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Bertuzzi Babe

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Everything posted by Bertuzzi Babe

  1. Thanks! It did feel kinda good to post some good numbers against you guys! :P

    Now I might give you a hard fought battle with you on the W side of game 6 but there's no way I'm giving away game 7 to y'all! Looking forward to tomorrow night's game - hopefully all my neighbours are away so they don't hear me yelling at the television! Here's to a...

  2. I'm expecting to have a heart attack, a stroke and probably a case of the hives tonight! I know you guys are going to give it to us hard and come out with guns a-blazing! Post-game beers on me, win or lose! :P

  3. Wooh, not really looking forward to this game tonight! We really have to play above our 'usual' game and outplay the refs! GO CANUCKS!! :-)

  4. Here's to a good game tonight and may the better team win! :P

  5. Congrats on the win last night! Hope I won't be congratulating you tomorrow night! :P

    (Got your comment cherry!)

  6. I hope the dentist appointment went ok and it turned out to be a great day! I always find it difficut to shake off a crappy loss in a playoff game! I guess I take my hockey too seriously! I can't say I'm really looking forward to tomorrow night's game - I may have to drink more than usual! May I offer you a Rusty Nail? Sláinte mhaith!!

  7. Are you ready, are you ready???? Cannot wait for this game to start! Gotta win this one!

    (It was 25 here today, definitely speedo weather even for those not usually so inclined! Haha!)

  8. Good luck on the Bio final! :D

  9. The song is one of my faves - it gets played very, very loudly in my truck when long distance driving!

    I am so, so ready I'm vibrating already! It's been too long between games, and I've laid in the stored of JD pepperoni, Ritz crackers & the jersey's all laid out & ready! How 'bout you? (Heard it was 18 there today, that's almost speedo weather! Don't forget your sunscreen!)

  10. Still up at 3:30 am???? :o

  11. Please come back..... :(

  12. Thanks for your post in the thread... gettin' a little sick of this stuff.

  13. You can have it! :D

    The sun's trying to shine but they're forecasting snow/rain for tomorrow! April showers are one thing, but I refuse to get out the snowshoes again!

  14. I removed my pic because it was taken from here by certain people and posted on their new sandbox/playground of a message board.

    Got all the appendages crossed and counting down the minutes! Talk about a nerve-racking game, eh?

  15. .....stuff up anyway!

  16. I wish I could have been a fly on the wall while you were jousting with the fox on the golf course! Haha! What a hilarious adventure!

    It was a most lovely and joyous happy dance being done in my living room! Good thing the wind didn't change so all the crossed things stayed that way! I think my mom was just making that bit about the wind changing and stuck stu...

  17. You post this at 8:26 pm and earn yourself a -21 rep for it: and then have the temerity to post a blog an hour later with this in it??? Make up your mind – are we looking for a new goalie as you were suggesting in your thread or should we have 'faith' in the goalie we have? Your credibility is suffering just a wee bit, dearie......
  18. Hahaha! Just for you, Joe, I would! (Though I'd hate to make you too afeared to enter my profile page after something like that!) I'm so stoked for this game!! Go Henrik and Lordy, Lordy, pleeeease let us beat the Flames in a royally, @ss-kicking manner tonight!! (I've lost the battle to curb my extreme anti-Flameness today!) GO CANUCKS!!!!

  19. ...the Morris dancers will pack down the snow, oh “He Who Dances With Snowflakes”!! :D)

  20. Oh no, no, NO!!! Mother Nature's sense of humour DOES leave a lot to be desired - no wonder some folks think we live in igloos & drive dog sleds year round, this weather is ridiculous! If I don't hear from ya for 12 hours or so, I'll send out a St Bernard with a brandy flask, one of the Kokanee girls & a Morris dancing troupe to search for you! (At least ...

  21. Wow, talk about good old time hockey, eh Joe? Woooo..... all we needed was the benches and the coaches out there too! I must say, I do rather love a good old fashioned hockey brawl! Nicer if we win the game of course but still.....

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