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Bertuzzi Babe

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Everything posted by Bertuzzi Babe

  1. Since you are either not allowed to use personal messenger as per the message I received when I tried to send you one, or have disabled personal messenger; and having ignored/not bothered reading any PM in the past detailing why your posts have been deleted, here is your response. When you stop posting inappropriate (as per the board rules) material on CDC, then I will stop deleting your posts. You are subject to the board rules, just like everyone else and you agreed to abide by those rules when you were allowed back on this board. Also, in case you haven't bothered to read the board rules since you've so graciously been allowed back:
  2. Happy Birthday, LMP!! I hope you have a great day!! And cake, lots and lots of cake! :D

  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vdyW1MXNY-8&feature=related
  4. Happy July 4th - gonna deep fry a turkey or throw some steaks on the barbecue? Wish it was like the old days....

  5. In memory of a dearly loved and much missed friend who drowned Saturday doing something he absolutely loved.
  6. Yikezers!!! 1-nil, better pull up those cleats!! :P

  7. I think I actually have Clayderman's version on vinyl somewhere! I love his version because of the honky tonk piano sound it has to it! And you betcha, Gershwin's is THE best and Bernstein's is a pretty close second! The feet be tappin', how 'bout yours? ;-)

  8. Why yes, yes there is and he asked for you by name! (Well, that and cookies!) :D

  9. Tough times, EP? :( Hang in there!

  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RDCZCCQVbRs :D
  11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wBNUrYyGI7A
  12. Actually, it's Nietzsche, Joe! ;-) Sometimes he just has some great things to say about 'stuff'! lol

  13. The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privelege of owning yourself. :)

    Hope you and Sugar have a wonderful rest of the day!

  14. Dug out a bunch of my Dad's old 45s, it's nostalgia time this morning...
  15. It's a little mesmerizing listening to this inside your post with Kane dancing perfectly in time (in your sig) with the music!
  16. Heya lady!! ;-)

    Hope you're getting to enjoy the Sunday and it's a good un so far! Long distance runs are killing me with the dratted pollen & why is it grass continues to grow even during thunderstorms & rain? lol

  17. Through the rainy night to a place behind the raindrops where the stars are bright?

  18. Yeah, I guess you left out the whole maimed and mangled part! Sorry about that extra piercing but it does look kinda good with the stud through it! ;-)

    (Good place to hang your keys? :P )

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