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Bertuzzi Babe

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Everything posted by Bertuzzi Babe

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HERocgNz_g4&feature=related
  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=42i5rDIcyCs
  3. Thank you! ;)'s are worth way more than a +1 any day of the week! :D

  4. Lo-o-vin' the new profile pic, Deb! (Can ya recommend a massage therapist for the crick in my neck, now? :P)

  5. Sorry, GC, there shan't be any as the user has been escorted from the building by security! :D

  6. He can be reported for harassment, even if it's taking place in PMs!
  7. Indeed and it kills me to have to agree with ^^ A whole lot of posts have been deleted and I'm sure you are all aware why so I will not be sending you all PMs explaining the details. Seriously, a gang flame?? What are you people, 12? Enough already or this thread will require a timeout.
  8. Tis done! :D Bedbeats had quoted it as well so removed it from that post as well!
  9. I can edit Dellin's post and remove the picture if you'd like, EBB....
  10. They're both fun to ride until your friends see you, isn't that how it goes?

  11. You're welcome, EBB! Happy chatting! :D
  12. The Random Discussion Thread has been renamed for your daylight hours chatting enjoyment. If you'd like another name for it (within reason, of course!), let me know and I'll change it! :D
  13. Yeah, I did kinda sneak one in there! ;-) And really, Joe, I knew if I'd said not to do anything I wouldn't do, you'd be doing it anyway so I just wanted you to have fun doing it, but didn't want to ask if I should start a savings account now in case I hasta bail you outta jail! :P

  14. Have a great and safe trip to Portland Joe! And yes, hopefully the drama of the Canucks unanswered questions will all be a distant memory when you get back! Be safe, have a blast and we'll be waiting for your return! *hugs*

  15. G'night, my little chickadees - last one out sweeps out the nest, gets the lights and please, please remember to lock the door this time! (And don't forgets to lock up the liquor cabinet, those pesky OT people tend to wander in and help themselves! )
  16. Enough with the swearing, vulgar language and inappropriate content. Any further posts of this nature will result in this thread being locked.
  17. Hmm, might not be exackerly work uniform, though! ;)

  18. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GGiceab-jqQ&feature=related
  19. 30 in the Cariboo supposedly but the thermometer on my shaded patio says 35 right now Hotter'n'freakin' hell outside....
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