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The Situation

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Status Updates posted by The Situation

  1. If the Kings win, would it make you feel better knowing that we lost to the best?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Starmie


      which means we lost to the best for the third straight year...

    3. Scottish⑦Canuck


      I don't know how you can say they don't deserve it ^. They've handled everyone they've faced pretty easily. I'm rooting for NJ though.

    4. Bruce Boudreau

      Bruce Boudreau

      The Kings have dominated the whole playoffs. They are undefeated on the road. They are the most deserving team to win the cup by far.

  2. Lakers are eliminated! :)

  3. Maybe Ryan Kessler should be traded for Shea Webber, Marc Stall, Eric Stall or Jordan Stall?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. The Situation

      The Situation

      ^ They are on the same team.

    3. diesel_3


      or Gunner Stahl

    4. BM24


      Get NSH invloved and get Jordan TwoTwo

  4. People Power!

    1. Slender Man

      Slender Man


  5. Future Shop is an ironic name.

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Xbox


      Walmart > ALL!!!!!!!! (hehehe I work there)

    3. Xbox


      I was kidding about the Best Buy > FS thing. I dont care for either really

    4. InSoM-


      newegg.ca>>>>Futureshop. :P

  6. I don't want to wait for our lives to be over

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. The Situation

      The Situation

      I think its a good anthem for Canucks fans.

    3. The Brahma Bull
    4. Xbox


      *Leafs fans (myself)

  7. There can never be too many goaltending threads in Canucks Talk.

  8. What would YOU do for a Klondike bar?

    1. AppleJack


      watch a maple laugh game

  9. Luongo and Booth for Lucic and Thomas.

    1. AppleJack


      hmmmmmmm this is kind of interesting..........

  10. “I think Cody is a very young man who hasn’t had a lot of disappointments throughout his life. He’s probably having as tough time, personally, dealing with this one and trying to find a reason why it happened. We’ve all had times where we’ve encountered disappointment and tried to roll the [blame] in a different direction. We’ve all been through those things. Cody will learn from this.” ~A.V.

  11. It might be painful but its what is best for the team.

    1. Mr. Anderson

      Mr. Anderson

      Is Mike Gillis getting a colonoscopy?

    2. The Situation

      The Situation

      They are routine for men his age.

    3. JustJokinen!


      Nice. I lol'd.

  12. Blackhawks down. Once the Bruins and Kings are down, I can be content with whatever is the result of these playoffs.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. RockNroLLa.


      yes agreed, but it would be nice to see St. Louis lose (for fun) along with Nashville and Jersey (so that Parise, Suter and Weber dont wanna re-sign with their respective teams. Dont wanna see Ottawa win either (they were dirty against us) or New York (cause of 94) lol i guess that leaves Philly, Phoenix, Washington :) oh also dont want Florida to win either..this way they might offer plenty for our goaltender for next season.

    3. Tigs


      Personally I'm okay with these teams winning: Ottawa, Florida, St. Louis, and Phoenix.

    4. Bruce Boudreau

      Bruce Boudreau

      I actually don't really care if L.A. loses. It's gonna be a long series between St.Louis and L.A. two teams that play exactly the same way.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. The Situation

      The Situation

      LMAO, I saw some guy wearing the shirt earlier in a bar at lunch and I had trouble stopping myself from laughing.

    3. Ẉolverine


      Sounds like you're jealous of him.

    4. The Situation

      The Situation

      The initial status update was a joke just like John Cena is a joke.

  13. If there is one player I feel bad for, its Sami Salo. He has been so loyal and its likely his last season.

  14. Something is going on outside the VAG.

    1. JustJokinen!


      I bet it smells nice there.

    2. The Situation

      The Situation

      It smells like the art teacher's office.

    3. Scottish⑦Canuck
  15. Next game is not until Sunday...

  16. They should play this when Schneider enters the ice next game.

  17. It was a coaching decision not a management decision.

  18. To borrow a quote from Braveheart "Come. Lets get it over with." http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8n0Q8THJE60

    1. Scottish⑦Canuck


      Him representing the bandwagoners and Robert the Bruce representing the team and the rest of us? Fun fact: Robert the Bruce is my 23rd great grandfather. And also Smithers Joe's. Which makes Joe and I related about 20 generations back haha.

    2. The Situation

      The Situation

      Robert the Bruce is Mike Gillis and Hamish is Daniel Sedin.

    3. Scottish⑦Canuck


      Haha. They're even both redheads. The similarities are endless.

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