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WHL rocks

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Everything posted by WHL rocks

  1. There is no question.. there is no doubt Demko is elite Top tier . We have him for his elite years at 5 mill aav This will be the best contract in the NHL for the next 4.5 seasons.. Not even close.. We have a superstar goalie in the making.. He's ready elite ... he will soon be a superstar.. Edit. I'm stupid
  2. Who knew DeNiro Definitely not me.. This is one for the ages.. I been watching hockey for decades.. This coaching change and run canucks are on right now I haven't ever witnessed.. Impressive..
  3. Much better my Surfer friend. Much better. Screws in ankle holding well I can put weight on now.. shin bone fracture hurts like a SOB at bed time.. fractured ribs I've had before so I know exactly what to expect.. it sucks big time... no getting around it.. just sucks... I won't bore you with the severe concussion.. it's complicated... Thanks for asking.. I very much appreciate you asking.. it's a mental battle laying on sofa for a month.. How about Podkolzin.. what a gem.
  4. That'd the team we WILL catch. This team is on fire... never seen nothing like this.
  5. Hogz is a player... We sure lucked out grabbing him in 2nd round.. I recall JB and Judd Bracket saying at the time that they got a 1st rounder in the 2nd round.. they were really happy that he was on the board when our turn in 2nd round
  6. I think pretty good odds he breaks 50.. Wouldn't it be amazing if he won the Rocket Richard and the Art Ross.. I would absolutely love to see that... it would be a story for the ages.. they'll be talking about it in 2088
  7. I watched ending of oilers game. They lost in OT.. We are gaining on every one.. Thought.... how can Ovechkin be possibly this great. He's 36 years old. Right there at top of standings with McDavid and draisitl... 24 goals 50 pts...... amazing.. unbelievable... 36 yrs old. 6'3 235lbs .. hits like a truck. Greatest of his generation..
  8. JB just traded away his 1st round pick last draft and 2nd upcoming draft.. JR is saying he's not trading away top picks.. he's looking to trade FOR top round picks... So opposite of JB.. JR thinks there are a lot of holes on this team.. he's looking to get younger and gain picks.. JB was trading away picks because he thought team was transitioning into a contender.. Opposite of JBs assessment of this team...
  9. OV tied with Draisitl for league leaders with 24 goals.. He's 2 pts behind McDavid for pts lead. McDavid 52 pts Draisitl 51 pts OV8 50 pts.. Amazing.
  10. OV Already the greatest imo. But he keeps climbing that ladder...
  11. I don't think he's trading Horvat or Miller any time soon. Not this season or this off-season. Maybe Miller goes next seasons tdl.. I think he'll trade guys lower down on the totem pole for picks and similar younger players. He also needs for offense, speed and size on bottom 6 forwards. He likely trades for upgrades there first..
  12. I fully expect trades at tdl and the draft.. no question in my mind there will be movement at those times.. I also expect a trade in January. A smaller deal but there will be a trade.. I think JR will upgrade our bottom 6 forward group pretty soon here.. he'll trade for more offense and more size on bottom 6 soon.
  13. “If we make trades, you know, it’ll be for draft picks, it’ll be for younger players, so we can bring this team together hopefully within a year or two to be that consistent playoff team,” Rutherford added. “It will be a much different approach for me [than with the Penguins.]” Jim Rutherford earlier on SN650 he's looking at 2 years down the road to become a consistent playoff team.. Not a rebuild but only getting younger and adding draft picks..
  14. The way Omicron is spreading I wouldn't be surprised if herd immunity kicks in soon. It's going thru the population like a wild fire.. Compared to other variants it is milder.. less death less hospital visits.. symptoms are tough and I wouldn't want it but it's not as bad as previous variants.. I wouldn't be surprised if almost everyone gets ot over the next 3 or 4 months and we develop heard immunity soon.. That would be ideal considering it is a milder version than when it first hit the planet..
  15. Omicron... everyone getting Omicron right now. It's spreading like a wildfire.. Delta made people end up in hospital. Omicron a lot less chance of hospital stay.. But symptoms are pretty strong from everyone I know that got it.. One of the guys from Xmas eve party can't swallow anything his throat is so bad.. 1 of the friends got the whole party sick. He got sick and got tested after Xmas eve party, it was positive for Omicron. Vaccines have lower protection against Omicron... I know approximately 20+ people who got it. 1 (unvaccinated) guy 35 yrs old has mild symptoms.. everyone else got hit pretty hard..
  16. Not true. My friend and his wife picked me up from hospital after surgery couple weeks so. Two days later the entire family was sick. All double vaxed. Kids are young adults. Everyone was hurting bad for over a week. Bad body aches very sore throat fever and flegm filled lungs and cough.. all of them.. Same thing happened with my other friend his wife and 14 hear old kid.. Another group of friends got sick after Xmas and one of them has mild symptoms.. he's NOT vaccinated.. he's scared to get it.. and he's the one with mild symptoms.. everyone else from that Xmas dinner is hurting bad.. Personally I didn't go anywhere Xmas. Not going anywhere new years. I have fractured ribs.. if I get a cough I'll die of pain so I'm being super careful.
  17. I was talking to my cousin in California this morning.. He said in his city people don't even act like there's an issue. No face masks, most people going about their life as normal.. He said people don't care at all.. they don't wear face masks, everything is open. He was shocked we have school closures up here right now...
  18. No one is scoring against us in the BB era. We're allowing less than 2 goals per game. That's crazy.
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