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WHL rocks

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Everything posted by WHL rocks

  1. Poolman is a player under coach BB He's becoming what I expected when we signed him.
  2. No more penalties Refs realize we paying a good game short pur top 2 Cs It's a game..
  3. We gotta play good D get this into OT A tie with us being without Miller Horvat and Demmer is a huge win for us even if we get 1 point..
  4. Win or lose. Very solid game by him. Didn't expect him to play so good.. No wonder he took over the #1 job in Abbotsford
  5. Claps.. Great piece on Rypien .. The man was all heart. As someone who's going thru a mentally difficult time lately this hit home.. RIP Ripper..may God bless your soul.
  6. Oh that would be awesome a out now. Going into 3rd up 2 would be great.
  7. Thank you for asking. Feeling a lot better on surgery.. leg is healing really well. But this concussion really getting tough on me.. Lots of dizziness and foggy vision. Got booked to see a concussion specialist today waiting for my appointment date.
  8. Agreed. Canucks playing well. Whoke team playing well. EP had cpl lazy plays but looks like he's catching up last couple of shifts. Our boys cane to play and came to play the right way.. They know they need a good defensive effort to have a chance. So far so good.
  9. They won 6-0 I think they blew their load last night and resting tonight.
  10. Good post. Meaningful. Good when ppl post stats like this at relevant times of the game..
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