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Everything posted by shiznak

  1. lel, Kenta with the GTS tease. I wonder if Trips would let him use the move now that Punk is most likely never coming back.
  2. Sure they can, Boston did it with Papalbon. Oakland did it with Street. Atlanta did it with Kimbrel. Being a closers is pretty much a hit or miss. You put a guy in that position and pray and hope he does well, there's isn't really a correct way of moulding a pitcher into an elite closer. That's why you see guys come out of nowhere and become elite closers (Rivera, Kimbrel, etc), while other guys who have high velocity, never lived up to expectations (Koch, League, Morrow).
  3. All the top closers in the league were groomed with-in their organization, getting one by trading/signing one would be stupid of AA. Let Sanchez or Cecil take the role of the closer, and spend the money elsewhere.
  4. @JoeyBats19 Lawrie can come off as an egomaniac, due to his pitbull mentality on the field (I think he just wants to win badly). I know people who have met him in person and I been told he's a nice guy. Always had time to give out autographs to fans who stood outside the stadium.
  5. I don't how you got the idea that Donaldson is a better defender. Donaldson was ranked 20th amongst 3rd basemen with 100+ appearances in fielding percentage. Donaldson also had 23 errors at 3rd base, 12 of those were routine ground balls/flyouts that he missed. Lawrie had 16 errors combine in the last 3 years. Yes, offensively Donaldson is better than Lawrie, in terms of power. But like I stated, Lawrie has shown he put up offensive numbers, if he can stay healthy (that could change now that he doesn't have to deal with the astro-turf). You also have to factor in, Lawrie bats at the bottom in the lineup, compare to Donaldson who bats 3rd in Oakland. From the Jays standpoint, I much rather have a guy in the 6th spot, who can put up 20+ HRs and 70+ RBIs, that's a stellar defender.
  6. You're the one who was cherry picking stats, in the first place, saying batting average is a poor metric way to determine how good a player hits. I used batting average as an example, because it's the most common stat that people use, and it's been in the game for decades. The fact is Donaldson has had one good season at the prime of his career, while Lawrie has shown he can already put up big offensive numbers, at the age of 24.
  7. So based on WAR, Kyle Seager is more valueable to the Mariners than Miguel Cabrera is to the Tigers. Is that what you're saying?
  8. I hate sport junkies who uses advance stats, to determine how good a player is. WAR has its flaws, just like any other basic stats out there.
  9. Slappa da bass, mon.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. shiznak


      No, my status is from the movie.......I love you, man.

    3. Twilight Sparkle
    4. shiznak


      You don't mean that.

  10. Vince gains nothing if he sues Punk, in matter of fact, it'll probably hurt his company more than anything.
  11. Donaldson's overall hitting is better than Lawrie's, based on what? One good season, which he average just over .300? Last season, he hit just over .250, which was below the league average. In terms of HRs, yes the Coilseum is a pitcher friendly park, but it produces just as many hits and more extra base hits, as the Rogers Center. (Oakland: 1.022 Hits/1.114 doubles/1.200 triples, Toronto: 1.031/1.017/1.333). Also, Donaldson has horrendous numbers at the Rogers Center, bat just over .200 and even worst numbers against AL teams.
  12. If they wanted to solidify their top of the battling order then they could have just brought in Norichika Aoki, who can replace Melky's OBP. Martin would be the guy who replaces his bat, then they can spend money elsewhere without giving up any assets.
  13. People are too gaga over his one MVP season two years ago, other than that, he that type of player who will probably fall into obscurity in the next few seasons ala David Freese. Remember when AA got Dickey, Johnson, Buehrle and everybody was on the Jays bandwagon praising AA? Well, how did that turn out? I have no doubt that, this move is just a last ditch effort from AA trying to save his job. Like I said the Jays have bigger concerns right now, than adding another power bat.
  14. That was about his royalties nothing to do with health concerns. Punk seems like one of those guys who would say something bad about something, just to boost his own ego. Really? Is that why we don't see high risk moves, blading, and chair shots to the head, anymore?
  15. Highly doubt WWE doctors would let him wrestle with a concussion or even injured, after the whole Chris Benoit incident. I mean, Punk could file a lawsuit, if that were the case.
  16. Some would argue that Lawrie was the heart and soul of the Jays. One thing is for sure, you can never doubt his passion for the game. The guy always gave 110% on the field.
  17. Terrible trade, and not because Lawrie is my favourite player. Donaldson is essentially a power hitter, and that's the least of the Jays concerns, right now. Offensively, he's not that much of an upgrade, from Lawrie. Lawrie hit 11 HR last season with 70 AT, that would accumulate into 20-25HRs playing in a full season. Not much of a difference where Donaldson hit 29HRs. Defensively, both are outstanding infielders, but I would give Lawrie the edge on this one. Time and time again I heard players praising Lawrie's defensive skills, players from Buerhle to Jeter, saying he's the best 3rd basemen in the league. Those are pretty nice compliments from two of the best defensive players at their position. Lawrie's has a ton of talent, it's just too bad his intensity level is through the roof, which causes him to be prone to injuries.
  18. Kind of disappointed that they didn't use his WCW theme, nonetheless it was still nice to see his long awaited debut in WWE. Also, Rollins sure took a long time to recover from that zig zag.
  19. I hate to be JS25, but there's a rumour going around that Sting make his debut at SS. Much rather have him as a surprise rumble entry tbh.
  20. Hunter might be old, but he wouldn't be a downgrade, if they happen lose Melky. Stats wise, they were nearly identical, and there's no shame in adding a nine time golden glover. He'll be a perfect mentor to the young outfielders.
  21. LOL, Bad News Barrett will be on soccer central (on sportsnet) covering this week matches.
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