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WHL rocks

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Everything posted by WHL rocks

  1. I think Kane is just a stupid person. After all the heat he's under for gambling and alleged spousal abuse not to mention sex assaul accusations he goes and makes a fake Vaccination card and gives it to his NHL team. Then, obviously gets caught and a 21 game suspension for it... After that he's kicked off the NHL team and sent down to farm club, he then traveled to Canada 4 or 5 days after testing positive for covid. Why not run it by his agent and tell him to get ok from SJS. He should have been 100% straight and narrow. Dot the i cross the t. He was kicked off the Jets by his team mates. Now Sharks players don't want him on their team. He knows the SJS and the NHL are sick of him and want him gone.. I mean c'mon man. He's just a stupid person. Nothing else to it..
  2. I want some of what that guy named Craig who just called SN650 is on.. Actually, maybe not..
  3. Tough schedule. It's not easy wining against top teams in the league. CAR WSH FLD next. Very tough road trip.
  4. To come into Canada you need a negative covid test 24 hrs before you cross border.. otherwise can't get into Canada. SJS hust trying to get out of paying the remainder of his contract.
  5. And my original prediction was going to be 5-2 but I quickly typed the sane thing as the post above figured I can edit it.. but then saw it was 2-1 fld by then.. too late..
  6. Wow. You're doing great. It's nice to hear you are managing it well.. gives me hope for the future. I try to skip med doses. I can go until afternoon somedays now. Last week i usually got thru most of day before feeling severe pain.. i don't want to get dependent.. I'm ok but it's something one needs to be mindful about. Friday I over strained my body. I been hurting since approximately 5pm Friday. Woke up 3am today. In a miserable mood..lol Wish you good Health and best wishes.
  7. Oh my.... terrible injuries.. You seem like a champ.. You're doing good.. I broke left ribs in 2002 wrestling.. every winter I get pain. Now other side.. lol.. I know what is coming and what I'm in for.. sucks... Cheers.
  8. You know what. I appreciate youre post. I'm so cranky and bad shape mentally.. This sucks. Broken leg in 2 places, fractured ribs shoulder feels like a knife stuck in it.. I'm just a horrible person right now. I'm being miserable. I need to better.. You guys (this community) got me thru a mentally difficult time.. I should be better I delte post.. Thanks for checking me.. Wish canucks would play soon.
  9. Looks like we failed in Xinjiang with ETIM. Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan are not option anymore.. so we're blocking BRI and giving Russia a headache other than Ukraine.
  10. Lol I don't watch the Grammies, have absolutely no idea what an animate short is.. or even what it could possibly be.. But I get your point.. Not sure nhl needs a coaching staff of the month award.. unnecessary imo. Jack Adams is good.
  11. "He's being held prisoner" "He's in a hotel for immigrants full of fleas and horrible food " "He can't sleep" He's been prisoner for 24 hrs. He's being crucified These are words from Djokovic mom and dad.. Lol What world do these people live in.? Used to be my favorite tennis player a few years ago.. What a clown show of a family..
  12. Decades of watching hockey and I never knew there was a coaching staff of the month award. Lol.. Just knew about the Jack Adams award for coach of the year.
  13. This was months ago wasn't it? When Rogan got Covid and recovered in 3 days..
  14. Cheers mate.. I wish you good health and happiness in the new year. Good luck with you're recovery..
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