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Everything posted by shiznak

  1. So, you're pretty much hoping he has the puck whenever he's on the ice.
  2. It is, but what happens when he isn't scoring?
  3. Nice input, keep on bumping your post count.
  4. I tried that, but I didn't like it. :D Maybe I could've fiddle around with the lighting a bit more, but I'm a very impatient man.
  5. Nylander is one dimensional, all flash and flare.
  6. Not one single player stood out offensively for Niagara that series, and yet they still took North Bay to 7 games (only team to do so). I mentioned, when Perlini isn't scoring, he does all the little things in his own end to prevent goals. His hockey IQ/sense is far superior than guys like Ritchie, Virtanen, and and Nylander.
  7. Kassian reminds me a lot like Dustin Penner, often lazy, inconsistent, unmotivated, and takes a ton of unnecessary penalties. The only difference is, Kassian plays more physical and is a lot quicker on his feet. I could see him having the same point productions as Penner, hovering around the 40-50 points mark. People need to stop thinking he'll turn into Bertuzzi or Lucic. When Todd and Milan were at his age, they already had their breakout season. He still young, but I don't see him being "that guy" everyone hopes he will be. Tanev is one of those defensemen, no one really knows about, aside from Canucks fans. So, I don't see him having much of a trading value. He's reliable in his own zone, but that really where it ends. He could step in into a top 4 role if someone is injured, but realistically he's a 5th or 6th defensemen. There's really nothing special about him, think Murray Baron or Scott Lachance, when they played, the unsung hero, who everyone loves. Stanton could easily replace him.
  8. Let me ask you whose going to replace Henrik, when he's done playing? Horvat? Kesler? This isn't NHL 14, where you could just replace a player on your roster from free agency and everything will just go away. This team seriously need to start building for the post-Sedin era and right now, looking at our prospects pool, no one really jumps out as a franchise player. Everyone seem to be too emotionally attached to our players, but the truth is, Kassian is replaceable. Tanev is replaceable. Whoever is the 6th pick is replaceable. This team has an opportunity to pick a franchise player with the first pick, something we haven't done in 14 years.
  9. Well, I could say the exact same thing about any of our prospects. When was the last time a consensus top 2 or 3 pick was a total bust? 14 years ago. I'll gladly take those chances and play the odds. If Tallon wants Kassian, our 6th and a second or third. I would take that deal, without any hesitation.
  10. Reinhart doesn't need to be a Crosby or Stamkos, he needs to be a guy this team can build around. I'd be just as happy if he turns into a Matt Duchene or an younger version of Jason Spezza. The fact is, the Sedins aren't getting any younger, and unless you think Kesler or Horvat can take the reigns as the number one guy, then I'm afraid we have a very dark future ahead of us.
  11. For the 1st overall pick? Just about every GM in the league.
  12. If that's all it's going to take to get that first pick, then I'd be content to part ways with Kassian, the 6th, and our 36th for it. Then, trade Kesler to Anaheim for the 10th (Perlini, Kapanen, Fleury, or Ritchie) and Etem.
  13. - Kassian, Tanev, + 6th for 1st overall + Olsen - Draft Reinhart - Kesler for Etem + 10th overall - Draft one of Perlini, Kapanen, Ritchie, Fleury, Ehlers.
  14. Yay, another Stanley Cup finals, I have no interests in. Go Lundqvist and Nash, I guess?
  15. I wouldn't trade Rasmus, simply because he's another left handed power bat, which this team kind of needs. You have Lind, who was a power hitter when he first came up, but now has turned into more of a line drive hitter. Francisco has power, but we don't really know if he can stay consistent throughout the season.
  16. If they want to build Cesaro as a top face, he's better off winning the Royal Rumble, and then challenge Lesnar at WM for the title.
  17. Hopefully this isn't a deja vu from last year, where they went on a 11 game winning streak. Then, losing the next six games, losing all hope of a playoff birth.
  18. So, this is how it ends......losing to the worst offence in the league.
  19. Gose is an exciting player on the base paths, but is a terrible hitter. I'll use Gose as a bench player and a late inning defensive replacement for Cabrera.
  20. Well apparently, some people might not think that's even enough of a return. In reality, Kesler won't fetch us anything more than that.
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