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Everything posted by PistolPete13

  1. Bit of an overreaction or what? I just expressed a personal preference. I really enjoy the WC as well No need to get on your high horse.
  2. I prefer the Euro tournament to the WC and for once I have a dog in the race (Ireland). I'm not that hopeful. I'm guessing that the Germans and Spain will make the finals and Italy and France will be in the hunt. England will once again fail the get it together. Their fans will make total arseholes of themselves. This is one area where they excel.
  3. Not to worry mate Johnny Football, er I mean Johnny Bench is on Jerry's radar.
  4. I heard that Denver might be looking at Tim Tebow. So yeah, the qb ranks are pretty thin.
  5. Raider fan here. So far I'm real happy with the free agent pickups. Shoring up the D with Bruce Irvin and Sean Smith, and grabbing Osemele for the O line. Solid under the radar moves. Raiders are rising up from the ashes. Soon we're going to be real good.
  6. I want to add a signature

  7. Congrats to the NEP. They seemed to be a beaten team in the 3rd quarter. Tom Brady was lights out all game. Still the Hawks snatched defeat out of the jaws of victory by getting too cute at the end. Pete... Run the damn ball!
  8. Aaron Hernandez says hello. I guess whacking a few guys isn't as bad as doing A few roids. Nobody on the NEP does those, not even Brandon Browner. No sir dem Patroits is squeaky clean.
  9. There is a lot of money riding on these games. I sure wouldn't be very happy if I had mine on Tampa Bay against the Habs this year. I can't remember a team getting jobbed so many times in a series, just to get it over with quickly so that Montreal could rest up for the Bruins. I don't like the Habs, but I sure admire how they are playing right now. I kinda wish the Canucks showed that extra bit of gumption a couple of years ago. I think that the refs aren't going to hurt Montreal in this series, but we'll see.
  10. It's impressive how passionate some are about keeping Torts. No real good reasons other than you don't fire the coach after only one year. If somebody better is out there come the end of the season (Barry Trotz, Dave Tippett, etc.), then you can be sure that they will bring him in. Yes, it's time to hold the players accountable for the slide that has happened ever since Daniel was concussed by Duncan Keith. It's also true that playing in the Pacific is no walk in the park. We all want the same thing, the right guy behind the bench to lead this team through its transition from the 2011 version to the next great Canuck team. Not so sure that JT is the right dude. Meanwhile, it's time to give Edler his walking papers - who knows somebody might still think that he is worth more than a bag of pucks.
  11. I don't understand the huge amount of support for MG. He inherited a great young talented group of players, made a nice pickup when Erhoff became available due to the Sharks stupidity ( Dany Heatly anybody?) and then watched his whole team get older at the same time. He made some good moves and some bad moves. The real problem was the bloody circus. MG just had to have an answer for everything. If he would have kept things in the room, then maybe everybody wouldn't be an expert about Lou's hurt feelings, Hodgson's hurt feelings, Kesler' hurt feelings, etc. etc. etc. Sometimes it pays off to just quietly go about your business. Also - Jay Feaster???? Just no.
  12. I compare the Trev as prez idea to Cam Neely as prez in Boston and Joe Sakic as prez in Colorado. Now they just have to find the right guy for the GM role and hire a new coach. Then we need to be patient. Trev's a real hockey guy - he'll do fine.
  13. Thanks for getting to the root of the problem Old News! I was shocked when this clown got hired and I'm disturbed that GM MG went along with this hiring, because it was a recipe for disaster. The fans in New York absolutely hated this guy because that team went through long stretches where they couldn't buy a goal (sound familiar?) When Tortarella got the job, I immediately assumed that this was an ownership hire. Everybody else makes the same assumption and it is obvious that nobody, not even MG, has said anything to make us think otherwise. Because MG went along with this, he is the weakest link - goodbye! Now what?
  14. I've been a Canuck fan from day mf one, but they have become totally unwatchable. Chicago has stuck to the program and they are doing pretty good. As a hockey fan I watch them and enjoy watching hockey. When I watch my Canucks play, I just want to cry. Will they ever score another goal????
  15. Thanks for the welcome. My wife is from Houston, so I've been up in your neck of the woods a few times.

    When I was a kid, we used to watch Phil Maloney, Larry Popein and the boys play the Seattle Totems, Portland Buckaroos, Victoia Maple Leafs etc at the old PNE Forum.

    Those were the good old days. I even enjoyed watching the early days of the Canucks at the Coliseum, as I grew u...

  16. PistolPete13


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