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Everything posted by shiznak

  1. I guess those rumours are true about him and Vince.
  2. Orton already tried that and failed, remember....Legacy?
  3. I smell a double turn for Orton at SS. Joins Team Cena, and double-cross his team in the end.
  4. shiznak


    Is it being televised?
  5. "Jannetty tried to escape through the window." lel
  6. Confession: i never liked any of your names, except for Cymbaline and Relic.
  7. Confession: I don't like his new name.
  8. Not quite, he gave you a stunner after you drank his last beer.
  9. I dreamt about TS once, we were out in the woods hunting with Stone Cold, like real men.
  10. Love when attitude guys interact with each other, brings back fond memories. As far as my favourite finisher, that would have to be Kidman's shooting star press.
  11. Sigh......they can put on an entertaining product to their fans (that's great) but it wouldn't make them any more money than what they are currently raking in right now, because they're aren't big enough in the mainstream market. Therefore sooner or later, there won't be a TNA for YOU to enjoy. There's only a few who actually enjoy TNA, and that's not enough for them to keep the company running. Like I said, they're in the same phase as ECW, when they were about to fold. The first step to gaining a strong audience is exposure/marketing, not putting on a good product. If you advertise your product to the market, then people will gain interests. Then, you can start working on putting an entertaining product. How do you think the WWE is as big as it is today? When Vince took over, he brought in Hogan, marketed him as an cult hero, and the rest is history. I can never see TNA do this, for two reasons: one, they don't have the support from their owners and two, their president (Dixie) has no background on how to run a wrestle business.
  12. And I thought I made it pretty clear: TNA doesn't have the same exposure to the mainstream market, like how the WWE does. Getting exposure = building a foundation = audience = money. You brought up how ECW had a good product, but look how that turned out. Just like TNA, ECW had a lot of internal issues behind the scenes. Not paying their wrestlers, having trouble getting a TV deal, letting their top stars go. You won't be able to run a successful business with all these problems, no matter how good your product is.
  13. I don't really what you're trying to prove. Like I said, no matter how entertaining your product is, you're never going to be as big as WWE (ratings isn't everything). The E have built their foundation for 40+ years and in today's world, it's all about getting into the mainstream culture, where the WWE is already at. No one will ever takeover the WWE, it's as simple as that. I mean, if TNA so entertaining like you rave about? Then, why can't they keep their loyal fans or why can't they keep their top stars? TNA is pretty much going through the same phase as ECW went through right before it folded.
  14. ECW actually had pretty decent ratings (700,000-1.7M), considering there wasn't streaming back then and it wasn't on basic cable.
  15. Austin vs. a heel Ambrose or Orton are the only matches that intrigue me. Austin vs. Cena would be too predictable.
  16. Things weren't just meant to be, but I still lurve you (in an other world).
  17. I'm pretty sure TS knows I'm aware that he's a guy. I knew him back when he was Relic. Honestly, I really did thought he was gay at first. I never really asked him about it, becuase its a touchy subject, and I didn't want to offend him. So I just kind of played along. I'm not gay, nor bi myself, but that's how I am around gay people. I "play flirt" with them, since most gay people are really outgoing. I'm just comfortable with my sexuality to play flirt with gay males.
  18. Turning Orton and Bray would be stupid. Those two are natural heels.
  19. We can watch it together, and cry in each other arms.
  20. I still shed tears when watching Dumbo.
  21. Honestly. I think wrestling as a whole is pretty much on the decline in demograhic, but what seperates WWE from TNA, when it comes down to folding, is that the WWE is already a multi-million dollar business, while TNA is holding on by their teeth. So even if their programming is more entertaining than the E or they put more money into their product, that's doesnt matter until they draw more fans.
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