guess I still have hope and want to see all young prospect turn out..

    I watched Abby Canucks some young Canucks looked good,  Hoglander, Aman , Karlsson,  Podkolzin, Juulsson RD, Woo RD, Rathbone..

    Hoglander was most noticeable with his speed...


    • Cheers 1
  15. 5 hours ago, Paul-walker said:

    6 guys to be traded at deadline 
    Tanner Pearson
    Tucker poolman 


    tanner- 2nd or 3rd round pick 

    tucker- 4th or 5th round pick

    Myers- 2nd round pick

    hoglander-3rd round pick

    myers and Shen for 1st round pick

    dermott- trade for similar project player 


    what do you think? 

    Rather have Hoglander then drafting a 3rd rounder? How many turn out to make the NHL? Hoglander is just 21 years old.

    I went to Abbotsford Canucks game..Hoglander was the fastest player in the game and was noticeable young man is just 21 years old.

    Swede line looked very good  -#88 Aman- Karlsson #94 - #36 Hoglander  best line in the game..

    Aman looks very big...

    Podkolzin - played solid game,  had PP goal  with great shot.. Di Guisueppe  - played well with Podkolzin

    Rathbone, Woo,  looked okay - --- Juulson RD played decent defensive game

    bottom 6 players , Rau Nielsen,  Wouters, Klimovich  -played with energy..

    Abby Canucks won 4-3

    • Thanks 1
    • Cheers 1
  16. 2 hours ago, Herberts Vasiljevs said:

    But how else do you compensate for having a small wee-wee then?


    2 hours ago, Herberts Vasiljevs said:

    But how else do you compensate for having a small wee-wee then?

    You will have to explain your humour???? I am talking about a 18 yr old Lekkerimaki that has had injuries all season..

    This kid has skill and will show all you negative poster.. 

    He is just starting to get healthy in early December so not close to playing his game yet..

    Least negative people are in small percentage in life..

    If he c

    • Cheers 1
  17. I was shocked when Canucks signed Miller to 7 years X 8 million-- I will always say Miller is a 67--75 point guy  G 24--28.

    Miller had a fantastic season last year 99 points but that was a 1 year thing.

    He plays with emotion and I think emotion goes into the the dressing room and can effect other teammates..


    Now we have another Canuck Bo Horvat pace for 86--88 points  -- 58--60 goals ??

    Horvat realistically should produce. - GP 75 -- G 25-29 -- Points 62--65 point guy?


    I really like Bo Horvat, but I don't know how he feels about Vancouver after management deciding to sign Miller before him.'

    I really think if Canucks offered 6.7 - 7 million X 7 years last July Horvat would of signed,, Now Horvat camp will want 8 - 8.5 million?


    I sure hope some how Canucks can move Miller before July 1st..I know it will be tough..

    Horvat situation has to happen weeks before March 3rd trade deadline.. They sign or trade Bo Horvat..

    Will be a very interesting 6--7 weeks starting now with lots of rumours.. I say 50- 50 chance Horvat will be moved?

  18. 6 hours ago, DudePerfect said:

    Trade #1:


    Alexis Lafreniere 

    Zac Jones



    Tanner Pearson (retain 30%)

    Jack Rathbone

    Aidan McDonough (*rights)


    • To get Lafreniere, gotta give up value even though he is a healthy scratch for them. He brings a great amount of speed and skill that we sorely lack on the wings. Also, Jones can be a developmental transitional D who may need some time in the AHL, but instantly becomes someone with decent potential to crack our defense along with Filip Johansson (currently in SHL) next year.
    • I don't mind giving up Rathbone and McDonough. Rathbone seems like he will end up a tweener between the AHL and NHL. If he does succeed, I don't think it will be here though because of us having Quinn. I think McDonough carries a lot of value as one of the top scorers in college hockey, but if we can turn that into Lafreniere, then Laf > McDonough.
    • I threw in Pearson so that the Rangers could have another NHL body to replace Lafreniere or use Pearson lower in their lineup and his cap hit is lower than all the other players we have on the block (Garland, Boeser, etc.)


    Trade #2: 


    Nikita Zaitsev

    2023 2nd Round Pick



    J.T. Miller


    • Saw this idea floating on Twitter, and I think its not bad at all. Dorion may be dumb enough to think that Miller could push Ottawa over the top while VAN takes on Zaitsev for this and next year. 
    • This could work if DeBrincat doesn't see a long term fit in Ottawa and Dorion looks for a backup plan.


    Trade #3:


    Tomas Tatar

    Michael Mcleod

    2023 2nd Round Pick



    Brock Boeser

    Luke Schenn


    • To acumulate as many assets, I think it would be best to put together Boeser and Schenn in a deal. Boeser has a little bit more value than Garland to me, so I think Boeser to NJ would make them even better with how good their team is.
    • We would take back Tomas Tatar, just as an expiring deal. I would target Mcleod just for the fact that he is a right-handed C and could be a good fit to be a 3C on this team as an energy line and chip in on the PK.


    If everything worked out, the lines for the future would be:


    Kuzmenko - Pettersson - Mikheyev

    Lafreniere - Horvat - Podkolzin

    Hoglander - Mcleod - ?? (Lekkerimakki)

    Joshua - Aman - Studnicka


    • More of a two-way persence along with more speed. This lineup would have a more direct style instead of east-west that we currently like to play.



    Why would Rangers take Canucks Pearson,  Rathbone  won't make top 7  ??( McDonough prospect??

    Never would Rangers make this trade.. Lafreniere has potential to be  a top winger only 21?He needs a new home..

    Would cost Vancouver much more... 

    Podkolzin - Rathbone - 3rd rounder 2024 -------- Lafreniere 21 --Jones

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