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Master Mind

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Everything posted by Master Mind

  1. The irony of it is they'd be able to make much more playoff revenue if they had a sound plan in place. Trying to take shortcuts to make the playoffs just leaves them without any playoff revenue at all.
  2. Yep, I thought we were trending in the right direction with recent trades, but this week has proven they still have no idea how to properly run a team. It's so bad that it's not even mediocrity, as we're typically out of the race by November. I'm not sure why so many fans find this acceptable.
  3. I don't think our team realises that cap space is an asset. Likewise with draft picks.
  4. True, we won't be doing much winning now or in the near future with these kind of moves.
  5. Spending draft picks (and always adding in unnecessary additional picks) for players to help win now. We're not close enough to being a contender that we should be buying. Garland is a recent example of this. Look how well that's turned out for us.
  6. Yes that's what we should have done. The future is bleak with the current path of retooling towards mediocrity.
  7. When the team continuously makes poor decisions that are obviously poor decisions, I will criticize them. Don't like hearing the truth? Get over it.
  8. This feels very similar to when LA traded Martin Jones. Moved him out east to avoid him, but he gets traded right back into their division.
  9. You can certainly rebuild while keeping those 3. We've been bad for a number of years now with them on the roster. If we had been rebuilding properly during that span, we'd have similar results except with cap space and a better prospect pool.
  10. We would still win some games of course. But if we're already bad enough to be 6th last, we'd be bad enough to acquire a couple top 10 and probably top 5 picks while keeping the big 3 together.
  11. Our team is already really bad WITH those players. We'd surely be even lower if we didn't have Bo, Miller, etc for the entire year. Seems like a couple more top 5 finishes could have been very doable, then in a couple years those players become part of the core with Petey/Hughes/Demko.
  12. Lundkvist fetched another 1st, Chytil likely could as well. That's a lot of 1sts we could have had in short order. At the very least, we'd have more assets to work with.
  13. Sad to see Voracek is done, he was one of my favourite non-Canucks. In picking up a goalie, this feels like Quick is likely being flipped.
  14. I disagree. I think the 1st from Bo and futures we could have received last deadline from Miller would have been a good start. Then we could have continued selling players whenever possible, and weaponizing our cap space for more assets. It's clearly not going to happen though. We'll be stuck making short sighted decisions, wasting draft picks on players that won't lead us to the playoffs.
  15. I'm just saying that it's possible to rebuild while keeping key pieces at each position. Don't need to trade the entire core away.
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