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Bertuzzi Babe

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Everything posted by Bertuzzi Babe

  1. Re: Your post in the "If you could date a celebrity" thread. Your inappropriate post has been removed. As your messenger is deactivated, ("The member can not use the messaging system") this is your notification.

  2. Thank you, thank you and oh, yes, THANK YOU!! :D

  3. `They that scorn the tribes and call us Britain's barbarous populaces,

    Did they hear me, would they listen, did they pity me supplicating? Shall I heed them in their anguish? Shall I brook to be supplicated?'

    Wilt thou ride with me, oh stalwart Eòsaph, on toward Camulodunum and then, the sack of fair Londinium?

  4. Aww, you're making me blush, Joe! I've always thought I'd like to be someone like her, or maybe Boadicea or just a flame-haired witch only without the burning at the stake bit! I remember picking up a broad sword at a Renn Fair a couple of summers ago & was surprised at how comfortable it felt in my hand! *sigh* I think I was born in the wrong time!

  5. .... for sure with your vast knowledge and my hmmm... passion for the game! lol

  6. I'll give you some advance notice if I'm heading up that way! I know the cousins have been pressuring for a visit and I'd really like to go see how my Dad's plaque is doing out on Idiot Rock! It's been awhile since I've been out there and it would be great to sit and have a chat over a brew! Who knows, we could rebuild this Canucks team into a Cup finalist fo...

  7. Whatever am I going to do without my Joe 'fix' for the summer? ;-) I may just have to come to Smithers & dance a fling while talking Canucks hockey during the off-season! Have a wonderful summer, Joe, I'm going to miss our profile chats & discussions of favourite tunes! Take good care of yourself! *hugs*

  8. Funny thing, that... She's the next one I had already chosen to use! :P

  9. I got sucked in by his words but nothing drives me more crazy than an arrogant, insufferable cocky jerk who's name should be POT for all the kettle calling he did today!

    (Now just in case I don't get back for game time due to a blog response I made, GO CANUCKS, GO & make Burish (& Eiger) eat their words!!)

  10. Bertuzzi Babe

    Game 4 Tonight

    I think you have your 'jewelry party' mixed up with your 'sex toy party' there dnebs. But then again, I'm doing my best to understand how difficult it must be for you to try and think rationally with that Hawks butt plug so firmly wedged in place. Class isn't a word even remotely associated with players the likes of Buttfuglyan or Burish, or for that matter, some of their fans (or should I say, “trolls”), either when they spew garbage like the quote below on another team's message board. Sorry, you fit the only part of the word left once one drops the “c” and the “l”. My original post has been edited because quite frankly, you aren't worth the possibility of being banned for what I had written and posted before the edit.
  11. I wish I could actually understand this so I could leave a comment about it...
  12. Had to miss that last game so have two games worth of energy all set to go for this one! It's going to be a two beer opening at 4:30 this time around! (If they don't get opened earlier! lol) What a game that first one was - I hope it's a repeat tonight! Git your jersey on, it's Hockey Night Tonight!! Go, Canucks, GO!!

  13. Had to miss that first game but am soo... so pumped up for this game! Absolutely cannot wait! It's just taking too long to get here! (I may have all the game beer gone before puck drop at this rate! lol) GO, Canucks, Go!!

  14. Happy Birthday Cake Day! Are ya all hyped up on icing? Heard the Hawks won today!!

  15. I hope you have your new Canucks jersey all laid out and ready for the game tonight! We'll try to do your 'new' team proud, but oh, man, the history we have with this Hawks team! Miss you around here, hope you'll come back to celebrate (or commiserate) with us during the series! First beer gets opened at 4:30 pm sharp! ;-)

  16. ...Danny Kaye! An old fave because my mom had the soundtrack from the movie Hans Christian Anderson!

  17. Hmm, Strip the Willow, now that sounds interesting! Fur-lined underwear for center ice & yes, that Black Watch tartan might do mighty fine! Can't wait for the game though I won't get to see it due to previously made plans I can't get out of :(

    "Till I'm in the arms of my darling again,

    My heart will find no home" Such a beautiful song by D...

  18. Though I do take exception to the Canucks/'Hawks prediction - these 'homer' glasses are welded pretty tight to this Canucks fan's eyes and you're pretty brave making that kind of prediction on this board Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go find my gaudiest Derby hat and practise sipping my mint julep with my pinky raised!
  19. Whew, one round down, another one to gear up for!! Ready for the next round of CT madness? I remember that Hawks craziness all too well! (IF, we get them, of course!)

  20. Just for you, Joe! ;-) If I could find a kilt with Canucks colours on it, I would do the sword dance at center ice the first game of the second round! (And if it's the Hawks, I might even throw in a Gay Gordon!)

  21. be drank, I promise not to talk Canucks hockey just the other teams waiting to finish off their series! ;-)

  22. Thanks for the great series, Marcel D! You have an amazing team and to be honest, this series could just as easily had your Kings moving on to the next round! What an exciting team to be a fan of! (Though I did have a hate-on for Brown there for a bit! :P) I know you just came for the series, but I hope you stay for awhile longer! I've a pitcher of beer just waiting to b...

  23. Aaand here we go!! ;-) I've got the beer chillin', the game dinner ready, the hair French braided exackerly like it was on Friday.... I can't wait, how about you? Maybe we should have YOU in a kilt for tonight's game - your knees can be the Canucks secret weapon! *wink* Seriously, what a night, been antsy all day waiting for game time! Hope to hear you cheering all the way to here, Joe!! Slainte!!

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